Tungsten Automation

Kofax Power PDF Advanced 5.0.0 Fix Pack 18

Build Date: Feb 19, 2024

© 2024 Tungsten Automation. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.


You can install Kofax Power PDF Advanced to resolve the issues listed below.

Kofax Power PDF Advanced is a cumulative fix pack, meaning that in addition to the issues listed in the Issues resolved in this fix pack section, it also contains all fixes that were released in previous fix packs. This means that installing previous fix packs is not required.

You can find more details about the fixed vulnerabilities in the advisories published on the Zero Day Initiative website: https://www.zerodayinitiative.com/advisories/published.
You can search among the vulnerabilities using the IDs in ZDI-CAN-XXXXX format.

Issues resolved in this fix pack

2087608: Adding headers and footers to a document after tagging it could cause content loss (file-specific).

2087383: When saving a PDF in PDF/A-1b format, the content could have been corrupted (file-specific).

2086596: The Redaction function produced extra artifacts in the form of lines (file-specific).

2086595: The script within certain form fields did not calculate the value correctly (file-specific).

2086594: USPTO did not accept fillable forms filled with Power PDF.

2086590: Power PDF could become unstable when printing a document (file-specific).

2086586: Power PDF failed to print specific pages of a particular document (file-specific).

2086585: Power PDF did not add the .pdf extension automatically when saving to Enterprise Connect.

2086575: Content loss could have occurred while tagging a specific document (file-specific).

2086567: Power PDF was unable to open documents with .eml extension from iManage.

2086562: The efficiency of the reduce function was insufficient (file-specific).

2086558: Disabling or enabling JavaScript did not take effect immediately and required a restart of Power PDF.

2086555: For non-English languages, JavaScript messages may apeared twice: once in the specified language and once in English.

2073847: New instances of Power PDF ceased responding to the command line parameter "/nameddest=[NameDest]" when another one was already running.

2072883: ZDI-CAN-22921: Kofax Power PDF PDF File Parsing Stack-based Buffer Overflow Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.

2072882: ZDI-CAN-22920: Kofax Power PDF TGA File Parsing Out-Of-Bounds Write Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.

2072880: ZDI-CAN-22919: Kofax Power PDF PSD File Parsing Out-Of-Bounds Write Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.

2072878: ZDI-CAN-22918: Kofax Power PDF PDF File Parsing Out-Of-Bounds Write Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.

2072877: ZDI-CAN-22917: Kofax Power PDF PSD File Parsing Heap-based Buffer Overflow Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.

1980510: Enhancement: Improved tagging for better accessibility.

Issues resolved in previous fix packs

Issues resolved in Fix Pack 17

2082312: Power PDF might have become unstable when inserting a value into a form field (file-specific).

2073861: A UI text string of Power PDF in the Spanish language did not display completely.

2073860: PDF Create did not convert .eml format emails with certain characters accurately (file-specific).

2073855: Power PDF failed to attach files to documents generated by SAP (file-specific).

2073853: Power PDF became unstable when it saved a file (file-specific).

2073851: Power PDF failed to open a link pointing to a PDF document using the Edge "Open in Kofax Power PDF" button.

2073850: Power PDF failed to print a file; some pages came out in black (file-specific).

2073849: Power PDF failed to interpret the email link when the email address was close to other text (file-specific).

2073848: Text alignment was off, and some characters were missing (file specific).

2073847: Power PDF did not recognize the command line parameter "/nameddest=[NameDest]".

2073845: Power PDF became unstable when it zoomed in on page 6 (file-specific).

2073843: The "Page Layout" option under "Accessibility" did not have the correct priority.

2073817: Create PDF add-on for iManage doubled the file name extension when uploading PDFs.

2073815: Power PDF became unstable when editing a PDF file generated by Chrome River (file-specific).

2073812: Power PDF failed to display dynamic form fields (file-specific).

2073672: Power PDF failed to save documents to iManage if the default document class [DOC] was removed (server-specific).

2073451: Enhancement: The error message for empty AIP authorization tokens was improved to include possible reasons.

2063785: Power PDF did not print a specific document correctly; some text was not visible (file-specific).

2072988: ZDI-CAN-22934: Kofax Power PDF PDF File Parsing Out-Of-Bounds Read Information Disclosure Vulnerability.

2072987: ZDI-CAN-22933: Kofax Power PDF AcroForm Annotation Out-Of-Bounds Read Information Disclosure Vulnerability.

2072986: ZDI-CAN-22932: Kofax Power PDF PDF File Parsing Out-Of-Bounds Read Information Disclosure Vulnerability.

2072985: ZDI-CAN-22931: Kofax Power PDF PDF File Parsing Memory Corruption Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.

2072984: ZDI-CAN-22930: Kofax Power PDF PDF File Parsing Memory Corruption Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.

2072983: ZDI-CAN-22929: Kofax Power PDF PDF File Parsing Out-Of-Bounds Read Information Disclosure Vulnerability.

2072982: ZDI-CAN-22928: Kofax Power PDF PDF File Parsing Out-Of-Bounds Write Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.

2072981: ZDI-CAN-22927: Kofax Power PDF PDF File Parsing Heap-based Buffer Overflow Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.

2072885: ZDI-CAN-22926: Kofax Power PDF PDF File Parsing Heap-based Buffer Overflow Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.

2072884: ZDI-CAN-22925: Kofax Power PDF PDF File Parsing Out-Of-Bounds Write Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.

2067455: ZDI-CAN-22588: Kofax Power PDF app response Out-Of-Bounds Read Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.

1991657: ZDI-CAN-22018: Kofax Power PDF PNG File Parsing Out-Of-Bounds Read Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.

1991646: ZDI-CAN-22022: Kofax Power PDF PNG File Parsing Out-Of-Bounds Read Information Disclosure Vulnerability.

1991644: ZDI-CAN-22033: Kofax Power PDF TIF File Parsing Stack-based Buffer Overflow Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.

1991639: ZDI-CAN-21976: Kofax Power PDF GIF File Parsing Out-Of-Bounds Read Information Disclosure Vulnerability.

1991614: ZDI-CAN-21978: Kofax Power PDF JPG File Parsing Out-Of-Bounds Read Information Disclosure Vulnerability.

1981433: ZDI-CAN-21829: Kofax Power PDF PNG File Parsing Out-Of-Bounds Read Information Disclosure Vulnerability.

Issues resolved in Fix Pack 16

2065671: Power PDF became unstable when editing the text of a specific PDF document (file-specific).

2065668: A saving issue occurred when Power PDF tried to add a single mail to a large portfolio package.

2065661: Power PDF did not show all published Azure Information Protection labels.

2065650: Power PDF did not import a specific .p12 signature.

2065649: The Typewriter and Edit Text tools became unstable after using the Touch Up Reading Order tool.

2065645: Power PDF did not open documents from iManage if the matter folder has a trailing space.

2065644: Power PDF became unstable while attempting to sign a PDF using the new Belgian eID card.

2063794: Power PDF became unstable during page duplication in Document Assembly mode (file-specific).

2063791: Power PDF did not validate DocuSign signatures correctly.

2063789: Line breaks were not supported by the Send Form feature.

2063787: Power PDF incorrectly converted a specific email to PDF (file-specific).

2063786: The check box style in Power PDF could not be changed for a specific PDF created from MS Word 2007.

2063785: Power PDF incorrectly printed a specific PDF (file-specific).

2063784: Power PDF took up to 3 minutes to move 15 pages from one document to another with drag-and-drop in the Pages panel (file-specific).

2063783: By default, Power PDF pre-selected the wrong sheet for printing (file-specific).

2063782: Power PDF did not stay in full-screen mode when a link is clicked.

2063781: A limitation of 150 characters was in place for the attachment types list in Group Policy Objects.

2063780: A JavaScript error occurred when opening a specific form (file-specific).

2063779: Power PDF became unstable when opening a specific form (file-specific).

2063778: Power PDF became unstable when applying an image effect to a specific file (file-specific).

2063775: Power PDF incorrectly converted figures with thousands separators for 9 or more digits (such as X,XXX,XXX,XXX.XX).

2063773: Power PDF did not recognize some tables when converting PDF to Excel (file-specific).

2040951: Power PDF did not filter out unsupported items from the list of certificates offered for signing.

1996462: Power PDF did not accurately recognize tables when converting PDF to .xlsx format (file-specific).

1991642: ZDI-CAN-21975: Kofax Power PDF XPS file parsing use-after-free remote code execution vulnerability

1991631: ZDI-CAN-21980: Kofax Power PDF OXPS file parsing stack-based buffer overflow remote code execution vulnerability

1991611: ZDI-CAN-21990: Kofax Power PDF OXPS file parsing use-after-free information disclosure vulnerability

1991608: ZDI-CAN-21988: Kofax Power PDF OXPS file parsing out-of-bounds read information disclosure vulnerability

1991603: ZDI-CAN-22016: Kofax Power PDF BMP file parsing out-of-bounds write remote code execution vulnerability

1978457: ZDI-CAN-21606: Kofax Power PDF PDF file parsing out-of-bounds read information disclosure vulnerability

1978215: ZDI-CAN-20573: Kofax Power PDF XPS file parsing use-after-free remote code execution vulnerability

Issues resolved in Fix Pack 15

2054320: Power PDF did not validate some DocuSign signatures correctly (file-specific).

2054317: PDF Create did not combine .eml files with very long titles, showing the "Encountered an improper argument" error message (file-specific).

2054312: Power PDF did not render a document correctly; certain pages appeared with some depiction issues (file-specific).

2054310: Power PDF did not correctly copy and paste some text from PDF to other applications (file-specific).

2042558: PDF Create did not correctly convert some .msg format emails with a specific font (file-specific).

2040953: Power PDF incorrectly displayed the states of some check boxes starting from page 4 (file-specific).

2040952: Power PDF did not process specific PDF forms in silent mode (VBS automation).

2040948: Power PDF incorrectly displayed the states of some check boxes (file-specific).

2040945: Power PDF did not save the states of some check boxes for a specific PDF created in LiveCycle Designer (file-specific).

2040943: Some branches in the accessibility checker tree had elements in reverse order (file-specific).

2040942: Power PDF failed to dynamically adjust the content of a PDF form to the correct number of pages (file-specific).

1991662: ZDI-CAN-22040: Kofax Power PDF file parsing use-after-free remote code execution vulnerability

1991661: ZDI-CAN-22045: Kofax Power PDF file parsing use-after-free remote code execution vulnerability

1991641: ZDI-CAN-21977: Kofax Power PDF AcroForm annotation out-of-bounds read information disclosure vulnerability

1991612: ZDI-CAN-21979: Kofax Power PDF file parsing out-of-bounds read information disclosure vulnerability

1978424: ZDI-CAN-21584: Kofax Power PDF PDF file parsing out-of-bounds write remote code execution vulnerability

1978062: Power PDF integration in iManage 10 contextual browser menus did not work in multi-user environments.

Issues resolved in Fix Pack 14

1998515: Enhancement: Added pre-configuration records for the Fujitsu PaperStream scanner family.

1998517: Power PDF became unstable when opening a specific PDF document (file-specific).

1998514: When combining two specific documents, some images were omitted (file-specific).

1998512: Power PDF did not render a document correctly; a green stamp was omitted (file-specific).

1998511: "Philippines" was misspelled in the country list in the "Create a Self-Signed Digital ID" dialog box.

1998510: Power PDF became unstable when opening a specific PDF document (file-specific).

1998509: Power PDF became unstable when opening a specific PDF document (file-specific).

1998508: Power PDF became unstable when tagging a specific PDF document (file-specific).

1998506: Power PDF lost annotations after a specific document was flattened and saved (file-specific).

1998505: Power PDF had issues with embedded fonts when opening a specific document (file-specific).

1998503: Power PDF became unstable when interacting with a specific PDF form (file-specific).

1998498: Power PDF had performance issues when loading a specific PDF form (file-specific).

1998490: When combining different document formats into a single PDF, Power PDF deleted the non-PDF source documents.

1998483: Power PDF had JavaScript performance issues with a custom script that clears all form fields (file-specific).

1978620: ZDI-CAN-21585: Kofax Power PDF PDF file parsing out-of-bounds write remote code execution vulnerability

1941298: Enhancement: Added the capability to include ZertES certificates to the list of trusted certificates for Power PDF.

Issues resolved in Fix Pack 12

1986711: Power PDF indicated that a signed DocuSign PDF was modified after signing when it was not the case.

1986709: When drawing lines in Power PDF, the orthogonal mode did not work when modifying lines.

1986706: Opening some signed files took too much time (file-specific).

1985431: Changing between fields using either the tab or mouse took too much time (file-specific).

1985430: Power PDF did not validate some D-Trust signatures correctly (file-specific).

1985267: When JavaScript was disabled in Power PDF, no JavaScript hint appeared (file-specific).

1985266: When archiving emails using Power PDF, quotes ["] in the subject were changed to """.

1985264: A JavaScript error occurred when filling a date filed in Power PDF (file-specific).

1985263: Power PDF became unstable when saving a specific file to PDF-A (file-specific).

1985257: A script error occurred when opening iManage Document Properties for iManage 10 cloud servers.

1985254: Zone for a Handwritten Signature was misplaced when checked in Compliance Checker (file-specific).

1985250: Power PDF did not recognize formatting scripts for form fields (file-specific).

1985249: Font displayed incorrectly in headers and footers (file-specific).

1985236: Power PDF utilized an outdated version of the libeay32.dll file (v0.9.8), which is afflicted by vulnerability CVE-2009-3245.

1985235: Content loss occurred when combining files with enabled tagging (file-specific).

1985234: A C++ Runtime Library error occurred when trying to apply a specific digital signature.

1985233: When converting PDF to editable, some text became underlined by mistake (file-specific).

1985232: When converting PDF to DOCX, some French characters were omitted (file-specific).

1985230: When converting PDF to PPTX, some cells were merged into a single row in a table (file-specific).

1979229: ZDI-CAN-21582: Kofax Power PDF PDF file parsing memory corruption remote code execution vulnerability

1978477: ZDI-CAN-21583: Kofax Power PDF PDF file parsing memory corruption remote code execution vulnerability

1978466: ZDI-CAN-21602: Kofax Power PDF PDF file parsing heap-based buffer overflow remote code execution vulnerability

1978460: ZDI-CAN-21604: Kofax Power PDF PDF file parsing out-of-bounds read information disclosure vulnerability

1978451: ZDI-CAN-21603: Kofax Power PDF PDF file parsing heap-based buffer overflow remote code execution vulnerability

Issues resolved in Fix Pack 11

1978147: Power PDF did not suport paging using Logitech Presenter in "Full Screen" mode.

1978141: Opening a second PDF document from the eDocs DM client delayed 30 seconds.

1977213: Power PDF could become unstable when moving Text tag content into a Link tag.

1977210: Power PDF could become unresponsive with a black screen when dragging and dropping .txt documents to convert (file size dependent).

1977206: Power PDF did not render the document correctly: some red text stamps were missing (file-specific).

1977204: Power PDF could fail to start showing "DDE Connect Failed" if prior a "Send to Power PDF" printing workflow was used.

1977201: Email contacts with special characters could be missing when archived using Power PDF (file-specific).

1977198: Power PDF was saving to iManage with .tmp extension instead of .pdf when the source was a PDF embedded into a Word document.

1977195: Users with access to an iManage 10 subfolder only (under a secured workspace) could not open PDF documents using Power PDF.

1977185: Slow rendering nearly blocked document scrolling in Power PDF (file-specific).

1977180: Power PDF did not detect the "Segoe-IU" font when editing specific text in the document (file-specific).

1977171: Power PDF could become unstable when performing OCR and proofreading on a PDF (file-specific).

1977162: Power PDF could become unresponsive when printing a PDF document (file-specific).

1977152: When saving to NetDocuments, the file browser window could open behind other windows.

1977149: Text in an email message could convert to italics when archiving using Power PDF (file-specific).

1966819: Improved visual appearance for the "Replace Text" feature.

1934668: Power PDF could produce incorrect hyphenation when using "Edit Text".

1962966: ZDI-CAN-20605: Kofax Power PDF replacePages stack-based buffer overflow remote code execution vulnerability

1962965: ZDI-CAN-20604: Kofax Power PDF saveAs stack-based buffer overflow remote code execution vulnerability

1962964: ZDI-CAN-20603: Kofax Power PDF importDataObject stack-based buffer overflow remote code execution vulnerability

1962963: ZDI-CAN-20601: Kofax Power PDF response type confusion remote code execution vulnerability

1949795: ZDI-CAN-20588: Kofax Power PDF popUpMenu heap-based buffer overflow remote code execution vulnerability

1941957: ZDI-CAN-20567: Kofax Power PDF clearInterval out-of-bounds write remote code execution vulnerability

1941956: ZDI-CAN-20566: Kofax Power PDF printf uninitialized variable remote code execution vulnerability

1941953: ZDI-CAN-20560: Kofax Power PDF clearTimeOut out-of-bounds write remote code execution vulnerability

1940193: ZDI-CAN-20451: Kofax Power PDF PDF file parsing out-of-bounds write remote code execution vulnerability

1940170: ZDI-CAN-20445: Kofax Power PDF U3D file parsing out-of-bounds write remote code execution vulnerability

1940166: ZDI-CAN-20472: Kofax Power PDF U3D file parsing use-after-free information disclosure vulnerability

1940158: ZDI-CAN-20471: Kofax Power PDF U3D file parsing out-of-bounds read information disclosure vulnerability

1940153: ZDI-CAN-20470: Kofax Power PDF U3D file parsing out-of-bounds read information disclosure vulnerability

1940147: ZDI-CAN-20444: Kofax Power PDF U3D file parsing out-of-bounds read remote code execution vulnerability

1940145: ZDI-CAN-20469: Kofax Power PDF U3D file parsing out-of-bounds read information disclosure vulnerability

1940133: ZDI-CAN-20453: Kofax Power PDF PDF file parsing out-of-bounds read information disclosure vulnerability

1940095: ZDI-CAN-20441: Kofax Power PDF BMP file parsing heap-based buffer overflow remote code execution vulnerability

1940093: ZDI-CAN-20442: Kofax Power PDF J2K file parsing out-of-bounds write remote code execution vulnerability

1940089: ZDI-CAN-20440: Kofax Power PDF JP2 file parsing out-of-bounds write remote code execution vulnerability

1940078: ZDI-CAN-20395: Kofax Power PDF PCX file parsing out-of-bounds write remote code execution vulnerability

1940069: ZDI-CAN-20487: Kofax Power PDF JP2 file parsing out-of-bounds write remote code execution vulnerability

1940068: ZDI-CAN-20488: Kofax Power PDF GIF file parsing memory corruption remote code execution vulnerability

1940067: ZDI-CAN-20489: Kofax Power PDF JP2 file parsing out-of-bounds write remote code execution vulnerability

1940066: ZDI-CAN-20490: Kofax Power PDF PDF file parsing memory corruption remote code execution vulnerability

1940065: ZDI-CAN-20491: Kofax Power PDF JP2 file parsing out-of-bounds read information disclosure vulnerability

1940064: ZDI-CAN-20529: Kofax Power PDF PDF file parsing out-of-bounds read information disclosure vulnerability

1940062: ZDI-CAN-20452: Kofax Power PDF TIF file parsing out-of-bounds write remote code execution vulnerability

1940054: ZDI-CAN-20439: Kofax Power PDF PNG file parsing heap-based buffer overflow remote code execution vulnerability

1940052: ZDI-CAN-20394: Kofax Power PDF GIF file parsing out-of-bounds write remote code execution vulnerability

1940042: ZDI-CAN-20443: Kofax Power PDF TIF file parsing out-of-bounds write remote code execution vulnerability

1940024: ZDI-CAN-20393: Kofax Power PDF JP2 file parsing out-of-bounds write remote code execution vulnerability

1940010: ZDI-CAN-20486: Kofax Power PDF PDF file parsing heap-based buffer overflow remote code execution vulnerability

1939969: ZDI-CAN-20392: Kofax Power PDF TIF file parsing out-of-bounds write remote code execution vulnerability

1939953: ZDI-CAN-20468: Kofax Power PDF PDF file parsing out-of-bounds read information disclosure vulnerability

1939952: ZDI-CAN-20461: Kofax Power PDF GIF file parsing out-of-bounds read information disclosure vulnerability

1939951: ZDI-CAN-20460: Kofax Power PDF JPG file parsing use-after-free information disclosure vulnerability

1939948: ZDI-CAN-20458: Kofax Power PDF PNG file parsing out-of-bounds read remote code execution vulnerability

1939947: ZDI-CAN-20485: Kofax Power PDF JP2 file parsing out-of-bounds write remote code execution vulnerability

1939946: ZDI-CAN-20455: Kofax Power PDF JPG file parsing out-of-bounds read information disclosure vulnerability

1939945: ZDI-CAN-20454: Kofax Power PDF JPG file parsing out-of-bounds read information disclosure vulnerability

1939943: ZDI-CAN-20390: Kofax Power PDF PDF file parsing out-of-bounds write remote code execution vulnerability

1939939: ZDI-CAN-20397: Kofax Power PDF PNG file parsing out-of-bounds write remote code execution vulnerability

1939908: ZDI-CAN-20389: Kofax Power PDF PCX file parsing memory corruption remote code execution vulnerability

1939892: ZDI-CAN-20388: Kofax Power PDF PNG file parsing memory corruption remote code execution vulnerability

1939642: ZDI-CAN-20373: Kofax Power PDF GIF file parsing stack-based buffer overflow remote code execution vulnerability

1939573: ZDI-CAN-20396: Kofax Power PDF PNG file parsing out-of-bounds write remote code execution vulnerability

1939545: ZDI-CAN-20391: Kofax Power PDF BMP file parsing heap-based buffer overflow remote code execution vulnerability

1939407: ZDI-CAN-20230: Kofax Power PDF exportAsText exposed dangerous method remote code execution vulnerability

Issues resolved in Fix Pack 9

1962851: JavaScript did not work as expected (file-specific).

1962709: Power PDF could become unstable when applying "Optimize" with the "Use MRC Layers" option for large page sizes (file-specific).

1962668: Power PDF did not validate DocuSign signatures correctly after Fix Pack 8.

1961799: Power PDF did not fix certain metadata issues when saving to PDF-A (file-specific).

1961794: In particular cases, the wildcard template for the SharePoint blacklist did not work as expected.

1961786: Power PDF rendered the document with wrong font color and background gradient (file-specific).

1961775: Power PDF could become unstable when using the blacklist for SharePoint with logging enabled.

1961768: Power PDF could become unstable when opening a document (file-specific).

1961723: Power PDF could become unstable when printing a document (file-specific).

1961710: When printed from Power PDF, hyphens sometimes looked more like underscores.

1961701: Valid signatures could be missing from the list of available signatures after Fix Pack 7.

1961700: Power PDF did not update the iManage connector configuration file when importing the connection information from the iManage client app.

1961697: Power PDF could become unstable with a specific IMWorkOptions.xml when enabling both iManage Work and iManage 10 connectors.

1961689: Power PDF did not render the document correctly: some test labels were missing (file-specific).

1961684: Power PDF did not print the document correctly: some text appeared with a wrong background color (file-specific).

1961681: When entering text in the PDF form, the text did not appear centered vertically nor fit into the field (file-specific).

1961660: PDF to Excel conversion removed the negative sign preceding certain digits (file-specific).

1961658: PDF to Excel conversion removed the table part of the document (file-specific).

Issues resolved in Fix Pack 8

1935607: Enhancement: PDF accessibility - added the "Previous" and "Next" buttons, to be able to iterate through items with a missing Alternate Text.

1941259: Enhancement: Added possibility of wildcard usage in the SharePoint blacklists.

1941264: Enhancement: Implemented a global SharePoint blacklist that end users cannot modify (SPServersBlackList.dat).

1953934: Enhancement: A GPO setting was added to specify whether to use the Windows user name as the author of the document or not.

1953938: Specifying certain printing options with JavaScript did not work.

1953289: Resizing arrow-type comments written in large font size (12 pt) was difficult.

1953286: Some signature types did not automatically validate (signature-specific).

1953282: When archiving mails Power PDF did not create file attachment icon in the resulting PDF for emails with emojis in the subject.

1953281: In case of certain links Power PDF did not jump to the right place (file-specific).

1953280: Power PDF could become unstable when editing text in a specific PDF (file-specific).

1953277: Power PDF could become unstable when opening a specific document (file-specific).

1953273: Power PDF created two copies of the resulting document when dragging pages to a drop target in a browser.

1953271: Power PDF did not read Enterprise Connect configuration from HKLM.

1953269: Power PDF did not render a document correctly (file-specific).

1953263: Power PDF did not render a document correctly (file-specific).

1953261: "Make PDF searchable" could result in content upside-down (file-specific).

1953260: Image objects pasted from Windows Snipping Tool did contain some unwanted pixels at the bottom of the image.

Issues resolved in Fix Pack 7

1933805: Enhancement: Implemented the new AutoCompare command for comparing two documents unattended with a script.

1943007: Scripted Print command did not support multiple print ranges as parameter.

1943016: Power PDF did not recognize a specific EUTL certificate as valid (file-specific).

1943017: Power PDF did not retain the order set by the "Set Field Calculations Order" tool (file-specific).

1943020: Create Assistant did not check-in PDFs saved to NetDocuments.

1943022: Power PDF was not stable enough sometimes when canceling the document signing process.

1943023: Power PDF did not filter out unsupported items from the list of certificates offered for signing.

1943026: Accessing the Set Tab Order feature was not convenient enough.

1943029: Power PDF did not support emojis when converting emails to PDF.

1943032: Power PDF removed more than was marked when applying Redaction (file-specific).

1943034: Power PDF printer driver sometimes failed to print multiple emails with PDF attachments.

1944355: Power PDF cleared "Hover text" when "Field Name" updated after copying a form field.

1944360: Power PDF could become unstable while verifying specific signatures (file-specific).

1944361: Power PDF did not allow to reply to a comment on the Comments panel.

Issues resolved in Fix Pack 6

1884412: Enhancement: New GPO setting created for specifying the list of "Allowed/Disallowed attachment file types".

1928767: Enhancement: New GPO setting created for predefining the "WCS: Validate Signatures" and "WCS: Validate Certificate Documents" options.

1935941: "Reduce current file" feature was not efficient enough (file-specific).

1934677: Power PDF did throw "Connection failed" error when cancelling iManage file picker window.

1934674: Power PDF did place table elements into "Text boxes" starting from the second page (file-specific).

1934668: Power PDF could split paragraphs into multiple text boxes in "Edit Text" mode, making editing more difficult.

1934658: New instances of Power PDF windows did not keep opening in full screen.

1934655: Power PDF did update the iManage and SharePoint connector configuration files on each exit, regardless of whether changes were made.

Issues resolved in Fix Pack 5

1923331: Power PDF could become unstable when opening a document (file-specific).

1923330: Power PDF could become unstable while using the Comments Panel with a document (file-specific).

1923326: Power PDF could become unstable when printing (file-specific).

1900037: Power PDF could become unstable when opening a document (file-specific).

1900035: Power PDF did not render a document correctly (file-specific).

1900031: Power PDF did not render a document correctly (file-specific).

1900028: Power PDF did not validate EUTL certificates correctly (file-specific).

1900024: Power PDF did not show all the file types on the iManage server due to a wrong filter set.

1900023: Power PDF did not print specific documents correctly to the Planet Press printing server (file-specific).

1900018: Power PDF applied an unwanted filter when saving a new document to iManage10.

1884505: Certain fillable form fields did not show up in Power PDF (file-specific).

1900036: Enhancement: New GPO settings created for hiding and showing the buttons on the Outlook add-in toolbar.

1899136: Enhancement: New GPO setting created for hiding and showing the "Reset list of allowed/disallowed file attachment types" check box.

Issues resolved in Fix Pack 4

1885670: Default mail signature did not appear in e-mails sent from Power PDF.

1884505: Some fillable form fields did not show up in Power PDF (file-specific).

1884487: Some signatures from European Union Trust List (EUTL) did not automatically validate (signature-specific).

1884480: Power PDF did have performance issues while editing complex Tag-trees.

1884473: Power PDF did not save PDFs to iManage 10 as new versions or as new document if the title was exceeding 110 characters.

1884467: Power PDF did not open PDFs embedded in MS Office documents as Adobe Acrobat PDFs.

1884462: Power PDF became unstable when printing specific files (file-specific).

1884449: When annotating a PDF using the Replace Text feature, strikethrough lines sometimes appeared on the wrong page.

1884443: Power PDF did not work with the Canadian service of ndOffice.

Issues resolved in Fix Pack 3

1860323: Power PDF did not respond for a couple of minutes when opening a specific PDF (file-specific).

1860324: Fix Pack 1 did not preserve the application UI settings.

1860325: Power PDF did not move back some dialogue to the primary monitor when the secondary was disconnected.

1860326: Power PDF did not orientate certain PDF documents properly when printing.

1860330: Power PDF did not show the correct value for a specific LifeCycle fillable form (file-specific).

1860331: Power PDF did not highlight the search findings if the "Show on Screen Display" option was disabled for watermarks.

1860333: When converting .msg files with Create Assistant, the email address did not appear in the "From" field.

Issues resolved in Fix Pack 2

1846950: Power PDF did not preserve minimized state of the Ribbon.

1846948: Power PDF prevented adding a PDF file as a COM object into a DOCX by dragging.

1846947: Power PDF had issues converting specific PDF files to PPTX (missing images and other conversion issues).

1846945: FormTyper did not recognize all form fields within a PDF file.

1846944: While converting PDF to DOCX or XLSX, the quality deteriorated after a specific page.

Issues resolved in Fix Pack 1

1758793: Added a "Find & Replace" function to the "Edit Text" feature.

1838079: EUTL Signature Validation did not validate correctly (file-specific).

Initial set of fixes for 5.0 - fixes that were addressed in 4.1 since the release of 5.0 [4.1 FP8 - 4.1 FP11]:

1838073: After converting PDF file to Excel, some columns merged and did not align properly (file-specific).

1838071: Power PDF was not stable enough in the customer's environment when working with iManage (environment specific).

1838068: When converting a specific DOCX to PDF U/A using the Office add-in, the progress indication bar did not move for long periods of time (file-specific).

1838066: Power PDF could not authenticate certain SharePoint servers with two-factor authentication.

1838061: While zooming, some details became invisible (file-specific).

1838059: When converting a specific DOCX to PDF, some images were displayed incorrectly (file-specific).

1838056: When converting a specific PPTX to PDF, the output was blurry and the text was pixelated (file-specific).

1838055: The upper limit for the "Split by File Size" feature was increased from 50MB to 200MB.

1838049: When converting a specific DOCX to PDF, a picture covered up part of the text (file-specific).

1838044: Specific PDF files did not embed fonts in PDF/A formats.

1838042: After signing with DocuSign, highlights lost transparency (file-specific).

1838041: Text copied from Power PDF contained extra characters when pasted (for example, "space" or "line-break").

1838036: Power PDF's preview in Outlook did not display properly when the window was moved between monitors with different scaling.

1838033: Adding another signature made existing signature displayed as invalid (file-specific).

1824237: It was not possible to sign a document with "Sign with Kofax SignDoc - Signature" using the notebook's touchscreen.

1824232: There was a WatchFolder error when converting large DOCX files to PDF/UA (file-specific).

1824229: The "Cancel" button on the progress indicator appeared in Finnish instead of French.

1824223: For some emails, the Archive Mail produced condensed text in the output PDF (file-specific).

1824213: When saving a new PDF document to iManage10, the Type property was not populated by Power PDF (it was empty).

1824201: Conversion issues occurred when exporting PDF to single-page TIFF format (file-specific).

1824193: In Vertical Split mode it was not possible to zoom the split views independently.

1824190: Power PDF did not recognize those bookmarks that start with a number for the splitting by level.

1824184: Power PDF ignored Thunderbird as the default email client (used MS Outlook instead).

1824172: In Page Assembly mode, it was not possible to select a range of pages.

1824156: UI update issues occurred when the Show Start Screen option was disabled.

1824150: It was not possible to add specific Digital ID files to Power PDF (file-specific).

1824148: When exiting from Comment Editing by pressing the Esc key, Power PDF displayed this error message: "A required resource was unavailable.."

1824147: Since Power PDF 4.1 fix pack 9, redaction was no longer working.

1824132: There was a rendering problem with a particular file because hatching was missing in a certain area (file-specific).

1824128: In a specific document, Chinese characters appeared with extra wide spacing (file-specific).

1824123: Power PDF became unresponsive when redacting text in specific documents (file-specific).

1824116: Power PDF could become unstable when used in an environment where a different instance of PDFEngine.dll is running (Application D3).

1824114: It was not possible to open a specific password-protected file in Power PDF (file-specific).

1824106: Power PDF prompted to upgrade DocuCom version when opening a specific interactive DocuCom PDF file.

1824097: It was not possible to submit password-protected forms - "Permission denied" error.

1824094: Some text was missing after converting a specific DOCX file to PDF (file-specific).

1817961: When copying and pasting to Power PDF from Word or Excel, the pasted table was looking different.

1817958: Power PDF printer was producing larger file size than Adobe PDF printer.

1816326: In effect from Fix Pack 4, opening a specific file was slower, taking 2 minutes instead of 15 seconds (file-specific).

1816323: When a specific job was paused in Create Assistant, the source files were deleted.

1816322: After splitting a specific document, the resulting parts were too big, as 40MB turned into 1.51GB (file-specific).

1816320: Since Power PDF 4.1 in certain documents, some barcodes were rendered incorrectly (file-specific).

1816316: There was no progress indicator when opening and saving from or to iManage10.

1816310: Power PDF 4.1 Fix Pack 4 became unresponsive while opening multiple PDF files (specific to the ZENworks environment).

1816309: Power PDF deleted the attachment created by the "Insert iManage Attachment" command in the iManage Outlook add-in.

1816298: Barcodes did not display correctly in a specific file (file-specific).

1816296: In effect from Fix Pack 4, Power PDF could not display certain PDF documents (file-specific).

1806782: The server name or address could not be resolved error appeared when a signature scheme was applied with a specific timestamp server specified.

1806768: Power PDF was unable to open a document from iManage 10 when the workspace matter folder contained a > (greater-than) symbol.

1806753: iManage 10 connector returned (500) Internal Server Error when the path to the recent folder and file name exceeded 260 characters.

1806739: Splitting documents into pieces with a specific size (9.5MB) failed to complete.

1806729: Power PDF was unable to open documents from iManage 9.3.6 when the working folder was redirected to a network share (UNC path).

1806712: There was an error when signing with SignDoc and the certificate name contained a , (comma) symbol.

1806702: When expanding iManage FileSite Matters, some subfolders were missing when Outlook add-in in Power PDF was enabled.

1799510: Some iManage 10 settings were not preserved by Power PDF when updating to newer fix packs.

1824215: There was a timeout failure when saving large documents through a narrow bandwith to iManage 10.

1824144: When printing from Power PDF to a third-party PDF printer, the text layer was different than what was shown on the screen.

1824127: Power PDF version details at Control Panel > Programs and Features and at the Help > About screen did not match.

1816412: Printing to Power PDF from Windows Metro Apps caused the print job to hang in the queue (in effect since Windows 10 19044.1466).

1816321: When printing two sheets per page, the orientation on the preview and the result were not the same.

1816319: When printing a specific document, a shaded red box was not completely visible in the printout (file-specific).

1816318: A specific PDF was not previewing correctly in Outlook or Windows Explorer (file-specific).

1816317: In effect from Power PDF 4.1 Fix Pack 6, certain highlighted texts were printed incorrectly in specific PDF files (file-specific).

1816313: PDF bookmarks were created incorrectly from a specific Excel sheet (file-specific).

1816306: Power PDF was not stable enough when switching some check boxes in a specific form document (file-specific).

1816302: Power PDF was not stable enough when opening specific PDF files (file-specific).

1816301: Power PDF was not stable enough when editing text and opening a second document if the "Open documents as new tabs within the same window" and "Show start screen" options were disabled.

1816300: Form fields did not display correctly and overlapped with the header when opened in Power PDF.

1806756: For PDFs created in Converter Assistant, the Table of Contents created in Power PDF was pointing to incorrect pages and bookmarks.

1806746: With some files, the form field did not accept a valid value.

1806733: Power PDF sometimes became unstable while editing specific documents.

1806709: Power PDF was not stable enough when resizing images if some extra items were added to the Quick Access Toolbar.

1806704: PDF Create was not stable enough while combining files in virtulized environment.

1777654: With some files, "Reduce file" caused Power PDF to become unstable.

Applies to

You can apply this fix pack to update any of the following versions:

Install this fix pack

Use the following procedure to install the fix pack.

  1. Verify that the following applications/services are not running.
  2. Note: For best results, install the fix pack during off-peak processing hours.

  3. Extract the contents of the zip archive and double-click on the msi file to install the fix pack.
  4. The fix pack installer screen appears.

    1. Click Next to proceed with the installation.
    2. Follow the instructions on subsequent installer screens.
  5. When prompted that the installation is finished, click Finish.
  6. Restart the machine if the installer requires it.

Remove this fix pack

It is not possible to uninstall a fix pack or roll it back to a previous version.

To install an earlier fix pack version, completely uninstall Power PDF then reinstall the base version.

Special instructions

1941298: Enhancement: Added the capability to include ZertES certificates to the list of trusted certificates for Power PDF.

To add ZertES certificates to Power PDF's trusted list, you must apply the zertes- transform file to the fix pack installer.

Transform files can be applied through the command line, for example:

KofaxPowerPdfAdvanced. TRANSFORMS=zertes-

In the case of the deployment using Active Directory, you can also specify it in the appropriate field.

The transform file is part of this fix pack distribution fileset, and can be found in the ..\ZertES\ subfolder.

1953934: Enhancement: New GPO setting created for specifying whether to use Windows user name as the author of the document or not.

Import Power PDF GPO templates provided with this delivery to Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc) and configure the new setting.

Note: This setting is available both for Computer Configuration and User Configuration, but the Computer Configuration setting overrides the other.

Administrative Templates > Kofax Power PDF 5.0 > Preferences > Do not use user name as the author of the document

1884412: Enhancement: New GPO setting created for specifying the list of "Allowed/Disallowed attachment file types".

Import Power PDF GPO templates provided with this delivery to Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc) and configure the new setting.

Note: This setting is available both for Computer Configuration and User Configuration, but the Computer Configuration setting overrides the other.

Administrative Templates > Kofax Power PDF 5.0 > Application Options > Allow/Disallow File Attachemnt Types

1928767: Enhancement: New GPO setting created for predefining the "WCS: Validate Signatures" and "WCS: Validate Certificate Documents" options.

Import Power PDF GPO templates provided with this delivery to Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc) and configure the new setting.

Note: This setting is available both for Computer Configuration and User Configuration, but the Computer Configuration setting overrides the other.

Administrative Templates > Kofax Power PDF 5.0 > Application Options > Signatures > Validate: Trust ALL root certificates in WCS for Certified documents

Administrative Templates > Kofax Power PDF 5.0 > Application Options > Signatures > Validate: Trust ALL root certificates in WCS for Signatures

1900036: Enhancement: New GPO settings for hiding and showing the buttons on the Outlook add-in toolbar.

Import Power PDF GPO templates provided with this delivery to Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc) and configure the new setting.

Note: This setting is available both for Computer Configuration and User Configuration, but the Computer Configuration setting overrides the other.

Administrative Templates > Kofax Power PDF 5.0 > Ribbon > Hide buttons on the Ribbon of the Outlook Add-in

1899136: Enhancement: New GPO setting created for hiding and showing the "Reset list of allowed/disallowed file attachment types" check box.

Import Power PDF GPO templates provided with this delivery to Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc) and configure the new setting.

Note: This setting is available both for Computer Configuration and User Configuration, but the Computer Configuration setting overrides the other.

Administrative Templates > Kofax Power PDF 5.0 > Application Options > Show / Hide elements on Attachments panel

1885670: Default mail signature did not appear in e-mails sent from Power PDF.

Since this issue is actually a side effect on the Outlook side, the fix has not been implemented permanently. It can be controlled by a new Group Policy setting: Allow signatures for new emails, which is not configured by default.

To activate the fix, import Power PDF GPO templates provided with this delivery to Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc) and configure the new setting.

Note: This setting is available both for Computer Configuration and User Configuration, but the Computer Configuration setting overrides the other.

Administrative Templates > Kofax Power PDF 5.0 > Preferences > Allow signatures for new emails

In the Registry, this GPO setting is reflected as follows:

HKLM and HKCU Software\Policies\Kofax\PowerPDF 5.0\PREFERENCES\ NewEmailAllowSignature 1: old code (allows signature to be applied by default) 0: new code (signature will not be applied by default) Key does not exist (GPO not configured): same as 0

1884467: Power PDF did not open PDFs embedded in MS Office documents as Adobe Acrobat PDFs.

To register Power PDF as the default viewer application for PDFs embedded in MS Office documents as Adobe Acrobat PDFs, execute the following command:

DefaultViewer.exe /AddAutoConvertToKey

To unregister Power PDF:

DefaultViewer.exe /DeleteAutoConvertToKey

Note: Administrator rights are required to execute this command.

1838044: Specific PDF files did not embed fonts in PDF/A formats.

Since the reported issue is not a bug (embedding standard fonts are not required per PDF/A specification), we do not want to change the default behavior because embedding unnecessary fonts increases the file size.

To activate this preference, add the following line to the %ProgramData%\Kofax\PDF\PDFConv.ini file:


In case the file does not exist, create it.

1816412: Printing to Power PDF from Windows Metro Apps caused the print job to hang in the queue (in effect since Windows 10 19044.1466).

To resolve this issue, install the "Port Monitor for Power PDF printer" that is bundled with this fix pack:

Find the "Port Monitor for Power PDF printer.zip" in the "..\Port Monitor for Power PDF printer\" subfolder of this fix pack package.

The .zip file contains both 32-bit and 64-bit installers. Use the one appropriate for your operating system:

Files included

This fix pack includes the following files:

File nameVersion
Annot.deu 50.0.24107.1200
bclib.dll 50.0.24108.1500
Compliance.zxt 50.0.24108.1500
Compliance.zxt.dll 50.0.24101.400
ECAPI.dll 50.0.24073.1400
ECConnectorCore.dll 50.0.24073.1400
FileToPDFHelper.exe 50.0.24108.1500
iManage10.dll 50.0.24076.1100
imgpdf.dll 50.0.24108.1500
imgpdf64.dll 50.0.24108.1500
MailProcessor.dll 50.0.24114.400
MailProcessor_x64.dll 50.0.24114.400
OutlookAddin.dll 50.0.24114.400
OutlookAddin_x64.dll 50.0.24114.400
PDFAttachPlugin.api 50.0.24108.1500
PDFAttachPlugin_x64.api 50.0.24108.1500
res_bra.dll 50.0.24101.400
res_chs.dll 50.0.24101.400
res_cht.dll 50.0.24101.400
res_czh.dll 50.0.24101.400
res_dan.dll 50.0.24101.400
res_dut.dll 50.0.24101.400
res_eng.dll 50.0.24101.400
res_fin.dll 50.0.24101.400
res_fre.dll 50.0.24101.400
res_ger.dll 50.0.24106.300
res_hun.dll 50.0.24101.400
res_ita.dll 50.0.24101.400
res_jpn.dll 50.0.24101.400
res_kor.dll 50.0.24101.400
res_nor.dll 50.0.24101.400
res_pol.dll 50.0.24101.400
res_rus.dll 50.0.24101.400
res_spa.dll 50.0.24101.400
res_swe.dll 50.0.24101.400
res_tur.dll 50.0.24101.400
retag.zxt 50.0.24116.1000
sznprngraf.dll 0.3.3790.1993
sznprnui.dll 0.3.3790.1993
ZeonForm.chs 50.0.24073.1400
ZeonForm.cht 50.0.24073.1400
ZeonForm.csy 50.0.24073.1400
ZeonForm.dan 50.0.24073.1400
ZeonForm.deu 50.0.24073.1400
ZeonForm.enu 50.0.24073.1400
ZeonForm.esp 50.0.24073.1400
ZeonForm.fin 50.0.24073.1400
ZeonForm.fra 50.0.24073.1400
ZeonForm.hun 50.0.24073.1400
ZeonForm.ita 50.0.24073.1400
ZeonForm.jpn 50.0.24073.1400
ZeonForm.kor 50.0.24073.1400
ZeonForm.nld 50.0.24073.1400
ZeonForm.nor 50.0.24073.1400
ZeonForm.plk 50.0.24073.1400
ZeonForm.ptb 50.0.24073.1400
ZeonForm.rus 50.0.24073.1400
ZeonForm.sve 50.0.24073.1400
ZeonForm.trk 50.0.24073.1400
ZJavaScript.chs 50.0.24073.1400
ZJavaScript.cht 50.0.24073.1400
ZJavaScript.csy 50.0.24073.1400
ZJavaScript.dan 50.0.24073.1400
ZJavaScript.deu 50.0.24073.1400
ZJavaScript.enu 50.0.24073.1400
ZJavaScript.esp 50.0.24073.1400
ZJavaScript.fin 50.0.24073.1400
ZJavaScript.fra 50.0.24073.1400
ZJavaScript.hun 50.0.24073.1400
ZJavaScript.ita 50.0.24073.1400
ZJavaScript.jpn 50.0.24073.1400
ZJavaScript.kor 50.0.24073.1400
ZJavaScript.nld 50.0.24073.1400
ZJavaScript.nor 50.0.24073.1400
ZJavaScript.plk 50.0.24073.1400
ZJavaScript.ptb 50.0.24073.1400
ZJavaScript.rus 50.0.24073.1400
ZJavaScript.sve 50.0.24073.1400
ZJavaScript.trk 50.0.24073.1400
ZTouchup.deu 50.0.24106.300
Related to earlier fixes:
analytics.exe 50.0.23416.1000
AuthWrapper.dll N/A
AzureRMS.chs 50.0.24068.2100
AzureRMS.cht 50.0.24068.2100
AzureRMS.csy 50.0.24068.2100
AzureRMS.dan 50.0.24068.2100
AzureRMS.deu 50.0.24068.2100
AzureRMS.enu 50.0.24068.2100
AzureRMS.esp 50.0.24068.2100
AzureRMS.fin 50.0.24068.2100
AzureRMS.fra 50.0.24068.2100
AzureRMS.hun 50.0.24068.2100
AzureRMS.ita 50.0.24068.2100
AzureRMS.jpn 50.0.24068.2100
AzureRMS.kor 50.0.24068.2100
AzureRMS.nld 50.0.24068.2100
AzureRMS.nor 50.0.24068.2100
AzureRMS.plk 50.0.24068.2100
AzureRMS.ptb 50.0.24068.2100
AzureRMS.rus 50.0.24068.2100
AzureRMS.sve 50.0.24068.2100
AzureRMS.trk 50.0.24068.2100
batchconverter.com 50.0.23205.300
bclib.dll 50.0.23205.300
client.js N/A
cnvpropsheets.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvpropsheetscust.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres_bra.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres_chs.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres_cht.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres_czh.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres_dan.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres_dut.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres_eng.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres_fin.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres_fre.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres_gen.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres_gen_blue.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres_gen_gray.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres_gen_lightgray.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres_ger.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres_hun.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres_ita.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres_jpn.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres_kor.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres_nor.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres_pol.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres_rus.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres_spa.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres_swe.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres_tur.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres64_bra.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres64_chs.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres64_cht.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres64_czh.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres64_dan.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres64_dut.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres64_eng.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres64_fin.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres64_fre.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres64_gen.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres64_gen_blue.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres64_gen_gray.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres64_gen_lightgray.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres64_ger.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres64_hun.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres64_ita.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres64_jpn.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres64_kor.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres64_nor.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres64_pol.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres64_rus.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres64_spa.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres64_swe.dll 50.0.23204.1300
cnvres64_tur.dll 50.0.23204.1300
Compliance.zxt 50.0.24067.1600
cpprest_2_10.dll N/A
DMSConnector.zxt 50.0.23314.2100
DMSNetCommon.dll 50.0.23416.1000
DSAPI.dll 50.0.22424.300
ECAPI.dll 50.0.23211.1300
ECConnector.dll 50.0.23211.1300
ECConnectorCore.dll 50.0.23211.1300
FileSplit.chs 50.0.22374.300
FileSplit.cht 50.0.22374.300
FileSplit.csy 50.0.22374.300
FileSplit.dan 50.0.22374.300
FileSplit.deu 50.0.22374.300
FileSplit.enu 50.0.22374.300
FileSplit.esp 50.0.22374.300
FileSplit.fin 50.0.22374.300
FileSplit.fra 50.0.22374.300
FileSplit.hun 50.0.22374.300
FileSplit.ita 50.0.22374.300
FileSplit.jpn 50.0.22374.300
FileSplit.kor 50.0.22374.300
FileSplit.nld 50.0.22374.300
FileSplit.nor 50.0.22374.300
FileSplit.plk 50.0.22374.300
FileSplit.ptb 50.0.22374.300
FileSplit.rus 50.0.22374.300
FileSplit.sve 50.0.22374.300
FileSplit.trk 50.0.22374.300
FileToPDFHelper.exe 50.0.22612.1800
GPDFDirectRes.chs 50.0.23151.1300
GPDFDirectRes.cht 50.0.23151.1300
GPDFDirectRes.csy 50.0.23151.1300
GPDFDirectRes.dan 50.0.23151.1300
GPDFDirectRes.deu 50.0.23151.1300
GPDFDirectRes.enu 50.0.23151.1300
GPDFDirectRes.esp 50.0.23151.1300
GPDFDirectRes.fin 50.0.23151.1300
GPDFDirectRes.fra 50.0.23151.1300
GPDFDirectRes.hun 50.0.23151.1300
GPDFDirectRes.ita 50.0.23151.1300
GPDFDirectRes.jpn 50.0.23151.1300
GPDFDirectRes.kor 50.0.23151.1300
GPDFDirectRes.nld 50.0.23151.1300
GPDFDirectRes.nor 50.0.23151.1300
GPDFDirectRes.plk 50.0.23151.1300
GPDFDirectRes.ptb 50.0.23151.1300
GPDFDirectRes.rus 50.0.23151.1300
GPDFDirectRes.sve 50.0.23151.1300
GPDFDirectRes.trk 50.0.23151.1300
HummingBirdDMS.dll 50.0.23354.300
IFXCore.dll 1.2.723.3
IFXExporting.dll 1.2.723.2
IFXImporting.dll 1.2.723.3
IFXRendering.dll 1.2.723.2
IFXScheduling.dll 1.2.723.2
ImageResource.dll 50.0.23613.300
ImageResource_blue.dll 50.0.23613.300
ImageResource_gray.dll 50.0.23613.300
ImageResource_lightgray.dll 50.0.23613.300
ImageResource_purple.dll 50.0.23613.300
iManage10.dll 50.0.24062.800
iManageDMS.dll 50.0.23276.900
IManageDMS_x64.dll 50.0.23276.900
MailProcessor.dll 50.0.24062.800
MailProcessor_x64.dll 50.0.24062.800
NameAndTitle.xml N/A
NDEApi.dll 50.0.23117.900
NetDocsConnector.dll 50.0.22527.900
NetDocumentsConnectorCore.dll 50.0.23117.900
NExportPDFRes.chs 50.0.22368.1600
NExportPDFRes.cht 50.0.22368.1600
NExportPDFRes.csy 50.0.22368.1600
NExportPDFRes.dan 50.0.22368.1600
NExportPDFRes.deu 50.0.22368.1600
NExportPDFRes.enu 50.0.22368.1600
NExportPDFRes.esp 50.0.22368.1600
NExportPDFRes.fin 50.0.22368.1600
NExportPDFRes.fra 50.0.22368.1600
NExportPDFRes.hun 50.0.22368.1600
NExportPDFRes.ita 50.0.22368.1600
NExportPDFRes.jpn 50.0.22368.1600
NExportPDFRes.kor 50.0.22368.1600
NExportPDFRes.nld 50.0.22368.1600
NExportPDFRes.nor 50.0.22368.1600
NExportPDFRes.plk 50.0.22368.1600
NExportPDFRes.ptb 50.0.22368.1600
NExportPDFRes.rus 50.0.22368.1600
NExportPDFRes.sve 50.0.22368.1600
NExportPDFRes.trk 50.0.22368.1600
OnBaseAPI.dll 50.0.23308.300
OnBaseConnector.dll 50.0.23308.300
OnBaseConnectorCore.dll 50.0.23308.300
Optimize.zxt 50.0.23269.900
OutlookAddin.dll 50.0.23563.1500
OutlookAddin_x64.dll 50.0.23563.1500
PDFAttachPlugin.api 50.0.23207.300
PDFAttachPlugin_x64.api 50.0.23207.300
PDFEngine.dll 50.0.23456.1200
PDFSignDoc.exe 50.0.22356.300
PowerPDF.chs 50.0.23477.2000
PowerPDF.cht 50.0.23477.2000
PowerPDF.csy 50.0.23477.2000
PowerPDF.dan 50.0.23477.2000
PowerPDF.deu 50.0.23477.2000
PowerPDF.enu 50.0.23477.2000
PowerPDF.esp 50.0.23477.2000
PowerPDF.fin 50.0.23477.2000
PowerPDF.fra 50.0.23477.2000
PowerPDF.hun 50.0.23477.2000
PowerPDF.ita 50.0.23477.2000
PowerPDF.jpn 50.0.23477.2000
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