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Kofax AP Agility ERP Connectors SAP S/4HANA 1.0.0 Fix Pack 1 English

Release Date: June 15, 2022

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Use is subject to license terms.


You can install Kofax AP Agility ERP Connector SAP S/4HANA On-Premise or Kofax AP Agility ERP Connector SAP S/4HANA Cloud EX to resolve the issues below.

Issues Resolved in This Fix Pack

1802921: SAP S/4HANA - Support for One Time Vendor (on-premise only).

1758941: Tax Code for multi account PO line is not exported to the SAP.

1758934: Quantity and a unit of measure in non-PO-invoice are not exported from APA to SAP in the "G/L Account" tab.

1758604: PO lines that have the “Freight” type cannot be exported to SAP.

1758597: Unexpected error occurs when exporting Header only (PO) invoice.

1758532: Export fail for PO with multiacc distribution by percentage.

1758531: Export fail for PO with multiacc distribution by qty and amount.

1758530: Error during export WBS element with more than 1 segment.

1758529: WBS element description is absent in APA during coding.

1758523: APA Due Date is not sent to SAP.

1758521: Credit Non-PO with APA workflow cannot be Posted, only Parked.

1758519: Invoice cannot be exported with Line Pairing OFF.

Applies To

This fix pack applies to Kofax AP Agility ERP Connector SAP S/4HANA On-Premise 1.0 and Kofax AP Agility ERP Connector SAP S/4HANA Cloud EX 1.0.

Files Included

This fix pack includes the following files:

File name Version
ReadMe-KofaxAPAgilityERPConnector- N/A

Install This Fix Pack

Use the appropriate installation instructions from the following procedures to install the fix pack in your environment.

Install the SAP S/4HANA On-Premise or SAP S/4HANA Cloud EX ERP plugin

To install the SAP S/4HANA On-Premise ERP plugin or the SAP S/4HANA Cloud EX ERP plugin so that it is hosted by Kofax TotalAgility perform the following steps:

  1. Download and extract the contents of one of the appropriate ERP files for your environment:

    • KofaxAPAgilityERPConnector-

    • KofaxAPAgilityERPConnector-

  2. Launch the TotalAgility Designer.

  3. On the menu, select Import.

    The Import page is displayed.

  4. Click Browse and then navigate to your extracted files and select the appropriate file for your environment:

    • \KTA\ERP Connector SAP S4HANA OnPremise.ZIP

    • \KTA\ERP Connector SAP S4HANA Cloud EX.ZIP

    A list of files and artifacts are displayed for the selected package.

  5. In the list of artifacts, select the following components only:

    • ERP Connector SAP S4HANA OnPremise

    • Kofax.APAgility.ERPConnector.SAPS4Hana.dll

    • APA_ERP_Connection_SAP_S4HANA_OnPremise

    • ERPConnector.Plugin.SAP S/4HANA On-Premise

  6. From the Overwrite options group, select Overwrite all and from the Non-versioned items group, select Overwrite.

  7. Click Import selected items.

    When prompted to confirm the import, click OK.

    A message is displayed when the import is successful.

  8. Restart the following services:

    • Kofax TotalAgility Core Worker

    • Kofax TotalAgility Streaming Service

    • World Wide Web Publishing Service

Deploy the SAP S/4HANA On-Premise ERP plugin in IIS

To deploy the SAP S/4HANA On-Premise ERP plugin on IIS perform the following steps:

  1. In the extracted files, navigate to the \WebService folder.

  2. Copy the Kofax.APAgility.ERPConnector.SAPS4Hana.dll file to the \bin folder in the location where the Kofax AP Agility ERP connector web service was installed.

    By default, the installation location is %ProgramFiles (x86)%\Kofax\APAgility\Web.

    Reference the ApAgilityErpConnector application in IIS to confirm the installation path.

    For ore information on installing the ERP connector web service refer to the Kofax AP Agility On-Premise Multi-Tenant Installation Guide.

Import the SAP transport into the system

The SAP transport installs additional OData services that are needed to work with the SAP S/4HANA On-Premise ERP plugin and these services require manual activation. You company probably has its own procedures in place to import SAP transports into your SAP system, so use the following steps as a guideline only.

  1. Log on to SAP as a user that is authorized to import SAP transports.

  2. Use the CG3Z transaction code to load the transport into your system.

    The transport is located in the /Transport/BF folder in the KofaxAPAgilityERPConnector-1.0.0_For_SAPS4HANA.ZIP file.

  3. Navigate to the Transport Management System using the STMS transaction code.
  4. Click the Import Overview button in the top-left corner.

    The Import Overview window is displayed with the import queues for your system.

  5. Double-click on the row in the import queue that you are using for the transfer.

    The system opens the Import Queue window.

  6. Select the import queue that matches your system.

  7. Select Extras > Other Requests > Add.

  8. In the Add Transport Request on the Import Queue window, enter the transport request and then press Enter.

  9. Select the transport number request and click Import Request.

  10. Specify the Target Client along with any of the other import options that you need.

    When importing the transport, ensure that the Ignore Invalid Component Version setting is selected.

  11. Click Continue.

    When prompted to start the import, click Yes.

  12. Verify that the transport import occurred without errors by performing the following steps:

    1. Refresh the import queue to check the status of the import. When the status changes to a yellow triangle, the import is completed.

    2. Select the transport request and view the logs by pressing Ctrl+F4. Ensure that there are no errors in the log

    The transport is successfully imported.

Activate additional ODATA services

To activate these services for either SAP S/4HANA On-Premise perform the following steps:

  1. Log on to SAP as a user that is authorized to import SAP transports to activate OData services.

  2. Use the /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE transaction code to activate and maintain services in your system.

  3. Click Add Service.

  4. Enter a System Alias such as LOCAL and press Enter.

  5. Locate and add the following services.




  6. Set a Package Assignment such as $TMP and press Enter.

Configure SAP S/4HAHA On-Premise to use One-time vendor functionality (Optional)

To use the one-time vendor functionality configure your SAP S/4HAHA On-Premise ERP system as follows:

  1. Log on to SAP as a user that is authorized to create SOAP services.

  2. Use the SOAMANAGER transaction code to activate and maintain SOAP services in your system.

  3. Click Web Service Configuration.


    These services are found by the ZKOFAX* prefix.

  5. Click on the ZKOFAX_APA_LOAD_NONPO_INVOICES and then click Create Service.

    The Service and Binding Name step of configuration wizard is displayed for the ZKOFAX_APA_LOAD_NONPO_INVOICES service.

  6. For the first step of the wizard, you must set the Service Name value to KOFAX_INCOMING_INVOICE_NONPO.

    Suggestions for the other fields are as follows:

    Setting value
    Description Incoming non PO invoices
  7. Click Next.

  8. In the Transport Channel Authentication group, select the User ID/Password setting and then click Next.

  9. No changes are required on the SOAP Protocol in step 3 of the wizard, so click Next.

  10. On the final Operation Settings step select either AcctngDocumentPost or IncomingInvoiceCreateFormData1 depending on your environment.

  11. Click Open Service WSDL and then make a copy of the WSDL URL for service. This is needed later in the installation.

  12. Repeat steps 6 - 11 for the ZKOFAX_APA_LOAD_PO_INVOICES service with the following setting values.

    Setting value
    Description Incoming PO invoices

Configure Kofax AP Agility

To configure Kofax AP Agility to use the new ERP connector perform the following steps:

  1. Log on to Kofax AP Agility as an Administrator.

  2. On the menu, select Settings > ERP Connections.

    The ERP Connections page is displayed.

  3. Edit the existing SAP S/4HANA On-Premise connection.

  4. Enter a value for the new Export Non-PO Invoices Web Service setting.

    You copied this URL in step 11 of the previous procedure.

  5. Enter a value for the new Export PO Invoices Web Service setting.

    You copied this URL in step 12 of the previous procedure.

  6. Click Save.