Install ControlSuite in a demo environment
Use the following procedure to install all recommended ControlSuite components on a single server for demonstration purposes. Keep in mind that only a few devices with low volume can be deployed and in a demo environment.
To install ControlSuite in demo environment, do the following:
- Download the installer package (Web Installer or Offline Installer) and run the InstallAssistant application.
- Click Get Started on the Welcome page.
A Questionnaire page opens asking Do you want to check for updated
Install Assistant files? Select Yes or No and then click Next to
If "Yes" is selected, any updated Install Assistant configuration files will be downloaded from the software download server. The files that require updating are not overwritten, and the system creates a backup file with a .bak extension for the older files. Once any updated files are downloaded, click OK on the popup message to continue with the installation.Select "No" to continue with the installation without checking for updates.
When asked Do you want to create an offline installer package? select
Yes or No and then click Next to continue.
If "Yes" is selected, a Summary page opens with Offline installer package location field and the package name. Click Next to continue. The Install Assistant will download all ControlSuite component installers and create an offline installer package, but will not install ControlSuite. The Results page opens displaying that the offline installer package was successfully created. Click Finish to continue. See Create an offline installation package for details.If "No" is selected, the installation process continues.
Depending on whether ControlSuite is already installed on your system, or if
you are performing a fresh installation, one of the following questionnaire
screens opens.
- ControlSuite is already installed on this system. What would you like to do?
- Do you want to use the Install Assistant Wizard or manually configure the server?
When asked ControlSuite is already installed on this system. What
would you like to do? Select one of the following options and
then click Next to continue.
- Upgrade to a newer ControlSuite version or modify current installation. If you select to upgrade to a newer version or to modify a current installation, a Summary page opens listing the currently installed components. Click the Advanced link to modify the components to be installed.
- Uninstall ControlSuite. All ControlSuite
components are uninstalled and removed from the server. Click
Yes on the popup message to uninstall
ControlSuite and to continue with the installation. The Uninstall option only removes the ControlSuite components. Go to Uninstall ControlSuite to uninstall the components and remove configuration data from a previous installation.
- When asked Do you want to use the Install Assistant Wizard or manually configure the server? select Use the Install Assistant Wizard and click Next. A demo server cannot be set up manually.
When asked What software do you want to install on this server? select
ControlSuite - (Select to install one or more of the ControlSuite
products), and click Next.
Your license determines the functionality that is available. Some of the features selected to install may not be enabled if you do not have the correct licensing package.
- When asked Are you installing ControlSuite in a production environment or do you want to build a demo or Proof of Concept (POC) server? select I would like to install ControlSuite for demo or POC purposes and click Next.
A Summary page opens displaying all the components to be installed in a
ControlSuite demo environment. The components are grouped into their respective
functionality based on the ControlSuite component. For example, ControlSuite
contains Security Framework and License server, AutoStore contains all capture
and data processing components and Equitrac contains the print server and the
required print management features. Click Next to continue.
If you are installing Equitrac and AutoStore on the same server for use with a Konica Minolta Combined Client, do not select the Device Control Service (DCS) option.
Click the Advanced link if you want to select or modify the components to be installed. At this point you can select any additional components, but the previously selected components cannot be removed or modified. After any changes have been made click Save and Next to continue.
A second Summary page opens with ControlSuite installer
download options and the Installation location. The default installation
location is C:\Program Files, or you can click Browse to select a different
Select one or more of the following options, and then click Next to continue.
- Force download of latest installers - Install Assistant verifies that the latest installers are currently on your system, and if they are not the latest, it downloads updated installers overriding the older files in the Installs folder. This is not required, and will increase the installation time.
- Automatically continue with install once all required installers are available - Install Assistant verifies that the required installers are currently on your system and then continues with the installation. Any missing installers are automatically downloaded, but this option does not check if you have the latest versions of the installers on your system. Select this option and the "Force download of latest installers" option to ensure you have a complete up-to-date set of installers before proceeding.
- Download only - will not check local system for prerequisites or install - Install Assistant downloads the selected components but does not check for prerequisites or install the selected components. Using this option allows customers to download the necessary MSIs and generate an offline installer package that can then be distributed and installed within an offline deployment. When this option is selected, Install Assistant proceeds directly to the Results page displaying a "Successfully downloaded selected components" message. Click Finish when done.
When no options are selected, Install Assistant downloads any missing selected components, and then displays a message stating "All selected components are downloaded. Continue with install?" If you select Yes, the installation continues. If you select No, Install Assistant proceeds directly to the Results page displaying a "Successfully downloaded selected components" message. Click Finish when done.When the "Download only" option is selected, the "Automatically continue with install" option and the Installation location field are disabled (grayed-out), and the installation process is not available.If installing the Web Installer package, which only contains the Install assistant, the installers for the services selected in the Questionnaire will be downloaded and will populate the Install folder of the Web Installer package.
If installing the Offline Installer package that contains all installers, it can be run locally on the server without an Internet connection. The Offline version contains every installer required for any possible installation setup, and not all installers may be needed for your deployment. As the files are being installed, the C:\Program Files\Kofax\<Product> folders are populated with the selected services.
A Prerequisites page opens displaying the status of the system
requirements needed to install and run the selected components.
- A green checkmark beside the feature indicates that the requirements have been met.
- A red ’X’ means that a particular feature does not meet the minimum requirement and must be installed or updated before the installation can continue.
- A yellow warning means that the minimum requirements are met, but does not meet the preferred requirements to run with optimum results.
If a component needs to be installed or updated, click the top level feature to show the list of required features to be fixed.If any software needs to be updated, click the Install Prerequisites button to automatically install the software from the Prerequisites folder which is included in the installer package. This button is only available for software prerequisites. Alternatively, click the link beside the software component to open a website to download and manually install the required softwareIf you continue to install with any prerequisites with a warning, a pop-up opens asking if you are sure you want to continue with the installation. Click Yes if you want to proceed with the knowledge that you may encounter some performance issues, or click No if you want to fix any requirements before installing.After addressing any hardware or ports prerequisites issues, click Retry, and then click Next to continue once the requirements are met.
- A Download page opens showing the progress of the downloaded components.
An Install page opens, and the install starts automatically.
During the install process, you can Cancel or Rollback the installation.
- Cancel stops or pauses the install but does not remove already installed components. The previous selections are saved and administrators can re-run the install at a later date and continue where they left off.
- Rollback stops the install and uninstalls any components that have been installed to that point.
- The Results page opens displaying that the installation was successful. Click Finish to continue. By default, the ControlSuite Configuration Assistant will start automatically after the installation finishes.