Register Output Manager

Kofax provides an application for registering Output Manager in the SAP NetWeaver System Landscape Directory (SLD). The application is pre-configured with settings for supplying Output Manager data to the SAP platform. After registration, SAP Solution Manager recognizes Output Manager as a third-party system in the SAP system landscape.

  1. Browse to the NetWeaver subfolder in the Output Manager installation folder and open a command prompt.

    The following example shows the path to the subfolder for a default Output Manager installation:

    C:\Program Files\Kofax\Output Manager\Services\NetWeaver
  2. Run the following command:

    NWToOM SLDREG sldhost port userpassword xmlregfile


    • sldhost is the host on which the SLD server runs
    • port is the HTTP or HTTPS port on which the SLD server runs
    • user is the user name for connecting to the SLD server
    • password is the password for connecting to the SLD server
    • xmlregfile is the SLD registration XML file

    Kofax provides OM.xml as the SLD registration XML file.