Multi-server phased upgrade
This section describes how to perform a multi-server phased upgrade.
- Security Framework and licensing servers need to be upgraded before other components if installed separately.
- Ensure Cassandra is running on all Security Framework nodes until all nodes have been upgraded.
- For an Equitrac install, upgrade the CAS server first. Print servers can be upgraded
over a period of time.
- During the upgrade, all CAS database information is maintained and not overwritten.
- Upgrade components in the following order:
- SFS - on all nodes (upgrades from ControlSuite 1.0 and later)
- License server (upgrades from ControlSuite 1.0 and later)
- Master CAS
- Secondary CAS(es)
- DRE/DME (typically, DME is installed on the DRE server)
- Client workstations
- For Output Manager installed in a high availability setup, all the Output Manager DBM services need to be upgraded at the same time.
- Best Practice: For AutoStore installs, depending on the configuration, you may be required to upgrade all the AutoStore servers at the same time. For example, if there are multiple AutoStore servers configured to do the same workflow in parallel or are behind a Load Balancer, then all servers are required to be upgraded at the same time.
- If there are multiple Device Registration Services (DRS) installed, and they are using a single Database on a SQL server, all DRS nodes need to be upgraded at the same time. Do not run the DRS Database upgrade tool until all the nodes are upgraded.