Run Install Assistant in silent mode

To install ControlSuite silently, do the following:

  1. Run Install Assistant on a single machine. After installation, the Answers.xml file is generated with all installed options listed as <IsSelected>true</IsSelected>. The Answers.xml file is found in the ProgramData folder (C:\ProgramData\Nuance\InstallAssistant\Answers.xml).
  2. Open a command prompt, and run InstallAssistant.exe --noui --FailOnWarning --UseAnswerFileIfExists on other servers to install the same options as are on the first machine. The --UseAnswerFileIfExists option looks for the true values in the Answer.xml and installs those selected options.
  3. Optionally, you can install specific roles using the component roles listed in the ProductComponents.xml file found in the Configure folder of the ControlSuite installer package, or run InstallAssistant.exe --noui --help to open a text file with a list of the available roles and values for running the Install Assistant in silent mode.
    To install specific roles, use the following command format: InstallAssistant.exe --noui --InstallUsingRoles "<role Id,role Id,role Id>" --InstallMissingPrerequisites.
    For example, the following command installs Universal Print: InstallAssistant.exe --noui --InstallUsingRoles "rlSecurityFramework,rlUniversalPrint" --InstallMissingPrerequisites.