Configure Universal Print in silent mode

To configure Universal Print silently, do the following:
  1. Run Configuration Assistant on a single machine. After configuration, the cs-config.txt file is generated with all of the configured properties. The cs-config.txt file is found in C:\ProgramData\Nuance\ControlSuite\cs-config.txt.
  2. Open the machine where you want to silently configure ControlSuite.
  3. Copy the cs-config.txt file from the first machine to a folder on the C drive of the second machine for the properties file path. For example: C:\cs_automation\cs-config.txt.
  4. Open the cs-config.txt file and specify the following Identity Provider parameters: <Guid of tenant from Azure portal> <Guid of registered application> <Client secret for registered application>
  5. Open a command prompt, and run C:\Program Files\Kofax\Configuration Assistant\ConfigurationAssistant.exe --noui --propertiesfile:"<path to properties file>". For example: C:\Program Files\Kofax\Configuration Assistant\ConfigurationAssistant.exe --noui --propertiesfile:"c:\cs_automation\cs-config.txt".