Upgrade Token Vault
If you have Token Vault version 2.x, 3.0, 3.5 or 3.6 installed already, perform the following steps to upgrade to the current version.
- Run TokenVault3.7.exe.
- On the Choose setup language screen, select a preferred language (English by default) from the list, and click Next.
- On the Welcome screen, click Next.
- On the License Agreement (EULA) screen, accept the EULA and click Next.
- On the Destination Folder screen, accept the default destination folder, or click Change to specify another folder. Then click Next. the default destination folder, or click Change to specify another folder. Then click Next.
On the Service Credentials screen, specify the service
credentials for the Token Vault service. Alternatively, you can select to use
LocalSystem credentials.
Specifying service credentials is the recommended option so that you can use Windows or Microsoft Entra ID Integrated Authentication for the database connection.
- Click Next.
- On the Installation Summary screen, review the information and click Install. Otherwise, click Back and modify the configuration.
When the Install Shield Wizard Completed screen opens, click on the
link above the Finish button to open Token Vault
configuration, and then click Finish to close the
installation wizard.
The Token Vault Database Settings page appears in the browser to perform database configuration as the required initial configuration. If you have not clicked on the link described in step 9, you should open Token Vault manually by entering the http://localhost:8380 URL in your browser's address bar.
The Database Settings page displays the current Token Vault database connection parameters and shows that the current Token Vault database is outdated.
Upgrade on this page to upgrade the database.
The Upgrade database page appears displaying the Database parameters and the Runtime credentials.
Under the
Admin credentials group, select
Authentication type, and then specify the credentials (User name and
Password) for database upgrade.
The following authentication types can be selected:
SQL Server Authentication
Windows Authentication
Microsoft Entra ID - Password
Microsoft Entra ID - Integrated
In case of "Windows Authentication" and "Microsoft Entra ID - Integrated" authentication types, the User name must be specified in DOMAIN\USERNAME format.
The credentials specified are only used during database upgrade to run the Token Vault SQL scripts on the selected database.
- Click Upgrade to upgrade the database.
- Click Restart service to restart Token Vault Windows service and use the upgraded database.