AutoStore communication ports

The following tables describe port usage in an AutoStore environment.

Capture components - Inbound ports (Table 1 of 2)


Supported authentication types

Supports SSL for data and images?

Device authentication protocol

AutoCapture Not supported Yes HTTP, HTTPS
Fuji Xerox AIP Microsoft Windows, Custom Script Yes HTTP, HTTPS, Device
HP MFP/Digital Sender (OXPd) Standard, Novell NetWare, Custom Plugin Yes HTTP, HTTPS
HP OXPd Standard, Novell NetWare, Custom Plugin Yes HTTP, HTTPS
IMAP Capture Not supported Yes IMAP
Interactive Capture Integrated Windows, Azure Active Directory, Active Directory, LDAP, Custom Script Yes HTTP, HTTPS
Konica Minolta iOption Microsoft Windows, Custom Script Yes HTTPS
Kyocera MFP (HyPAS) Microsoft Windows, Novell NetWare, Custom Script Yes HTTP, HTTPS
Lexmark MFP Standard, Novell NetWare, Custom Plugin Yes HTTP, HTTPS
Output Manager Capture
POP3 eMail Not supported Yes SMTP
Ricoh Desktop SF Standard, Novell NetWare, Custom Plugin Yes HTTP, HTTPS
Ricoh ESA Microsoft Windows, Active Directory, Novell NetWare, Script, Script (No Prompt) Yes HTTP, HTTPS
RightFax Capture NT Authentication The component relies on the API. It does not control communication protocols and ports. Refer to the vendor documentation for more information. Native
Samsung Smart UX Microsoft Windows, Custom Script Yes HTTP, HTTPS
Sharp MFP (OSA) Microsoft Windows, Novell NetWare, Custom Script No HTTP, HTTPS
SMTP Capture Not supported No Limited by IP address
Toshiba Unified Client Microsoft Windows, Custom Script No HTTP, HTTPS
Web Capture Integrated Windows, Active Directory, LDAP, Custom Script Yes Integrated Windows, Active Directory, LDAP, Custom Script
Xerox EIP Connect Microsoft Windows, Novell NetWare, Custom Script No HTTP, HTTPS, Device

Capture components - Inbound ports (Table 2 of 2)


Device display menu protocol

Device file transport protocol

Default communication ports

Port configurable

Required device components

AutoCapture HTTP, HTTPS HTTP, HTTPS 8085 Yes Client
Client communicates with AutoStore server.
Canon Unified Client HTTP, HTTPS HTTP, HTTPS 3310 Yes
Fuji Xerox AIP HTTP, HTTPS FTP Web server: 3242 Yes
FTP: 3281
Passive FTP port range: 35000-49000
HP MFP/Digital Sender (OXPd) HTTP, HTTPS HTTP, HTTPS HTTP: 3233 No
HTTPS: 3234
HTTPS: 3234
IMAP Capture Not supported IMAP 143 Yes No applet
SSL: 993
Interactive Capture HTTP, HTTPS HTTP, HTTPS 3290 Yes No applet
Mobile service port: 3291
Konica Minolta iOption HTTP, HTTPS FTP/WebDAV Web server: 3348 Yes
FTP: 3281
Application OpenAPI: 13353
Authority OpenAPI: 13352
WebDAV: 13391
Kyocera MFP (HyPAS) HTTP, HTTPS HTTP, HTTPS HTTP: 3250 Yes Application package
HTTPS: 3251
WebDAV Port: 8080
FTP Port: 2121
Lexmark MFP HTTP, HTTPS HTTP, HTTPS 3233 Yes The application package is distributed with the component and is required to communicate with the AutoStore server. It is a signed JAR file.
SSL: 3234
POP3 eMail Not supported SMTP 110 SSL: 995 Yes No applet
Ricoh Desktop SF HTTP, HTTPS HTTP, HTTPS 3233 Yes The application package is distributed with the component and is required to communicate with the AutoStore server. It is a signed JAR file.
SSL: 3234
WEB client port: 9000 Java Xlet VM card with AutoStore Xlet on the device for communication with the AutoStore server.
Ricoh SOP HTTP, HTTPS HTTP, HTTPS Web server port: 3350 Yes
RightFax Capture Not supported Native Refer to RightFax documentation for more information. No
Samsung Smart UX HTTP, HTTPS HTTP, HTTPS 3300 Yes
Sharp MFP (OSA) HTTP, HTTPS FTP Web Server Port: 3240 Yes No applet
FTP Port: 3285 IIS web application connects to the AutoStore web service. The device connects to the IIS web application.
SMTP Capture Not applicable SMTP 25 Encrypted connection: 465, 587 Yes
Toshiba Unified Client HTTP, HTTPS HTTP, HTTPS 3310 Yes
Unified Client HTTP, HTTPS HTTP, HTTPS 3310 Yes
Universal Capture Not applicable HTTP 8090 Yes
Web Capture HTTP, HTTPS HTTP, HTTPS 3290 Mobile service port: 3291 Yes No applet
Workflow Job Submission Not applicable HTTPS 49001 Yes
Xerox EIP Connect HTTP, HTTPS FTP/SMB Web server port: 3241 Yes No applet
FTP Port: 3280 IIS web application connects to the AutoStore web service. The device connects to the IIS web application.
Service Port: 8753
Web Client Port: 9000
Passive FTP port range: 35000-49000

Additional Components Outbound ports



Default communication ports

Port configurable

Autonomy WorkSite 9

The component relies on the API. It does not control communication protocols and ports.
AutoStore General Services Broker service 52301 No
Bates Stamp 8000 Yes
Box HTTPS 443 No
Web authorization server: 4560
d.3 Refer to d.3 vendor documentation for more information. 3400 Yes
Datacap 8.1 HTTP and HTTPS for communicating with the server. HTTP: 808 Yes
HTTPS: 443
Directory services 389 Yes
SSL: 636
Document Transformation HTTPS 8181 Yes
Documentum HTTP, HTTPS, DFC HTTP, HTTPS: No default Yes
DFC: 1489
DocuShare HTTP, HTTPS HTTP on IIS: 80 Yes
HTTP on Tomcat: 8080
HTTPS: 443
DocuWare Native, HTTP, HTTPS Native: Refer to DocuWare vendor documentation for more information. Native: No
HTTP, HTTPS: No default HTTP, HTTPS: Yes
Drop box HTTP and HTTPS for the authorization service and communicating with the DMS. Authorization service: 4560 Authorization service: Yes
DMS HTTPS: 443 Refer to Sharp Box API documentation for more information on DMS implementations.
ELO 9090 Yes
File Net P8 HTTP, HTTPS 9080 Yes
GoogleDocs HTTP, HTTPS Web Authorization: 3240 No default Yes
HL7 Messenger 22222 Yes
HP TRIM HTTP and HTTPS for communicating through web services. Communicating through web services Communicating through web services: Yes
Protocol is unknown for client communication. HTTP: 80 Client: Yes
HTTPS: 443
Client communication: 1137
Hummingbird/Open Text eDOCS Refer to Hummingbird/Open Text eDOCS vendor documentation for more information. No default No
IBM Content Manager Refer to IBM Content Manager vendor documentation for more information. No default No
IBM Content Manager OnDemand Uses the Microsoft Windows File Management API for file operations. Not applicable Not applicable
Laserfiche Native No default No
NetDocuments HTTPS 443 Yes
Notification Options SMTP 25 Yes
SSL: 465
Office to PDF Converter HTTP 8100 Yes
OneDrive HTTPS Web Authorization: 3245 Yes
OpenText Content Server HTTP, HTTPS HTTP: 80 Yes
HTTPS: 443
OpenText Document Server, Alchemy Native Refer to OpenText Document Server, Alchemy vendor documentation for more information Refer to OpenText Document Server, Alchemy vendor documentation for more information
OpenText Livelink/Content Server Native, HTTP, HTTPS Native: 2099 Yes
HTTP: 80
HTTPS: 443
Print Job Submission HTTPS 8181 Yes
RightFax Route Native Refer to RightFax vendor documentation for more information No
Send to Database Not applicable TCP 1433 (SQL Server) TCP 1521 (Oracle) No
Send to Folder Uses the Microsoft Windows File Management API for file operations. Not applicable Not applicable
Send to FTP FTP 21 Yes
Send to HTTP HTTP, HTTPS 80 Yes
Send to Mail Recipient Native, SMTP, HTTP, HTTPS Native: Refer to vendor documentation for more information. Native: No
SMTP: 25, 465 SMTP: Yes
HTTPS: 443
Send to PC TCP (for file transport) 3711 Yes
Send to SFTP SFTP 22 Yes
SharePoint 2010 HTTP, HTTPS HTTP: 80 Yes
HTTPS: 443
HTTPS: 443
Windream DCOM, TCP/IP TCP/IP 32-bit: 534 No
TCP/IP 64-bit: 53464