Kofax Communication Server 10.5.0 Fix Pack 1
Build date: July 05, 2024
© 2024 Tungsten Automation. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
You can install Kofax Communication Server to resolve the issues listed below.
Features Added in This Fix Pack
2107741: TC/LINK-SM supports additional chain certificates within the CERTIFICATE.PEM file.
2089962: TC/LINK-WM supports SMS using a 4G network.
2083983: TCLINK LDAP Directory Synchronization supports OpenText eDirectory.
2073820: KCS Portal now supports Distribution List management.
1975016: TC/LINK-SM and TC/LINK-MX7 support DKIM to verify the origin of an email and avoid spoofing by detecting changes to the email in transit.
1967167: Kofax Communication Server FoIP supports static NAT with SIP.
1929454: KCS Portal allows adding a recipient with their full name directly from the addressing line.
Issues resolved in this fix pack
ID | Issue | Solution |
2120371 | Sometimes, an issue with the header field caused TCMIME to fail to send a message from Kofax Communication Server to Outlook when the KeepOriginalMime parameter was set to 1. | Fixed the issue with the header field. |
2120346 | In Ip Printer, an error message similar to the following was displayed when you tried to send data to the test.pcl file for printing as access was denied to the folder containing the file:
"Filename \\?\C:\temp\test.pcl is not within output path [Deny]\\*\*\ \\*\*" |
The test.pcl file is placed in a subfolder under the local drive, and access is provided. |
2111902 | Sometimes, TC/LINK-WM failed to receive notifications. | Fixed the issue with the TCLMD.dll file. |
2109372 | While sending a message, an incorrect DKIM signature was inserted if the value of the KeepOriginalMime registry was set to 1. | Fixed the DKIM header fields that caused the issue. |
2106104 | In KCS Portal, an additional empty page was displayed while previewing the messages received via TC/LINK-MX. | Fixed the issue with the TFC.dll file. |
2096398 | Sometimes, KfxConverter failed to convert a DOCX file and generated an empty PDF file using the Aspose engine. | Fixed the issue with the Aspose engine. |
2096124 | An error message similar to the following was displayed in the KCS Portal Inbox when the message server name was not defined in the server URL: "The requested resource does not support http method 'POST'" | Updated message server name in the server URL. |
2090899 | When the sender's email domain did not match the DKIM domain definition due to case sensitivity, the DKIM signature was not included in the email. | Enhanced the DKIM definition to support domains irrespective of case sensitivity. |
2089353 | The DKIM signature was not included in the outbound emails with the Original.eml file attached if the KeepOriginalMime registry value was set to 1. | Fixed the registry that caused the issue. |
2087258 | The message content was missing when the message was forwarded from KCS Portal. | Fixed the issue with the message properties to display the message content correctly in forwarded messages. |
2086979 | A user with insufficient rights was allowed to delete a user, message, or recipient in KCS Portal. | Updated the functionality to allow only the user with sufficient rights to delete a user, message, or recipient. Also, an error message is displayed when a user with insufficient rights tries to delete a user, message, or recipient. |
2084238 | The email body was attached as a duplicate file in the inbound email received via TC/LINK-SM. | The functionality has been enhanced to retain only one copy of the email body as an attachment. |
2083996 | Due to an incompatibility issue with Windows Server 2019, the reboot functionality did not work after installing Kofax Communication Server. | Fixed the compatibility issue between the Kofax Communication Server setup and Windows Server 2019. |
2081532 | The Kofax Communication Server FoIP Technical manual did not mention the Master Key Identifier (MKI) limitations. | Updated the manual to add information about MKI limitations for FoIP. |
2073163 | The DKIM signature was unavailable in the notification emails sent to the mail server from Kofax Communication Server. | Enhanced the functionality to add a DKIM signature in the notification mail. |
2067586 | The KCS Backup manual did not contain information about using Group Managed Service Account (GMSA) to back up a remote server. | Updated the manual to provide information about the usage of GMSA for remote server backup. |
2064328 | An error message similar to the following was displayed if the App99 password policy was active: "invalid User ID" | The App99 settings have been updated to fix the issue. |
2061647 | The Export functionality was not available for the Archive folder in KCS Portal. | The Export functionality is now added to the Archive folder. |
2059458 | By default, the KCS Portal preview pane opened in text mode instead of image mode. | Updated the message preview configuration value in the kcsportalconfig.xml file. |
2057756 | The error message on the KCS Portal login page had a security vulnerability. | The error message is now updated to avoid security vulnerabilities. |
2056365 | KCS Portal Number Series feature does not allow users to enter values that contain more than 4 digits. | The Number Series feature now supports up to 6 digits. |
2055979 | When KCS Portal was accessed directly from the URL, even users without administrator rights were able to access the administration features. | Verification has been enhanced to check user rights while accessing the administrative features. |
2055757 | After upgrading to 10.5.0, inbound FAX messages could not be printed to network printers using IPPRINTER. | Fixed the security issue that did not allow message sharing via IPPRINTER. |
2054838 | The message header was missing when you forwarded an inbound message using KCS Portal. | Fixed the issue with the conversion of message elements to a list of text block items while forwarding. |
2054621 | The Exchange Server rejected the notification mail when the recipient (RCPT) "To" field in the message contained an incomplete value or unknown characters, and an error message similar to the following was displayed: "501 5.5.4 Invalid argument" |
The buffer size of the mail content is increased to support more characters. |
2041203 | The value of the "RoutingService" registry was missing in TCLINK-MD when upgraded from Kofax Communication Server 10.3.0 to | The registry value is now retained after the upgrade. |
2041160 | The WConfig function "Install configuration via Net" did not work when a 22 character password was used for Kofax Communication Server, and an error message similar to the following was displayed: "609 (Wrong UserID)" |
The password buffer size is increased to allow more than 22 characters. |
2040781 | In KCS Portal, the Save button was disabled when you tried to edit and save a file to the System folder. | The functionality is enhanced to detect any changes to a file and enable the Save button. |
2039790 | The value of the Mapfile registry was set incorrectly to SMTP.MAP in TC/LINK-MFP. | The registry value is now updated correctly to MFP.MAP. |
1977615 | The German characters were not displayed correctly in KCS Portal. | Added support for UTF-8 encoding to display German characters. |
1975764 | The messages enclosed between the "++" characters are not shown in the image preview in TCWEB and KCS Portal. | Fixed the issue with UTF8 encoding to recognize the messages enclosed between the "++" characters. |
1975711 | TC/LINK-MX7 failed to process inbound emails due to a buffer size issue. | The functionality has been enhanced to process inbound emails irrespective of the buffer size. |
1973076 | TC/LINK-MD failed with an authentication error when an AES encrypted SMSC password was used. | Upgraded the AES encryption to support SMSC passwords. |
1970818 | The Kofax Communication Server FoIP Technical Manual contained incorrect information about the SIP protocol H.323 support. | The note about the SIP protocol is removed from the manual. |
1969387 | You were unable to view the complete list of services in KCS Portal. | Improved the list view in KCS Portal to display the complete services list when you scroll down the list. |
1968826 | Sometimes, the footer of the message was not displayed in TC/WEB for a FAX message with only one page and a cover sheet. | Added an extra page to the message to fix the footer issue. |
1968535 | The name of an existing KCS Portal service that contained special characters, such as "-" and "." could not be modified. | The "-" and "." special characters are now added to the supported list. |
1968527 | A directory-synchronized user in KCS Portal could not be modified due to cost center field restrictions. | The restrictions have been updated to allow the editing of a user. |
1968497 | In TC/WEB, a previewed FAX message was different from the actual message sent due to scaling. | The message is not scaled. |
1961849 | The "Sender service" filter was empty when a new event was created within a KCS user profile. | The "Sender service" filter is now set to "All". |
1960840 | Listing the search results using the Fetch All button took longer than expected in the KCS Portal Outbox. The following time-out message was displayed: "Search takes long time - Are you sure you want to proceed" |
The search continues ignoring the time-out limit. |
1956048 | New messages were not loaded correctly when scrolling down in the KCS Portal Outbox. | Infinite scroll mode is enabled to load the new messages as you scroll down the list. |
1947798 | The KCS Portal group membership verification failed as the domain names in the group were not considered. | The group membership is verified based on the domain name. |
1943424 | Sometimes, the scroll bar on the KCS Portal Monitor screen scrolled automatically. | The functionality is improved to avoid automatic scrolling. |
1925047 | The Export feature was missing in the User, Address, and Events screens in KCS Portal. | The feature is now added to the application. |
1815739 | An error message similar to the following was displayed when you tried to run the Kofax Communication Server setup after migrating to a new server as duplicate groups were created: "An item with the same key has already been added" |
The Kofax Communication Server setup verifies the serverconfig.xml file to avoid creating duplicate groups for those already listed in the file. |
Applies to
You can use this fix pack to install Kofax Communication Server or upgrade from Kofax Communication Server versions 10.3.0,, 10.4.0,, and 10.5.0.
Files included
This fix pack includes the following files:
File name | version |
3rdparty\*.* | NA |
kcs\*.* | NA |
kcsclients\*.* | NA |
Samples | NA |
KofaxCommunicationServer 10.5 Notices.txt | NA |
ReadMe-KofaxCommunicationServer- | NA |
Install this fix pack
This fix pack includes a full installation of Kofax Communication Server.
Refer to the relevant installation guides available on the Kofax Communication Server documentation page.