Web Capture control

Use a Web Capture control to:

  • Create multi-page documents.

  • Create a new document in a new folder.

  • Create a new document in an existing folder or subfolder.

  • Scan and view a document. Use the document ID to view the document.

  • Specify the type of a newly created document or folder.

  • Add new pages to an existing document.

    The control lets you add new pages to an existing document but does not let you replace the document.

  • View all the pages of a newly created or existing document.

  • Delete pages that have been incorrectly scanned.

  • Draw the area to mask or redact on the image.

  • Add sticky notes.

  • The Web Capture control does not support capture on a mobile or tablet device.

  • We recommend that you do not use a Web Capture control to ingest files or high volume of data. Instead, use capture forms.

Web capture control toolbar

The following table describes the buttons available in a Web Capture control toolbar.

The buttons on the toolbar appear based on the settings applied in the TotalAgility Designer.

Button Name Icon Description
File Import

Use this button to import a file at runtime.

Add Page(s) from File

Use this button to add pages by importing file from local.


Use this button to do the following:

  • Save created annotations.

  • Apply created redactions and burn them to image if you have the required permissions.

You must click the Save button after scanning or importing pages, or after performing some batch-edit, such as moving and deleting pages to save the document and folder. To avoid using the Save button and allow everything to be auto-saved, you can assign the WebCapture Save action to particular WebCapture control event, such as Document changed or Ingestion completed, in Form Designer.

Select Scanner

Use this button to display a list of scanners to choose from.


Use this button to scan pages using the selected scanner.

Add Page(s) from Scanner

Use this button to add pages to the existing scanned pages.

Previous Page

Use this button to go to a previous page.

Next Page

Use this button to go to the next page.

Delete Page

Use this button to delete pages that have been incorrectly scanned. Clicking this button displays a confirmation message, "Are you sure you want to delete page x of y". (x is the current page and y is the total pages). Once confirmed, the selected page is deleted. The index of the pages updates accordingly.

Move Page Up

Use this button to move the current page up. If you try to move the first page up, a warning message appears.

Move Page Down

Use this button to move the current page down. If you try to move the last page down, a warning message appears.

Moving the page up or down, updates the page index accordingly. For example, in a 6-page document, page 3 is the current page. If you move this page up, the current page now moves to page 2. The index for this page displays page 2 of 6.
Zoom In

Use this button to magnify the view.

Zoom Out

Use this button to constrict the view.

Full Size

Use this button to view the image at its real size.

Best Fit

Use this button to fit the entire image to the viewer.

Fit To Width

Use this button to fit the image to the width of the viewer.

Draw Highlight

Use this button to highlight the text.

Draw Line

Use this button to draw a line.

Draw Freehand

Use this button to create freehand annotation.

Draw Rectangle

Use this button to create rectangle annotation.

Draw Text

Use this button to create text annotation.

Add Sticky Note

Use this button to add sticky notes.

You can move sticky notes by dragging the mouse with left-button pressed. To edit your sticky note, double-click and modify as needed. Use the context menu option to delete your sticky note.

Draw Mask

Use this button to draw the area to mask on the image.

Draw Permanent Redaction

Use this button to permanently alter the image, so that you are able to remove sensitive information that should not reside in your database.


Use this button to undock the document viewer from the main form and display in a separate browser window so that it can be viewed on a second monitor. Undocking document viewer helps in viewing the image or document on one screen while completing out the form on the other screen. For example, you can view the image of invoice on one screen while completing the other details in the form on the second screen.

  • The inner size of the undocked image viewer in the new browser window matches the size of the original Web Capture control.

  • The Undock button is hidden in an undocked document viewer.

  • When the undocked image window is closed, the image reappears on the main form as docked (original form).


Use this button to navigate to help.