Kofax TotalAgility 7.10.0 Fix Pack 26
Build date: March 28, 2024
© 2024 Tungsten Automation. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
This release contains priority fixes driven by critical on-demand requests in Kofax TotalAgility On-Premise.
Note: To install Kofax TotalAgility successfully, an existing full installation of Kofax TotalAgility 7.10.0 is required.
If you need to perform a full product installation, see the Kofax TotalAgility 7.10.0 Installation Guide for instructions.
Issues resolved in this fix pack
ID | Case ID | Issue |
2087651 | 26853354 | Due to the timing issue, the Work queue query columns were reset and not used as defined in the Work queue query. |
2073539 | 26806594 | A few documents were suspended during extraction as OmniPage could not perform recognition within the default timeout period of 180 seconds. |
Previous fix packs
This section includes the features added and issues resolved in the previously released fix packs.
Issues resolved
ID | Case ID | Issue |
2083365 | 26808325 | On upgrading to Kofax TotalAgility 7.10.0, the following error occurred in a Web service activity: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." |
2082039 | 26831247 | The PackageStreamingService SDK APIs did not work as expected when using the default URL endpoint (the JSON URL endpoint is no longer supported). |
Issues resolved
ID | Case ID | Issue |
2068930 | 26799200 | Dates returned to form controls changed unexpectedly. |
2068699 | 26799543 | Job and Work queue queries failed after upgrading to and using @today in criteria. |
2067932 | 26809809 | The database was affected when the KFS_DEVICE table was blocked. |
2063377 | 26791305 | The Transformation Server service loaded the complete hierarchy for each document, resulting in exponential memory usage. |
2061370 | 26797238 | Excessive updates to KFS_DEVICESESSION from Management Frame Protection Client prevented users from connecting to the server. |
Feature added
2054313: Enhancement to Kofax Front Office Server component
2040766, 26687280: Extend the default timeout in Omnipage
Private Sub Document_BeforeLocate(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, ByVal LocatorName As String)
If(LocatorName = "
2040096, 26777173: Metadata field added to the import source
Issues resolved
ID | Case ID | Issue |
2060701 | 26755966 | The GetIdFromResourceName SDK method caused the job to suspend instead of returning false if the resource was not found. |
2060187 | 26757545 | An issue occurred when the DocumentFormLoaded event that contained a few actions modified the document and these actions were intersected with other calls that the Capture form performed during loading of the documents. This caused the outdated data to be stored in the cache. |
2058074 | 26741216 | The Tab control on a Validation activity form failed to load when the Validation activity was opened for the second time. |
2058036 | 26775934 | In a Real Time Transformation server (RTTS) installation of Kofax TotalAgility On-Premise Multi Tenant, when the CreateJobSyncWithDocuments() method was executed to create a synchronous job on the process, the .Net activity returned the following error: "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: bytes." |
2056950 | 26788267 | In a Transformation project, the Data Matrix barcodes were not detected. For more details, see Additional information. |
2055225 | 26773826 | The field zoom settings created via package import were retained and added to the DATA_XML column of the CAPTURE_DOCUMENT_TYPE table even after getting deleted via TotalAgility Designer. |
2039616 | 26763765 | When a Message Connector configured with the RightFax REST API was connected to the RightFax server, the connection failed, and the Message Connector got disconnected. |
2039613 | 26763002 | When a Message Connector was configured with the RightFax REST API and connected to the RightFax server in a multi-instance mode, the faxes remained forever in the RightFax inbox without being imported. |
2039071 | 26694605 | The conversion of German characters failed when the messages were processed using the MS Graph import source. |
2038994 | 26771062 | The live activity records from the TotalAgility LIVE_ACTIVITY table were not deleted once the activity was taken or locked. |
Additional information
The "BarTradeOff" and "BarScanInterval" properties with the corresponding default values, "CscBarcodeLocTradeOffFastest" and 5 are added to the barcode locator. This sets the corresponding Atalasoft settings before barcode recognition which can lead to significantly faster recognition. Following is the sample script code added to the BeforeLocate event.
Private Sub Document_BeforeLocate(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, ByVal LocatorName As String)
If(LocatorName = "
Issues resolved
ID | Case ID | Issue |
2037213 | 26766888 | When a package was compared before deploying it to the deployment server, the following error occurred: "Invalid Target URL. Please provide a valid Target URL." |
2036719 | 26490162, 26707663 | When the default language of the SQL Server used in the TotalAgility connection string was set to “French” and the custom sorting was enabled in a work queue, the following error occurred: “Converting a nvarchar data type to a datetime data type created an out of bound value” . |
2001366 | 26738342 | The processing of Web Services Addressing messages failed with the following error: "Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.@p'." |
2000986 | 26757038 | In a TotalAgility WorkQueueForm that used the GetWorkQueue2 method, the "Refresh", "Back", and "Next" buttons did not work as expected. |
1996763 | 26758330 | The Export node did not work in a subjob. |
1991507 | 26747355 | In a document with multiple barcodes, all the barcodes were not detected. |
1990414 | 26749658 | The incoming request had more than a maximum of 2100 parameters supported by the server. |
1985316 | 26747355 | The Code39 barcodes were incorrectly recognized and the results varied depending on the “Kernel.Ocr.BAR.Bar1D.MinLength” setting. |
1985044 | 26747355 | The Code128 barcodes were not recognized. |
Feature added
1989474: Add Reporting variables in the TotalAgility Designer for Azure packages
The Reporting service and Azure worker role is enhanced to configure the WSA messages retention in days per tenant using the new setting available in CEBPM_SETTINGS. This setting controls the WsaRetentionInterval environment variable for ETL. You can change this setting via direct query to the tenant database.
Note: This functionality is only available for manual database script editing.
To modify the WsaRetentionInterval setting for Reporting, follow these steps:
- Open TotalAgility Designer for the respective tenant.
- Navigate to System Settings > Database retention and reporting > Reporting Server.
- In the Reporting server dialog box, click Save.
- Execute the following databse script:
USE TotalAgility_<name of the tenant>
SET CEBPM_SETTINGS = REPLACE(CAST(CEBPM_SETTINGS AS NVARCHAR(MAX)), '<WsaRetentionInterval>7</WsaRetentionInterval>', '<WsaRetentionInterval>30</WsaRetentionInterval>')
Issues resolved
1989334, 26721563: In a Dropdown list control, GUIds were displayed instead of values when the data was populated from a custom database.
1987248, 26715588: There was an issue detecting the Datamatrix barcodes.
1985309, 26755911: When the Business Rule Logging was disabled, the job was suspended with the following error: "Failed to execute the business rule: "IKAROS Render XML Vorgangsanlage". The executor returned: "Execution of the activity failed. Unable to find Variable."
1985102, 26750275: In a .NET activity, the following error occurred on execution of the GetActivitiesWithQuery2 API: "User does not have sufficient access rights on the query."
1984786, 26581018: The Field zoom settings were applied before the image was loaded into the Image Viewer.
1963647, 26701709: When comparing two packages, if a scroll bar was used to scroll the lists of both packages and compare all artifacts from the two packages displayed side by side, the artifacts on the left and right sides were not aligned.
Issues resolved
1982277, 26732718: The Multifactor authentication (MFA) login failed when a user logged on to two different browsers on the same computer or two different browsers on two computers.1979282, 26746075: When the GetResources() method was used to get the resources, it took longer than the expected time and the performance issue occurred.
1977808, 26720437: When a process that contained a role was copied, the copied process failed to create a new role ID.
1977802, 26740115: The Validation form became unresponsive when fuzzy search was performed.
1976813, 26636186, 26721177, 25023467: The installation of Kofax TotalAgility 7.9.0.X fix pack failed with the following error: "Illegal characters in path."
1975651, 26677452, 26734390, 26740888: In Kofax Transformation Designer, when the optical character recognition was performed on a document and a Barcode Locator was tested against it, the following error occurred: "Could not perform recognition due to an internal OmniPage error: General Protection Fault in the Engine."
1972885, 26732382: The “/” character used in a date was incorrectly recognized by the OmniPage when the recognition language was set to French.
Feature added
1946052, 26662398: Ability to detect incomplete data streamsThe incorrect or unknown responses from the server are now processed correctly while reading email messages from the email server.
Issues resolved in this fix pack
1972259, 26732646: Kofax TotalAgility Designer became unresponsive when loading a large number (more than 90,000) of resources.1972250, 26721344: The performance issue occurred while adding resources to a group.
1971205, 26711902: The "“Check for database compatibility" option did not work as expected when installing a fix pack in an On-Premise Multi-Tenant environment.
1970444, 26721196: When mapping a SharePoint site to a SharePoint add item activity, the following error occurred: "The attempted operation is prohibited because it exceeds the list view threshold."
1968507, 26713057: There was a Cross-site scripting vulnerability in a Work queue control.
1967519, 26718377: An Advanced Zone Locator (AZL) returned a Fox Exception error in the Transformation Designer.
1967422, 26705905: When the TotalAgility database became accessible again (usually within two minutes) after becoming inaccessible due to failover to another node, the CoreWorker failed to progress on activities.
1967370, 26713610: The changes made to the extraction group were not saved in the Kofax TotalAgility Designer.
1967307, 26715588: The OmniPage Barcode Locator did not recognize all Data Matrix bar codes. For more details, see Additional information.
1967154, 26678409: The Message Connector services stopped processing emails and required a reboot to clear the issue.
1961481, 26686206: The Barcode Locator could not perform recognition due to an internal OmniPage error.
1949509, 26686693: The OmniPage engine did not recognize the "<" character correctly.
Additional information
The new "DespeckleMethod" property is added to the Barcode Locator to perform image preprocessing before barcode recognition. This can significantly improve the recognition quality.
Note: Use this property only in cases where barcode recognition fails.
To recognize 2D bar codes where image preprocessing is performed using the DespeckleMethod, add the following script code to the "BeforeLocate" event:
Private Sub Document_BeforeLocate(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, ByVal LocatorName As String) If(LocatorName = "BarcodeLocator") Then Dim Loc As CscBarcodeLocator Set Loc = Project.ClassByIndex(0).Locators.ItemByName(LocatorName).LocatorMethod Loc.DespeckleMethod = CscBarcodeLocDespeckleMethodMedian End If End Sub
Feature added
1967077: Package import option to exclude associationsWhen importing a package with selected items, the new "Do not import associations" option is available to exclude associations from import.
Issues resolved
1967322, 26702279: The line break did not work as expected when a Dynamic complex variable was mapped to the template placeholder.1960596, 26703461: The Data Matrix 2D barcodes were not detected when “GS1-128” barcode type was enabled.
1960160, 26705918: The Table model assigned to a field in the Transformation Designer changed after the extraction group was released in TotalAgility Designer.
1958483, 26698958: In the Transformation Designer, when the Mixed Print recognition engine was used for classification, the following error occurred: "There was an error reading from the pipe. The pipe has been ended."
Feature added
1954810: Error handling in Export ConnectorThe following three new options are available for error handling in the Export Connector:
- Never stop: Use this option to continue exporting the document to subsequent connectors. Export subsequent documents to all export connectors. This is the default behavior.
- Stop entire job: Use this option to stop exporting the job and route it to the next activity.
- Stop export for error document only: Use this option to not export the document to subsequent connectors. Export subsequent documents to all export connectors.
Issues resolved
1955716, 26684602: Cannot tab to a Calendar control on a Validation form.1955644, 26685851: Using type-ahead functionality of choice combo box Selection can be misleading.
1955421, 26680180: Reporting: etl_job_key is not updated, thus KAFTA does not load updated data.
1955415, 26679898: Invalid sessionid error when redirecting to GeneralWorkQueue.form from custom logon form using aspx.
1954939, 26690360: Generated PDF does contain Annotations with Masks doesn't after Export.
1954698, 26688398: Error on split environment - Method UpdateDocumentFieldPropertyValues is not supported on this proxy.
1954245, 26688551: Invalid job state error.
1953967, 26690832: The PDF compression was not used when a document had a mix of pages with and without PDF page data.
1953322, 26704682: Images from Kofax TotalAgility store may not display on Kofax TotalAgility Forms.
1949606, 26679803: Concurrent User volume discrepancy caused by very rare race condition.
Feature added
1946250, 26665750, 26680998: Option to specify the document type search behavior in Capture Client drop-downA new option is added in the Scan create new job and Capture activity controls to select the filtering behavior of a document type combo box ('contains' and 'starts with').
Issues resolved
1951679, 26690275: When a Cloud tenant accessed other tenants’ deployed folders, issues such as “The specified site does not exist” occurred. 1946741, 26681341: The Document type drop-down did not filter correctly when typing the document name. 1946727, 26679533: Barcode 39 was not recognized by the OmniPage Barcode Locator.1946286, 26682602: The oldest compatible version of Web Capture Service was missing in the Kofax TotalAgility 7.10 fix pack ReadMe files.
1944599, 26680108: Kofax TotalAgility did not work when a document was deleted with the cache turned off.
1944590, 26662588: On redirecting to the next document, validation did not respond.
1944578, 26673373: A white space was added to the Kofax TotalAgility Capture table under certain conditions.
1943240, 26668673: In Integration Server, the Kofax Import Connector file import resulted in a 0-page document for large files.
1941868, 26674176: When testing a Check Locator in Transformation Designer, the following error occurred: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
1938680, 26662929: An error occurred while converting the image to black and white during the training of the document.
Feature added
1926501, 26627489: Display scan errors reported by Virtual Re-Scan scan sourceKofax TotalAgility Scan forms can now display the scan errors reported by Virtual Re-Scan scan source.
Note: To allow scan errors to be displayed, make sure KofaxVRS- or newer is installed along with Kofax TotalAgility
Issues resolved
1942021, 26653392: When the Integration server was in a different time zone, the System tasks’ due dates were updated incorrectly slowing down the processing speed of the CoreWorker.1941322, 26584370: An issue occurred when loading a popup window in the Activity forms.
1940222, 26661067: The “Name template" property of a document type did not work when the documents were created using the following Capture SDKs: CreateDocument3(), CreateDocuments2(), CreateDocumentWithPages() and CreateDocument().
1938545, 26655795: In a Validation activity, the Document field value was not cleared upon form removal and existed across validation activities in different jobs.
1937511, 26638680: When a Data object variable was used in a post-validation handling process map, the job was suspended at extraction with the following error: "Please provide a valid data object variable value."
1937502, 26616042: When there were more than 2100 categories, different areas of the TotalAgility Designer reported the following database error if the Category was set to "All": "The incoming request has too many parameters. The server supports a maximum of 2100 parameters. Reduce the number of parameters and resend the request."
1936105, 26664873: The backlog of wsa_messages in the Reporting_Staging database logs displayed the following errors: "Index was outside the bounds of the array." and "The given key was not present in the dictionary".
1935745, 26660325: In a Validation activity, when the documents were moved to a new subfolder, the user interface sometimes became unresponsive.
1935441, 26663453: In a Document review activity, the drop-down list incorrectly opened the document that the mouse was hovering over, instead of opening the document that was clicked.
1935339, 26632094: Issues with client timeout for huge size emails and client request loop using Microsoft Graph Resource Owner password credentials grant.
Features added
1930995: Ability to record system task history and configure system task thread pool size
In TotalAgility On-Premise Multi-Tenant and Azure environments, you can now temporarily record the system task history to diagnose performance issues on deployments. This can be done by manually running the database scripts and turning on the “SystemTasksHistoryToRecord” setting. Additionally, configure the thread pool size of the System Task thread pool via “SystemTaskThreadpoolSize” configuration setting. Please contact Technical Support for the database scripts.
1930020, 26650714: Option to consider a lookup when validating a field
A new setting, Restrict to choice list values, is available in TotalAgility Designer for Choice fields and Choice columns to validate a field value against the choice values.
1925614: Option to stop documents from exporting on error
A new setting, Stop on error, is added in the Export activity configuration to stop documents from exporting to additional Export Connectors if one of the documents fails to export.
Issues resolved
1931960, 26640106: The case fragment jobs that were older than the retention period configured on the process maps still existed in the database instead of getting deleted. 1931090, 26652373: In a Validation form, unexpected highlighter sections were added in the table cells when lassoing the values from an image. As more cells were modified, more sections were created which made the image blurred and not readable.1929057, 26647304: In Capture forms, if the Enable Replay Protection setting was selected using the Configuration Utility, the forms stopped working and an error appeared.
1927815, 26654613: The null value was returned when the Data object variable was accessed in a loop.
1926956, 26647990: "If the "Merge page PDF data" option was enabled during the PDF generation, the PDF was created with broken text.
1925673, 26650715: When performing extraction in Transformation Designer, the fields that were marked as valid at design time were invalid at runtime.
1925164, 26640277: In a Validation activity, the browser zoom level or screen resolution affected the visibility of the last document folder. This prevented the usage of vertical scrollbar to navigate down to the last document folder.
1925058, 26636775: A Work queue validation form that contained multiple tabs always stopped on the first tab even if the invalid field was on a different tab.
1924791, 26647797: The Azure Load Balancer had an idle timeout of four minutes. Depending on the number of documents and their size in the New Samples folder, downloading the first 100 documents exceeded four minutes. This resulted in the following error: "An error occurred while downloading the New Samples. Timeout exceeded!".
1924201, 26580329: When the Toshiba e-Studio Remote TWAIN driver was used to scan documents into a TotalAgility Scan form (using WebCapture Service, after the initial scan was completed, the subsequent scans failed with the "Device Not Found error."
1923254, 26596799: The time spent statistics for documents were inaccurate.
1923253, 26596799: In Reporting, the retry mechanism on all the network issues to re-send the wsa_messages was not appropriate.
1923251, 26619818: The performance of the document retention was not sufficient to keep up with the increased load.
1922333, 26647043: The Process tab for a Scan create new job form disappeared from the Fields panel when a new job was created when changing the default layout. The Fields panel was no longer docked to the panel selected previously.
1921526, 26626419: An error occurred when checking if a tenant database was online.
1901385, 26635545: The data object access containing null or empty values caused JSON errors.
1871510, 26614701: The Microsoft Graph import source displayed the sender’s email address and subject line blank in Message Connector.
1864099, 26522348: In Kofax Export Connector XML 8.1, the following error occurred with a complex process where the original eDocs was configured to get exported to a subdirectory: "Image Conversion Error: 8000400."
Additional Information
For better results, do the following:
- Open Agility.Server.Core.WorkerService.exe.config located at the following location in your installed directory: \\Kofax\TotalAgility\CoreWorkerService
Update the following appsetting values:
- add key="MaxBackOffInMilliseconds" value="10000"
- add key="DeltaBackOffInMilliseconds" value="2000"
- Save and close the file.
Issues resolved in this fix pack
1900160, 26630442, 26629239: An error occurred in the Azure environment when deploying a package from an on-premise environment to Azure. 1894973, 26630571: When testing the Advance zone locator in the Kofax Transformation Designer, recognition could not be performed due to the following internal OmniPage error:"Recognition process soft TimeOut."1893458, 26633120: On a Drop-down list control using a form action that returned numbers as values, the SelectionChanged event was not executed when the selection was changed from an empty value to 0.
1889661, 26580106: The Transformation Designer became unresponsive when running benchmarks with over 50 documents.
Feature added
1891440, 26633764, 26633764, 26617456, 26585130, 26525990: Safe Scripting: Creation time for sandbox can be reduced
In a multi-tenant environment, the secured domain is created for each tenant. The creation time of the secured domain is now reduced so that the performance is not impacted when the tenant has less frequent activities or actions that needs to be performed in a secured domain.
Issues resolved in this fix pack
At intermittent periods, TotalAgility Workspace was not accessible due to the following error: "The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool."1888077, 26623888: In a Dropdown list control, the SelectionChanged event was incorrectly executed on switching documents.
1887676, 26618994: When configuring the Federated security in the TotalAgility Designer, if the display name in one of your user claim mappings contained Unicode characters that were not encoded, the log on failed with an error.
1885858, 26612831: In a Validation activity, the field co-ordinates were not highlighted in the Capture Client Image viewer on clicking a field in the Fields panel until you refreshed the page.
Features added
1871349, 26605389: Retain line breaks when filling document templates
When a Dynamic complex variable (with a column of type String) that has values with line breaks is mapped to a field within a table of a document template, then the line breaks are retained on the created document.
1866290, 26601364: Ability to store TIFF files on the document sourceThe imported TIFF file stored at the document level remains there after document conversion or image processing and does not cause name collision during the Export stage.
Issues resolved in this fix pack
1871613, 26620513: An error occurred on importing large packages due to insufficient disk space.1864099, 26522348: Exporting the documents in Kofax Export Connector 8.1.0 for XML displayed "Image Conversion Error: 8000400".
1863682, 26601364, 26522348: When the Message Connector was used along with the Text or FileNet Export connector, jobs were suspended in the Export activity with an error.
1862926, 26612244: When a parent document was created with a Boolean field in TotalAgility Designer, and a child document was created in the Transformation Designer, the extraction group had a field type inheritance issue.
1862739, 26604865: When the SDK was used to reclassify a document, the job was suspended with the following error on extraction:"The document type does not exist."
Feature added
1848836: Customize the auto-complete search mechanism on validationThe combo boxes and regular fields' auto complete feature is enhanced. As you input the text in a field or combo box, the search suggestions that meet the specified criteria are automatically displayed.
Issues resolved in this fix pack
1866474, 26617771: The SLA status color was incorrectly displayed for active or overdue tasks in a Case health control.1866199, 26614372, 26614627, 26613788, 26613806, 26613361, 26612383, 26611653, 26611043, 26609582, 26604463, 26613088, 26610595, 26617062: Web Capture Service certificate not valid when Chrome Root Store is enabled.
1866180, 26614372, 26614627, 26613788, 26613806, 26613361, 26612383, 26611653, 26611043, 26609582, 26604463, 26613088 Scan Agent Service certificate not valid when Chrome Root Store is enabled.
1865294, 26608013: The “Reject documents on exceptions” setting did not work for the PDF generator when processing the signed PDFs.
1865250, 26607079: Execution of the Document conversion activity in a job failed with an error.
1864705, 26612757: The import of the form that was configured with Custom service actions failed with the “Form Identity” version warning: “The form is invalid, as a reference with the same name already exists.”
1861993, 26600889: The static choice values that were deleted from the extraction group were visible at runtime.
1861951, 26607012: The database was left in an invalid state after the package import returned an error regarding job query permissions.
1861948, 26602518: ”KTATHIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME.txt” was updated for Kofax TotalAgility 7.10.0.
1861398, 26605383: The server variable associations did not display the process name.
1860143, 26584010: If the browser language of Chrome was set to Turkish and/or the regional settings on the TotalAgility machine were set to Turkish, the form debugging failed.
1860083, 26588271: If the "Merge page PDF data" option was enabled for the PDF generator, the created PDF text was broken.
26607158: Reporting: After installing fix pack 5, 6, or 7, then installing fix pack 8/9, Invalid object name 'tmp_delete_doc_dim'.
1859734, 26596097: The SelectionChanged event was incorrectly executed for the drop-down list after splitting a document.
1858862, 26603966: The SelectionChanged event was incorrectly executed when the selection on the drop-down was cleared using a Clear selection action.
1858563, 26604211: CaptureContextData cookie does not conform to RFC standard.
1857716, 26602345: The performance of the DeleteBatchSessSnapshotFact step in retention can be improved.
1857431, 26591873: Kofax Import Connector archive folder timestamp not matching up with job variable value.
1857163: Cannot Map Multiple Data objects Business Rule.
1856476, 26547083: Reporting Database Size growth issue - object_audit_fact table does not clear with Reporting Retention.
1856006, 26596517, 26590406: Next Problem' action doesn't work if there is a gap of 30 or more between unclassified documents.
1855914, 26601671: Could not poll a folder that was 10+1 deep in the inbox via MS Graph.
1848992, 26593144, 26617353: "The extraction group could not be saved" error occurred when trying to release an extraction group after adding a new document type to an extraction group and then selecting to re-release any associated classification group.
1848793, 2657038: Validation forms : Dropdown autocompletion when you introduce fast characters.
Features added
1843839: Configurable user inactivity timeout in Kofax Ricoh Android ClientWhen using the Ricoh Android Client, the device timeout is extended to a value from the TotalAgility Designer Devices Advanced settings.
Issues resolved in this fix pack
1849019, 26590692: Fields are valid in Transformation Designer despite the confidence being less than the configured threshold.1848959, 26460860 , 26559110: Difference in field value observed between Runtime and Debugging process map.
1848918, 26588331: GetJobVariablesValues errors when variable doesn't exist.
1848854, 26589037: Online learning confidence decreases after training.
1848396, 26595807 , 26596129: The method or operation is not implemented when using OL in RTTS.
1847696, 26555830: Cannot rename control on Kofax TotalAgility form.
1847217, 26579812: Unable to see master items or line items when training a document in Transformation Designer after using interpolation on the table.
1847148, 26591907: Doc Review: With Navigator panel collapsed, merge shortcut key only works once.
1846955, 26592554: Sharepoint Move Item activity does not update Metadata on Sharepoint.
Feature added
1840346, 26568021: Cannot process large documents with 200+ pages through PDF generation
The PDF generation libraries are moved to a 64-bit process because the high memory requirements of the libraries in combination with the large documents (large page images * many pages) are huge to be handled by a 32-bit process.
Issues resolved in this fix pack
1848197, 26593014: Multiple Image Viewer undocked windows on Complete and take next activity.1846684, 26559993: The following new feature added in was not in the ReadMe file: Training sets optional in deployment configuration.
1843004, 26578364: When an Email node with a Folder variable as an attachment was configured on the Integration Server, the job on the email node was suspended with the following error: “CANNOT_GET_FOLDER”.
1842279, 26584084: The Object reference error occurred if a task was assigned to the same group twice.
1840944, 26578804: Chinese characters incorrectly displayed,
1840692, 26569400: Case fragment work type field values were not updated in the LIVE_WORK_QUEUE_DEFINITION table.
1840313, 26578557: The Scan activity performed on an MFP did not upload documents or fire events when the target folder was empty.
1839233, 26579362: The Percentage formatter did not handle overflow in the same way as the Amount formatter.
1838356, 26570812: After merging documents, the value in a Capture field set programmatically was lost when unloading the batch.
1837968, 26566237: The Complete activity prompt was displayed even when the batch was invalid after refreshing the Capture form.
1837813, 26570863: The “Create job in case” failed with the following error: "Invalid Case Reference. Either the Case does not exist or is closed".
1837247, 26573678: The Reporting service displayed the following error: “Exception: wsaMessage-Request other parallel iterations to stop”.
1837241, 26570006: Reporting retention performance required optimization.
1837197, 26573579: Inherited document fields did not work correctly when upgrading from TotalAgility 7.5.0 to 7.10.0.
1837042, 26573432: Importing an XLS file to get the PDF export resulted in the following error: "Text Export Connector","||INTERNAL_ERROR||”.
1836291, 26566682, 26556860: At random intervals, blocks of messages in Message Connector failed to transfer to TotalAgility due to the following error: "The document data is null. The document message.eml is rejected because it could not be normalized to PDF/A. The error is: Document conversion failure PDF to TIFF Conversion Error: Input PDF file is corrupt or invalid”.
1836214, 26564604: Validation did not work when returning from a popup form.
1828711, 26568253: Job query failed when querying "Finished" jobs with a resource group in the "Created by" filter field.
1827145, 26444852: Federated Security - group membership should not be refreshed when there are no rules.
1823774, 26545706: Email bodies were not getting converted.
Issues resolved
1829669, 26569340: Artifacts were imported although they were not selected while importing a package.1827765, 26567578: When installing Kofax TotalAgility with minimum database permissions, the installation failed.
1827411, 26563552: The following server error occurred when importing more than 1000 PDF files at once: "The folder hierarchy could not be saved; some or all pending changes have been lost."
1827084, 26569338: The job schedule could not be selected individually in a package.
1826751, 26535495: The number of entries in the [field_accum_fact] table in TotalAgility was different from the same table in after processing equal sets of wsa_messages.
1826372, 26557361: The RepositoryDocumentId values were not unique when exporting by Assigned Export Connector order.
1826060, 26552191: In a Capture dropdown list, the SelectionChanged event was not executed when the value was deleted.
1825236, 26565537: Truncation occurred on variables longer than 4096 characters in length.
1823283, 26561030: Business rule in a process map was not selectable.
1823006, 26558902: Configuring Amazon S3 Bucket for us-east-1 Region failed with error.
1822960, 26561413: When the query was edited with minor changes, the Due Date column in the Job list displayed only date instead of datetime.
1822943, 26559283: On a Validation form, when trying to enter or correct a field value and auto complete suggests a value, it was impossible to enter a value that was not suggested by auto complete without using the mouse.
1822031, 26548052: Recognition failed with error: "General Protection Fault in the Engine." when Arabic was enabled.
1821962, 26551997: On a Validation form, the Text Changed action was executed even if no change was made to the field.
1820789, 26537010: An error occurred when merging the transformation project with the previous version of a customized project.
1820509, 26552191: In a Dropdown list control, the SelectionChanged event was not executed when the value was deleted.
1820244, 26544627: The empty folders that were created by a Scan create new job form were not deleted when you navigated away from the form without creating a job or did not scan or import pages for the empty folders.
Issues resolved
Features added
1800191: Support for VCF (Virtual Contact File) in Kofax TotalAgility
TotalAgility now supports the conversion of a VCF file. The content in the converted PDF/TIFF file appears the same as the content in the input VCF file when viewed using Microsoft Outlook.
1804094: Port LINQ to SQL Reporting implementation
The performance of the Reporting Service has been significantly improved.
Issues resolved
1811290, 26522600: Email import did not populate the initialization variables for the jobs created in Kofax TotalAgility.
Features added
1796700, 26511990: Allow the WebService and POST HTTP form action calls to be context-aware
A new "ContextHeader" property is added in Capture controls in Kofax TotalAgility Designer. This value can be used in custom DLLs to inject a special header to ensure the Web service Capture API is executed in the correct context.
1784180: Test and verify the multi-tenant version of the Import Connector for TotalAgility Cloud.
You can configure the Import Connectors and import sources using an Azure tenant.
Issues resolved
1799789, 26507860: In a Validation activity, the "Complete and Take Next" option did not work with rejected documents and unconfirmed fields.
Issues resolved
1791645, 26505138: The Begin condition in a Calendar control was incorrectly evaluated.
1790136, 26500968: An error occurred when you tried to load the Document review activity from the work queue.
1788349, 26500752: Could not add a SOAP web service reference on an Integration Server.
1788344, 26498623, 26498796: A database error occurred upon selecting the work queue query configured with Work type that had a date field.
1785277, 26492504: The Legacy Wrappers in C# activities failed even if a valid resource was added as a user.
1783131, 26475474: All emails ingested through IMAP imported the attachments first and then email body even if "Body first and attachments" option was selected for import content in the Import settings.
1782550, 26476018: The Web capture control did not load the document when forms cache was disabled. This issue occurred intermittently.
1782357, 26489240: The Calendar control displayed default error message two times.
1781780, 26484372: When the browser language for Chrome was configured for the Turkish language, the form field did not display the field value from the database query result.
1781773, 26479233: Could not complete an activity on a job within the required timeout, as the job was in Ready for Evaluation status.
1780900, 26311496, 26488285: The expression text of a Regular expression was cut off in the overview or was not displayed correctly.
1780221, 26480585: A database error occurred when a job was created in Kofax TotalAgility based on the Message Connector.
1779820, 26485905: The OmniPage Bar Code engine recognized QR Code in a single line instead of multiple lines.
1778829, 26434233 26487979: The Validation form became unresponsive when Fuzzy Search was executed before a Confirm field action.
1775228, 26472803: Issue with update of field page index after image processing.
Features added
1769405, 26463411: Reference Logos in generated PDF when "Merge PDF page data" is used
Implemented optimization in PDF merge operation which removes PDF resources that were duplicated during PDF split operation.
1773419, 26478755: OmniPage confidence for Hand Print always 100% regardless of accuracy
The recognized handwritten characters from zone recognition with OmniPage now have reliable confidence information.
1705868, 26422641: On-Premise Multi-Tenant license threshold notification for tenants
The License Threshold Monitoring system task is supported in TotalAgility On-Premise Multi-Tenant and Azure environments. You can now specify the license threshold in the Tenant Management System in the same way as in TotalAgility On-Premise.
Note: After applying this fix pack, make sure you manually upgrade each tenant from Tenant Management System to get the new License Threshold Monitoring system task will get added to the tenant.
Issues resolved
1780232, 26466749: The Process tab for the Scan create new job form disappeared when a new job was created.
Features added
Kofax TotalAgility Real Time Transformation Server warm-up image
In the Kofax TotalAgility Real Time Transformation Server, you can now perform image warm-up for the Transformation Server and IIS processes, so they are not fully loaded until an image is processed. If you use a warm-up image, Real Time Transformation Interface processes the image after loading the project. This improves the speed of processing the first request that comes in because processing the initial items have already started. The data results of processing the warm-up image are discarded.
Note: Install the Application Initialization role/feature to support the application and set up the IIS Application Initialization setting.
Configure the following settings in the IIS to reduce the first job wait time after a restart.
- Navigate to TotalAgility AppPool > Advanced Settings and ensure the following:
- Idle Time-out (minutes) = 0
- Start Mode = AlwaysRunning
- Navigate to TotalAgility Application >Manage Application > Advanced Settings and ensure the following:
- Preload Enabled = True
Allow Scan Profile to be updated based on a field value
A new Select scan profile action type is added to the Capture Client form action that allows selecting Scan/VRS profile based on mapped variable, form control value, inline value, or Scan/VRS profile.
Change the default configuration/service definition of the Web worker roles in TotalAgility Cloud
The default configuration of Kofax TotalAgility Azure is updated to use the latest secure HTTPS ciphers and protocols.
Manage TotalAgility packages without the capture project training sets
A configurable setting, Capture project data, is available in the package export options to include or exclude the Capture projects' training sets when exporting a package.
By default, the Capture project data associated with the process in the package is exported.
You can configure this setting to be different for each of the deployments. When a package gets created for a certain deployment, it includes or excludes the training sets depending on the defined setting.
Issues resolved
1758891, 26458781: The Kofax Export Connector for XML (v8.0) did not export the PDF documents.
1758837, 26468932: Could not select FormXtra as a zone profile in the Mixed Print profile.
1751360, 26440769: Could not terminate job with a greater number of subjobs.
1746356, 26410728: During extraction, an AZL using OmniPage hand recognition resulted in an error.
1736054, 26410297: Issues occurred, as DAS node/action accessed Oracle data dictionaries at runtime.
1734464, 26441479: When sorting was performed on a nullable date column in a Work queue control, incorrect results were displayed.
1733150, 26414519: Reporting compatibility fix Batch session key was not copied for copied fields in field_accum_fact table.
1732742, 26448379: The audit log was not displayed when the browser language in Chrome was set to English – Australia.
1732497, 26436065: The Tile control had a refresh issue when the form was loaded from the form cache.
1732130, 26436065: Changed behavior of the GetFolder API.
1731036, 26450224: The trigger process displayed an older version of the process map.
1730182, 26442625: The subjob creation resulted in an error if the subjob included a Validation activity.
1729746, 26429197: Incorrect date was displayed in the Work queue queries.
1729739, 26445553: In the getJobs4 API, when the “Use Creator?” initialization parameter was used in a Job filter, the job suspended with a database error, or no rows were returned.
1728823, 26443304: Redundant query caused the Reporting system task to timeout.
1718596, 26440318: Could not update the Decision table when "AND" was used in the input value.
1717229, 26438189: On import, the values of global variables were not updated as expected even if the overwrite option was enabled.
1716142, 26443389: The table column displayed the time when the date value in a table row was modified.
1715008, 26404522: OmniPage incorrectly read the email address when Swedish and English were selected as languages.
1715000, 26403823: The GetActivities2 API returned the pending activities without the configured metadata fields.
1714408, 26419973: If a batch was not unloaded correctly and the folder was deleted, an error occurred when you logged on and logged out of TotalAgility.
1713899, 26406869: Concurrent access to document type cache caused object reference exception.
1712635, 26435909: In a Validation form, the cell values were editable even if the table was read-only.
1712612, 26424988: When the table field was set as read-only (during QC ) and you navigated back to Validation again, the non-table fields were enabled but the table field was still disabled.
1712361, 26422525: When the “Scan from Device Vendor Dialog” setting was enabled, the scan form pushed Black and White as the color mode value instead of retaining the previously selected color mode value that was set by the user or by the TWAIN profile.
1712353, 26413204: Multi-field validation rule was not fired for all rows in the table field.
1708212, 26432172: The Post Validation process failed to run after table interpolation.
1707260, 26412202: Time-out issue occurred when a package was exported from SaaS.
1706390, 26434685: Incorrect evaluation in Begin condition and Display rule actions.
1701862, 26424806: Could not update the job note if the user who created the note was deleted.
1701399, 26426123: When comparing packages, the last modified date was displayed incorrectly for the Capture Control Layout item.
1700114, 26395465: The documents were copied to the Online Learning folder even if the "Monitor this class for classification online learning" property for a particular class was set to false.
1699550, 26404522: OmniPage incorrectly read hyphen when Swedish and English were selected as languages.
1692585, 26370483: Could not perform recognition due to an internal OmniPage error.
1690955, 26410361: Could not apply a fix pack to the on-premise multi-tenant Real Time Transformation Server environment in a Silent mode.