Manage tags
You can create tags or delete existing tags on the Tags page. However, once a tag is created, you cannot edit it.
To open the Tags page, navigate to .
A list of any existing tags that are already created for items such as processes, forms, data models, and extraction groups, appears. See Tag an item.
To display a specific tag from the list, enter the name of the tag in the Search field and click . You can also search for items based on multiple tags or search for items based on a specific tag.
Create a tag
On the
Tags page, click
The New tag dialog box is displayed.
Enter the
Tag text.
The tag text must be unique across the system with a maximum of 30 characters and can contain spaces.
The tag appears on the Tags page.
Search for items based on multiple tags
You can search for the items based on one or more tags associated with the item.
On the
Tags page, click
The Tag search dialog box is displayed.
A list of tags appears.
Select the required tags and click
The selected tags appear in the top panel.
A list of items that are using the selected tags is displayed under Results. Each item includes an item name as a hyperlink and an item type. You can click the hyperlink to directly open the item to view and modify the associated tags.
- Click Close to close the Tag search dialog box.
Search for items based on a specific tag
You can perform a search on a specific tag so that you can directly view the list of all items that use the tag.
On the
Tags page, on the context menu of the tag for which to perform a search, click
Show tagged items.
The Tag search dialog box displays the list of items using the specific tag under Results.
Each item includes an item name as a hyperlink and an item type. You can click the hyperlink to directly open the item to view and modify the associated tags.
- Click Close to close the Tag search dialog box.
Delete a tag
You cannot delete a tag if it is already in use.
On the Tags page, on the context menu of the tag to delete, click Delete.
On confirmation, the selected tag is deleted.