Input types
The input types are the preconfigured quick controls (Textbox) available on the forms toolbox so that you can easily add them to a form.
The input types are available for a Desktop, and Phone or Tablet (touch-enhanced and non-touch) form; and are supported on all forms except for the Device create new job form.
The following preconfigured input types are available:
Password: A textbox control with the Field type set to Password, and the Label text defaults to Password.
Email: A textbox control with the Field type set to Email, and the Label text defaults to Email.
URL: A textbox control with the Field type set to URL, and the Label text defaults to URL
Numeric: A textbox control with the field type set to Numeric.
Decimal: A textbox control with the Field type set to Decimal, allows decimals, and the Decimal precision set to 2.
Currency: A textbox control with the Field type set to Currency and the Decimal precision set to 2.
Add a preconfigured control
- On the form modeling bar, click the Design tab.
On the
Toolbox panel, expand
Input types and click the control to add to form.
- In the properties panel, change the default properties of each input type, as needed.
- Click Save.