Kofax TotalAgility 7.11.0 Fix Pack 7
Build Date: August 31, 2023
© 2023 Kofax. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
This release contains priority fixes driven by critical on-demand requests in Kofax TotalAgility On-Premise.
Note: To install Kofax TotalAgility successfully, an existing full installation of Kofax TotalAgility Product 7.11.0 is required.
If you need to perform a full product installation, see the Kofax TotalAgility Product 7.11.0 Installation Guide for instructions.
New feature in this fix pack
1968538: Enhancement to the Document conversion profile
The new "Body with message header" option is added to the Document Conversion profile to import the email body with the message header. The following options are available:
Exclude message header: By default, the email body is imported without the message header.
Include message header of email: The email body is imported along with the message header.
Include message header of email and embedded email(s): The email body is imported with the message header, and the nested emails are also imported.
Issues resolved in this fix pack
1986686, 26758061: The database error occurred in a Docker installation as the MACHINE_NAME column length in the Kofax TotalAgility tables was inconsistent throughout the TotalAgility databases.
1982594, 26748341: When converting the Word documents to PDF/A2b using document conversion, some of the pages failed to display the footer information.
1982334, 26699565 , 26738857: When the Export Connector was installed on TotalAgility 7.11.0 that used HTTPS with Windows Authentication mode and SSL enabled in the IIS, the Export Connector installation failed with the following error: “The HTTP request was forbidden with client authentication scheme 'Negotiate'.”
1982281, 26732718: The Multifactor authentication (MFA) login failed when a user logged on to two different browsers on the same computer or two different browsers on two computers.
1982243, 26750819: The loading time of a new form version took more than 20 seconds.
1982238, 26734153: The renamed categories appeared twice in the Reporting database.
1981903, 26713109, 26745359: In the RPA activity, the Boolean variable value was not updated if the returned value was true.
1981205, 26701283: When the Fix Pack 5 was applied on Kofax TotalAgility 7.11.0, the images were not displayed in the Transformation Designer.
1980813, 26732382: The "/" character used in a date was incorrectly recognized by the OmniPage when the recognition language was set to French.
1980807, 26596347: "The Merge page PDF data" option in a PDF generation activity prevented optical character recognition on demand for PDF generation.
1979309, 26685962: When you imported a file (greater than 2GB) with the blob storage type set to SQL Server, an empty document source was created instead of the file getting rejected.
1979270, 26746075: When the GetResources() method was used to get the resources, it took longer than the expected time and the performance issue occurred.
1977817, 26720437: When a process that contained a role was copied, the copied process failed to create a new role ID.
1977805, 26740115: The Validation form became unresponsive when a fuzzy search was performed.
1976817, 26636186, 26721177, 25023467: The installation of Kofax TotalAgility fix pack failed with the following error: "Illegal characters in path."
1976510, 26737095, 26736373: In the Transformation Designer, FineReader was incorrectly used during PDF generation.
1963650, 26701709: When comparing two packages, if a scroll bar was used to scroll the lists of both packages and compare all artifacts from the two packages displayed side by side, the artifacts on the left and right sides were not aligned.
Previous fix packs
This section includes the features added and issues resolved in the previously released fix packs.
Features added
1973291: Enhanced support for Dynamics 365 CRM integration
When integrating TotalAgility with Dynamics CRM 365, the new “Online” server type option and the corresponding authentications types, "OAuth" and "OAuth external" are available. You cannot configure the events when using Dynamics 365 CRM Online.
When importing a package with selected items, the new "Do not import associations" option is available to exclude associations from import.
Issues resolved
1977830, 26672813, 26741291: When a form with the File upload control was opened at runtime without logging in to TotalAgility Workspace, the file upload failed with an error.
1977176, 26731265: Mapping a Text box field to a Fuzzy search action caused the action to fail at runtime.
1976831, 26639677: An error occurred when loading the Monitor Workload form if the resource did not exist.
1976582, 26684950: If the VB.net script was used as a field validation rule in the business rule, the rule failed intermittently with an error.
1974972, 26735588: When an Expression activity was used to populate the data object with a string starting with the "[" character, the job was suspended at Expression activity with the following error: "Invalid JSON data. {0}."
1974931, 26735488: The job was suspended at the Document conversion activity with the following error: "Document source missing sufficient file type information."
1973365, 26686693: The OmniPage engine did not recognize the "<" character correctly.
1972861, 26718934: When configuring a new database connection in the Kofax Transformation Designer, an error occurred on entering the connection string.
1972262, 26732646: Kofax TotalAgility Designer became unresponsive when loading a large number (more than 90,000) of resources.
1972253, 26721344: When the AddWorkerResource4() method was used to add the resources to a group, the performance issue occurred.
1971724, 26715588: The OmniPage Barcode Locator did not recognize all Data Matrix bar codes. For more details, see Additional information.
1971260, 26718949: When a business rule with an Expression activity was exported with the variable value set to “Error code message”, the value changed to Static on import.
1970944, 26730049: When the browser language was set to German, the DB query actions were not executed successfully.
1970935, 26711902: The "Check for database compatibility" option did not work as expected when installing a fix pack in an On-Premise Multi-Tenant environment.
1970445, 26721196: When mapping a SharePoint site to a SharePoint add item activity, the following error occurred: "The attempted operation is prohibited because it exceeds the list view threshold."
1969405, 26713610: The changes made to the extraction group were not saved in the Kofax TotalAgility Designer.
1969382, 26719658: The RESTful web service requests with URL parameters failed.
1968510, 26713057: There was a Cross-site scripting vulnerability in a Work queue control.
1967425, 26705905: When the TotalAgility database became accessible again (usually within two minutes) after becoming inaccessible due to failover to another node, the CoreWorker failed to progress on activities.
1549468, 26207051, 26366698, 26559290, 26729846: When the DataBase Locator with Kofax Search and Matching Server returned a confidence value greater than 100%, an error occurred.
Additional information
The new "DespeckleMethod" property is added to the Barcode Locator to perform image pre-processing before barcode recognition. This can significantly improve the recognition quality.
Note: Use this property only in cases where barcode recognition fails.
To recognize 2D bar codes where image preprocessing is performed using the DespeckleMethod, add the following script code to the "BeforeLocate" event:
Private Sub Document_BeforeLocate(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, ByVal LocatorName As String) If(LocatorName = "BarcodeLocator") Then Dim Loc As CscBarcodeLocator Set Loc = Project.ClassByIndex(0).Locators.ItemByName(LocatorName).LocatorMethod Loc.DespeckleMethod = CscBarcodeLocDespeckleMethodMedian End If End Sub
Features added
1964857, 26518888, 26678063: Ability to retrieve the Scanner name
The new read-only property, “ScannerName”, is available to retrieve the Scanner name used to acquire documents in a Scan form.
1963657: Support for custom component deployment
The deployment of custom components (such as Newrelic, and LogzioAgent) into a Kofax TotalAgility cloud environment is now supported via custom configuration.
The incorrect or unknown responses from the server are now processed correctly while reading email messages from the email server.
Issues resolved
1968517, 26715454: The GetImportConnection and GetImportConnection2 methods returned credentials to the caller of the import connections API.
1967325, 26702279: The line break did not work as expected when a Dynamic complex variable was mapped to the template placeholder.
1964390, 26698958: When the Mixed Print recognition engine was used for classification in the Transformation Designer, the following error occurred: "There was an error reading from the pipe. The pipe has been ended."
1963653, 26709592: When a package was created on a process that used skins, the package failed with an error.
1963368, 26707776: Registration of the zone did not work in the Area Zone Locator.
1963193, 26701283: When extracting text from a PDF document. the combination of Arabic and English text in a single field caused alignment issues.
1963183, 26705918: The Table model assigned to a field in the Transformation Designer changed after the extraction group was released in TotalAgility Designer.
1963109, 26699314: The business rule execution failed when a Dynamic complex variable was passed as an input value.
1962879, 26703461, 26717472: The Data Matrix 2D bar codes were not detected when the “GS1-128” bar code type was enabled.
1961579, 26679245: When a Document conversion profile was used with the “Create PDF for capture input” option enabled, there was missing data in the exported PDF.
1960387, 26702698: Microsoft Visual C++ 2003 Redistributables in Kofax TotalAgility install files for Image Reader in Transformation Designer were outdated.
1959747, 26695480: The table Locator caused a memory leak issue.
1953184, 26682191: If an email body had special characters, then those characters were not saved correctly when the email body was mapped to a String initialization variable in Kofax TotalAgility.
1953178, 26676429: In the Import Connector, the German letters were not displayed when converting .log or .txt files.
Features added
The following three new options are available for error handling in the Export Connector:
- Never stop: Use this option to continue exporting the document to subsequent connectors. Export subsequent documents to all export connectors. This is the default behavior.
- Stop entire job: Use this option to stop exporting the job and route it to the next activity.
- Stop export for error document only: Use this option to not export the document to subsequent connectors. Export subsequent documents to all export connectors.
Issues resolved
1955644, 26685851: When the TypeAhead feature of a Choice Combo box Capture field was used, on pressing the Enter or Tab key, the item selected was incorrect.
1955421, 26680180: The updated data could not be loaded in Kofax Analytics for TotalAgility as etl_job_key was not updated.
1955415, 26679898: The "Invalid Session ID" error occured when trying to access the TotalAgility Workspace using custom code.
1954939, 26690360: The exported PDF did not contain annotations and masks.
1954698, 26688398: The following error occurred on a separate Web and Application server: "Method UpdateDocumentFieldPropertyValues is not supported on this proxy."
1954245, 26688551: The child job was suspended at a node with "Invalid job state error" when the original process was at the decision node at runtime.
1953967, 26690832: The PDF compression was not used when a document had a mix of pages with and without PDF page data.
1953322, 26704682: The images from the Kofax TotalAgility database were not displayed in the TotalAgility forms.
1949606, 26679803: There was a discrepancy between the number of users logged on to Kofax TotalAgility and the concurrent user licenses consumed.
Features added
1953319: Ability to download the images at runtime
In a TotalAgility form with a Table control containing columns with images that has many rows, you can now download the images at runtime.
1946951: Add support for HP Color LaserJet
Kofax TotalAgility 7.11.0 supports the HP Color LaserJet managed E78625/E78630/E78635 and E87740/E87750/E87760 MFP devices.
1946808: Maintenance access for PDF and separation profiles
You can now grant maintenance access permissions for PDF and separation profiles in TotalAgility Designer.
1946257: Option to specify the document type search behavior in Capture Client drop-down
A new option is added in the Scan create new job and Capture activity controls to select the filtering behavior of a document type combo box ('contains' and 'starts with').
Issues resolved
1951026, 26685314: When you configured the Design properties for a Table control, and the style was set to be inline, the style was ignored in the debug mode.
1946742, 26681341: The Document type drop-down did not filter correctly when typing the document name.
1946728, 26679533: Barcode 39 was not recognized by the OmniPage Barcode Locator.
1944593, 26662588: The Validation form became unresponsive when redirected to the next document.
1944581, 26673373: A white space was added to the Kofax TotalAgility Capture table under certain conditions.
1943482, 26674176: When testing a Check Locator in Transformation Designer, the following error occurred: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
1943471, 26662929: An error occurred while converting the image to black and white during the training of the document.
Features added
In TotalAgility On-Premise Multi-Tenant and Azure environments, you can now temporarily record the system task history to diagnose performance issues on deployments. This can be done by manually running the database scripts and turning on the “SystemTasksHistoryToRecord” setting. Additionally, configure the thread pool size of the System Task thread pool via “SystemTaskThreadpoolSize” configuration setting. Please contact Technical Support for the database scripts.
1930024, 26650714: Option to consider a lookup when validating a field
A new setting, "Restrict to choice list values", is available in TotalAgility Designer for Choice fields and Choice columns to validate a field value against the choice values.
Kofax TotalAgility Scan forms can now display the scan errors reported by Virtual Re-Scan scan source.
Note: To allow scan errors to be displayed, make sure Kofax VRS- or newer is installed along with Kofax TotalAgility
1925646: Option to stop the failed document from exporting to additional Export Connectors
When exporting a document with several Export Connectors assigned, if the current document fails, subsequent exports are attempted on other assigned Export Connectors. The new “Stop export on error” property in the Export activity configuration stops the failed document from exporting to additional Export Connectors.
Issues resolved
1942370, 26668673: On the Integration Server where a TIFF image with larger files was imported through a Kofax Import Connector, the Watched folder resulted in a 0-page document at runtime.1942025, 26653392: When the Integration server was in a different time zone, the System tasks’ due dates were updated incorrectly slowing down the processing speed of the CoreWorker.
1941332, 26670527: If “Provider” was used as a prefix in the database name, the connection to the TotalAgility database failed with the following error: "DAS Database information retrieval failed."
1941325, 26584370: An issue occurred when loading a popup window in the Activity forms.
1940954, 26667959: When a drop-down list was used in the search criteria of a DB query action, and the drop-down did not have a default value, or a value selected, the following error occurred: “Please provide a valid Numeric value.”
1940225, 26661067: The “Name template" property of a document type did not work when the documents were created using the following Capture SDKs: CreateDocument3(), CreateDocuments2(), CreateDocumentWithPages() and CreateDocument()..
1938548, 26655795: In a Validation activity, the Document field value was not cleared upon form removal and existed across validation activities in different jobs.
1937514, 26638680: When a Data object variable was used in a post-validation handling process map, the job was suspended at extraction with the following error: "Please provide a valid data object variable value.".
1937505, 26616042: When there were more than 2100 categories, different areas of the TotalAgility Designer reported the following database error if the Category was set to "All": "The incoming request has too many parameters. The server supports a maximum of 2100 parameters. Reduce the number of parameters and resend the request."
1936109, 26664873: The backlog of wsa_messages in the Reporting_Staging database logs displayed the following errors: "Index was outside the bounds of the array." and "The given key was not present in the dictionary".
1935749, 26660325: In a Validation activity, when the documents were moved to a new subfolder, the user interface sometimes became unresponsive.
1935444, 26663453: In a Document review activity, the drop-down list incorrectly opened the document that the mouse was hovering over, instead of opening the document that was clicked.
1931964, 26640106: The case fragment jobs that were older than the retention period configured on the process maps still existed in the database instead of getting deleted.
1931087, 26652373: In a Validation form, unexpected highlighter sections were added in the table cells when lassoing the values from an image. As more cells were modified, more sections were created which made the image blurred and not readable.
1929060, 26647304: In Capture forms, if the Enable Replay Protection setting was selected using the Configuration Utility, the forms stopped working and an error appeared.
1926963, 26647990: "If the "Merge page PDF data" option was enabled during the PDF generation, the PDF was created with broken text.
1925161, 26640277: In a Validation activity, the browser zoom level or screen resolution affected the visibility of the last document folder. This prevented the usage of vertical scrollbar to navigate down to the last document folder.
1924204, 26580329: When the Toshiba e-Studio Remote TWAIN driver was used to scan documents into a TotalAgility Scan form (using WebCapture Service, after the initial scan was completed, the subsequent scans failed
1922336, 26647043: The Process tab for a Scan create new job form disappeared from the Fields panel when a new job was created when changing the default layout. The Fields panel was no longer docked to the panel selected previously.
Feature added
1893336, 26615658: Ability to map Kofax TotalAgility complex variable to Webservice Nullable[] variable
Issues resolved
1936275, 26661370: Document Conversion unable to convert email file types.
1930061, 26650715: When performing extraction in Transformation Designer, the fields that were marked as valid at design time were invalid at runtime.
1927826, 26647797: There was a delay between RetrieveAndSetRootId() call finishing and the ReadFolderData() call starting.
1927819, 26654613: The value of the Data object was null when accessing it in a loop.
1923252, 26619818: During the purge of documents, the performance of "DeleteBatchSessSnapshotFact" Performance was not as expected.
1922388, 26596799: The time spent statistics for documents were inaccurate.
1921533, 26626419: Error when checking if a tenant database was online. For more details, see Additional Information.
1901388, 26635545: Data object access containing null or empty values caused JSON errors.
1900165, 26630442, 26629239: Package deployment error in Azure environment.
1899507, 26632094: Timeout issue with large emails and messages failing to import from MSGraph.
1894977, 26630571: Recognition process soft timeout when testing Advanced zone Locator in Kofax Transformation Designer.
1893344, 26570707, 26623238: Performance issues when accessing the project window in Transformation Designer.
1889663, 26580106: Transformation Designer did not work as expected.
1888082, 26623888: Changing documents fired drop-down Selection Changed actions.
1871502, 26614701: The Microsoft Graph import source displayed the sender’s email address and subject line blank in Message Connector.
1870919, 26612244: Issue inheriting extraction group fields.
1866912, 26617771: Incorrect status color for the Active/Overdue tasks in Service Level Agreement.
1866780, 26618855: Exporting Documents Gives Image Conversion error in Kofax Export Connector XML 8.1.
1866291, 26601364: Using Message Connector with text or Filenet export connector suspends jobs and gives an error.
1795242, 26511204: Applying fix pack to Docker Image incorrectly checked the database version.
Additional information
For better results, do the following:
- Open Agility.Server.Core.WorkerService.exe.config file located at the following location in your installed directory: \\Kofax\TotalAgility\CoreWorkerService
Update the following appsetting values:
- add key="MaxBackOffInMilliseconds" value="10000"
- add key="DeltaBackOffInMilliseconds" value="2000"
- Save and close the file.