Tungsten Automation

Kofax Web Capture 11.5.0 Fix Pack 2

Build Date: August 07, 2024

© 2024 Tungsten Automation. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.

Issues resolved in this fix pack

ID Issue Solution
2130485 The files heif.dll and libde265.dll extracted from Atalasoft.dotImage.Heif.dll did not have version information.   Version information added.
2118925 [TxtDecoder] No Way to increase Max Page Count.   Added LimitsPageCount parameter for EmlDecoder, HtmlDecoder ?? TxtDecoder.

Issues resolved in previous fix packs

Fix Pack 1

ID Issue Solution
2119225 When using a Lexmark scanner, some pages were missing.   Fixed processing.
2098293 PDF repair process was incorrectly requiring optional field.   Fixed repair process by making the field optional.

Applies to

Kofax Web Capture 11.5.0

Files included

This fix pack includes the following files:

File name Version
KofaxWebCapture- N/A
ReadMe-KofaxWebCapture- N/A

Install this fix pack

Use the following procedure to install the fix pack.

  1. Download and unpack KofaxWebCapture-
  2. Run Kofax-WebCapture11-5-Setup.exe, and follow the setup wizard prompts.

Remove this fix pack

Use the following procedure to remove the fix pack.

  1. Open Programs and Features in Control Panel.
  2. Locate and right-click Kofax Web Capture 11.5.
  3. Click Uninstall, and follow the setup wizard prompts.

Additional information

To configure the page limit, add the following text to the app.config file:

   <section name="Atalasoft"
      type="Atalasoft.Shared.AtalasoftConfigSection, Atalasoft.Shared"/>
   <CommonDecoders LimitsPageCount="10000"/>