Third-party license notes

Some of the software components in the OmniPage Capture SDK are provided by third-party companies. The list contains only the components used by CSDK on non-Windows platforms.


The JPEG image file read and write capability of the OmniPage Capture SDK is based on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.

The Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image file read and write capability of the OmniPage Capture SDK is based, in part, on the PNG Reference Library (libpng).

The Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image and the PDF file read and write capability of the OmniPage Capture SDK is based, in part, on the zlib Compression Library.

The PDF read capability of the OmniPage Capture SDK is based, in part, on the work of the FreeType team.

AES encryption/decryption for PDF (C) 2001, Dr Brian Gladman, Worcester, UK.

The JPEG 2000 image read and write capability of the OmniPage Capture SDK was developed using the Kakadu software.

The language dictionary support of the OmniPage Capture SDK is partly from Proximity.
The Proximity Dictionaries © 2000, all rights reserved Proximity Technology, Inc.

Slovenian Speller Database, Copyright (C) 2002 Amebis d.o.o.

Esperanto dictionary based on compilation by Toon Witkam and Stefan MacGill.

The language dictionary support of the OmniPage Capture SDK is partly from Vantage Research.

CCJK and Arabic OCR capabilities in the OmniPage Capture SDK are jointly developed by the Beijing Wintone Information Technology Corporation Ltd and Kofax Inc. All rights reserved.

International Components for Unicode (ICU) project Copyright (c) 1995-2009
International Business Machines Corporation and others.

This RecAPI documentation was compiled with the documentation system Doxygen.