On the sample project for Linux

The C Sample Viewer Application of OmniPage Capture SDK serves to give a better understanding of the concepts behind its functionality. It lets you view and run several code fragments representing typical constituent tasks of the toolkit.

You can select a command line application or a GTK-based UI application for studying the samples.

In both applications, you can choose the sample code you want to study. You can get some information about the selected sample:

See the list of samples for a detailed description about each sample.

For getting the applications, you should make them using the Makefile in the sample folder. Compiling will be successful only after filling two empty strings (at the LICENSE_PATH macro and the #include) in the file sample.h and cutting out the #error command.

You can make the command line application with the following commands.

    mkdir sample
    cd sample
    cp /usr/local/src/omnipage-csdk-\currentdottedversion/* .
    ./sample -h 

The command line option -h writes a short help on how to use the command line application. Running it without any command line option, it shows the number and title of the available samples.

You may also build a GTK-based UI version of the Sample Viewer:

    make sampledlg
See the supplied Makefile for the use of OCRLIBPATH and OCRINCPATH. The makefile chooses the paths according to the version of your g++ compiler. This automatic process is usually suitable, but you might modify it if it failed.