Summary of the RecAPI Samples for Windows

C Sample Viewer

The SAMPLESC.EXE Sample Viewer Application for the OmniPage Capture Development System serves to give a better understanding of the concepts behind its functionality. It lets you view and run several code fragments representing typical constituent tasks of the toolkit.

To launch the Sample Application, select Start / Programs / OmniPage Capture SDK / RecAPI Sample Viewer App - C.

Then you can choose the sample code desired through the scrollbar. Now you can

The application also lists the RecAPI functions involved in the selected code fragment. Highlighting any of them and then activating the Help button results in the function reference being displayed.

You can rebuild the entire application by opening the Microsoft Visual C++ project file


This project is prepared to be compiled and linked without making any change in the C source files or in the settings of the project.

For debugging the application in Visual Studio, please open the Project Settings dialog box, and set at the Debug tab, the "Executable for debug session" edit box to:


See the list of samples for detailed description about each sample.

Sample .NET: .NET Sample Viewer Application

This application contains almost all the samples of C Sample Viewer recreated in C# language and compiled in .NET Framework. The access of the C# sample codes is analogous to that of the C sample codes. These C# samples use the RecAPI P/Invoke interface.