Public Attributes

Language info. More...

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Public Attributes

CONTINENT  iContinent
char  EnglishName [17]
char  Name_BCP_47 [11]
char  Name_Int_3 [4]
char  Name_639_1 [3]
char  Name_639_2B [4]
char  Name_639_3 [4]
char  Name_Win_3 [4]
RM_FLAGS  rm_support

Detailed Description

Language info.

This structure gives detailed information about a given language (kRecGetLanguageInfo). In addition, it can be used to select a set of languages (kRecFindLanguages). The supported standards are ISO/DIS 639-1, ISO/DIS 639-2/B, ISO/DIS 639-3, BCP 47 and Windows 3-letter language codes as well as CSDK internal 3-letter codes. There are some special language codes handled in a different way. See the list of language identifiers for details.

Member Data Documentation

English descriptive name of the language, zero terminated string.

Geographical location.

Language group (basic character set).

Windows LANGID (LCID) for the language. Not all languages have a Windows LANGID; in these cases, this field contains the ID of English.

2 letter language name abbreviation (ISO/DIS 639-1) zero terminated string.

3 letter language name abbreviation for bibliography (ISO/DIS 639-2/B) zero terminated string.

3 letter language name abbreviation (ISO/DIS 639-3) zero terminated string.

BCP 47 language name abbreviation, zero terminated string.

3 letter CSDK Internal language name abbreviation, zero terminated string.

3 letter language name abbreviation for Windows (non-ISO) zero terminated string.

Recognition modules that are able to process text written in this language.