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Kofax OmniPage Capture SDK

Build Date: July 26, 2023

© 2023 Kofax. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.

Table of Content


Fix packs issued for OmniPage Capture SDK (CSDK) releases are cumulative updates.

Issues resolved in this fix pack - FIXPACK12

1975954 - N/A - Accuracy: Colon (':') character was recognized as bullet.

1975592 - N/A - CSDK was unable to extract Patch Code.

1973404 - N/A - Accuracy: Slash ('/') characters in dates were misrecognized.

1975237 - N/A - GPF occured in the BAR module (PDF417) with a PDF (file-specific).

1970962 - 26710613 - C# RecAPI interop internal state was not thread safe.

1970520 - 26720348 - RecPDF API could not set the User Password (aka Open Password) for PDF files.

1962060 - N/A - The BAR engine failed to recognize noisy (slightly injured) Datamatrixes.

1959653 - N/A - 2D Datamatrices on the page were not recognized when the barcode type BAR_UCC128 is enabled for recognition.

1953364 - N/A - Rechnung number was misrecognized (Digit '4').

1952919 - N/A - CSDK did not recognize the Patch Code in images with a black frame from the scan.

1951441 - N/A - API_GPFAULT_ERR occurred during recognition if the PDF417 barcode type (BAR_PDF417) was enabled.

1951331 - N/A - API_HARDTIMEOUT_ERR occurred during recognition if the DataMatrix barcode type (BAR_DMATRIX) was enabled.

1943094 - N/A - Table cell data was missing in the recognized text.

1941074 - N/A - Accuracy: uppercase O ('O') instead of zero ('0') misrecognition occurred in invoice numbers.

1940759 - N/A - Negative numbers became positive when converting a PDF to Excel (file-specific).

1894313 - N/A - When using FormTyper on a specific PDF, the detected fields were incorrectly grouped together.

1846689 - N/A - Specific table types were typically incorrectly recognized by the FormTyper.

NOTE for fix pack - FIXPACK12

For 1970520: To make a PDF protected with a User Password (aka Open Password) via the RecPDF API, use the command-string "OpenPassword". See sample code fragment below:

Issues resolved in previous fix packs - FIXPACK11

1940617 - N/A - Content appeared as strange characters in the output (file-specific).

1937485 - N/A - Order number on PO PDF documents was misrecognized (character '6' recognized as 'C').

1937221 - N/A - CSDK did not recognize Code39 barcodes in 200dpi TIFF images while successfully detecting the same in the original PDF.

1934131 - N/A - PDF file did not load (file-specific).

1931712 - N/A - Images with vertical Code39 barcodes were not recognized.

1928708 - N/A - ENH.REQ.: Support for loading 48-bit PNG images added.

1927562 - 26555886 - OmniPage CSDK converted all text to pictures in the document (file-specific).

1927372 - 26653134 - The loading time of multipage JPEG-compressed TIFF image files increased with each subsequent page.

1925821 - 26639026 - Access Violation error occurred when debugging.

1921781 - N/A - Loading PDF image caused General Protection Fault (file-specific).

1899687 - N/A - Improper codepage handling in Atalasoft PDF417 output.

1899686 - N/A - The RM_BAR recognition module misrecognized certain PDF417 barcodes.

1895345 - 26618203 - Text appeared twice in DTXT-XML output when using DCM_STANDARD.

1894493 - 26638882 - Accuracy - Vietnamese accent misrecognition (character 'â' recognized as 'ã').

1889607 - N/A - Underscore character in invoice numbers was not recognized.

1776379 - N/A - When processing a file residing in the root folder, the RecConvert2Doc function call failed and destabilized the engine.

1630263 - 26335368 - The line containing only the string 'C/O' disappeared from the recognized output (file-specific). - FIXPACK10

1901587 - 26598271 - When processing a particular image file, CSDK produces such PDF/A-2b output, which fails on Adobe's Preflight check

1891317 - 26610819 - Seriously blurred characters are appearing in the converted PDF file.

1866655 - N/A - Loading certain PDF file results in a partially blank page (regression from CSDK "").

1864069 - N/A - Partially empty image content when loading a particular PDF file.

1864037 - 26567689 - Segmentation fault during recognition (MEM_INVALIDPOINTER_ERR in Bronze3).

1861928 - N/A - Areas with inverse header on the input PDFs are not being extracted (page parse).

1859167 - N/A - Infinite loop in kRecPreprocessImg() while processing particular Arabic documents.

1858121 - N/A - Issues with DataMatrix recognition.

1847714 - N/A - Starting from the second page, the table elements are placed into "text boxes".

1846248 - N/A - PDF page is loaded as a blank image.

1843219 - N/A - Handwritten signature is missing when loading a particular PDF (regression from CSDK "").

1838370 - N/A - Characters are missing from the OCR result.

1838361 - N/A - Possibility of embedding fonts for PDF Image On Text (PDF-IOT) output even for PDF/A output type.

1836317 - N/A - All the characters in a particular PDF are converted to squares.

1836309 - 26563474 - Cannot recognize certain CHT HKSCS (Hong Kong) characters.

1827835 - N/A - Content missing while loading a particular PDF file.

1825579 - N/A - CSDK generated an almost blank page when processing a certain PDF.

1818246 - 26537794 - Numbers are separated into different words if Asian languages are used.

1807513 - 26534218 - Empty PDF is causing deadlock.

1789335 - 26470428 - Barcode is not recognized (C128).

1732953 - N/A - Some barcodes are not recognized.

1699007 - 26526415 - Accuracy: uppercase letter 'D' of a specific font is recognized as '0'.

NOTE for fix pack - FIXPACK10 - FIXPACK9

1824200 - N/A - General Protection Fault (API_GPFAULT_ERR) occurred during page parse on a particular Arabic document.

1819805 - N/A - Processing a particular document with Arabic text was causing General Protection Fault (API_GPFAULT_ERR).

1817709 - N/A - Text was missing after loading a particular PDF file.

1817058 - N/A - Experienced 100% CPU usage until server restart when processing a particular document with Datamatrix.

1816771 - N/A - Particular PDF pages were loaded partially.

1812028 - N/A - IMF_COMP_ERR error occurred with a particular PDF file.

1809065 - 26525485 - Text in a filled out PDF form was not converted.

1808896 - N/A - PDF that triggers IMF_COMP_ERR caused other issues.

1807824 - N/A - API_GPFAULT_ERR occurred while loading a particular PDF file.

1807311 - N/A - Data in columns merged and did not align properly after converting a PDF file to Excel.

1806472 - 26532303 - Japanese and English text recognition did not completely process the whole page.

1805922 - N/A - Recognition with multi-language OCR failed with CHR_ILLEGALSETTING_ERR - Bronze2 or Bronze3.

1805603 - N/A - 1-char-long C128 barcode was not recognized.

1805335 - N/A - CSDK did not recognize Thai month names.

1805324 - N/A - Text was missing when a particular PDF file was loaded.

1803907 - N/A - Image part of a particular PDF was ignored.

1803494 - N/A - Hard timeout error (API_HARDTIMEOUT_ERR) occurred while searching for QR-code on the image.

1801044 - 26516048 - The Distribution Wizard module check failed when IWR is selected (OCRServer.dll).

1800307 - N/A - The company logo bitmap disappeared when loading a particular PDF file (regression after CSDK "").

1783312 - 26495548 - CSDK stopped responding intermittently (API_HARDTIMEOUT_ERR).

1781579 - 26433924 - Specific information in a Polish PDF file did not display.

1765594 - N/A - API_TIMEOUT_ERR occurred during barcode recognition ("Kernel.Decomp.FindBarZones" = true).

1716353 - N/A - CSDK stopped responding while loading a particular PDF file (file1).

1690025 - N/A - Improved the rendering of specific input PDF files.

1662140 - N/A - Barcode Datamatrix was no longer recognized.

1610771 - 26301312 - German PDF OCR resulted in mixed uppercase and lowercase letters. - FIXPACK8

1599830 - 26280837 - Certain TIFF images crashed the engine without throwing an exception.

1677886 - 26337971 - Incorrect formatting applied when converting PDF to Excel.

1679776 - N/A - Issues resolved in recognition with few more barcode types - UPC-E.

1683515 - N/A - API_GPIFAULT_ERR appeared when processing Hebrew PDF using IMF_PDF_ANN.IMF_PDF_AS_IMAGE.

1716384 - 26362580 - CSDK became unresponsive while loading particular PDF files.

1729352 - N/A - Chinese page is partially recognized if the PDF is loaded as image.

1730625 - 26432863 - The DTXT_IOTPDF_MRCPDF converter PDF output losed the shade of the check box on the page.

1731249 - N/A - Chinese page was partially recognized.

1732560 - 26410728 - AZL using OmniPage throed the error "Could not perform recognition due to an internal OmniPage error: Recognition process soft TimeOut".

1739009 - 26431550 - kRecRecognize running on PDF became unresponsive.

1743828 - 26380604 - Amount values were not extracted properly: additional '1' characters appeared at the end of the recognized amount.

1751000 - 26452556 - PDF to Excel conversion: checkmark signs in PDF were converted to Slash characters in the Office output.

1756092 - 26437575 - C128 barcode was not detected.

1758506 - 26469054 - Handprinted uppercase "i" was not recognized in German, but it was recognized as a pipe character ("|") instead.

1759196 - 26465553 - PDF file content was displayed confused when Japanese was among the preferred languages in Windows.

1761708 - N/A - CSDK failed to load PDF files.

1762231 - 26469735 - Not all C39 barcodes were recognized.

1763703 - N/A - [PPDF] PdfOpt.dll became unresponsive on PDF/A operations (regression from CSDK "").

1763801 - N/A - PDF rendered improperly.

1764129 - 26470494 - [LCP-1397] Converting a 30-page PDF document to DOCX converted the first 5 pages only.

1766957 - N/A - All recognized handprinted characters had 100% confidence information.

1773339 - 26430071 - [LCP-25273] The first page of PDF was converted as picture.

1774572 - N/A - Loading PDF resulted in a blank page.

1775253 - N/A - PDF sample threw the "Too many open files" CSDK exception.

1776072 - N/A - PDF sample rendered image file with improper font substitution caused character overlapping.

1776221 - 26476278 - PDF sample with Korean text failed to convert properly to MS Word (text in the table was missing).

1777831 - 26474897 - PDF sample lost some characters when imported with the setting LoadFlags = -1.

1779323 - 26440728 - QR code recognition on the PDF sample ran with low quality (partial fix).

NOTE for fix pack - FIXPACK8 - FIXPACK7

1585867 - 26217348 - Issue with Greek language PDF text.

1588659 - 26240646 - PDF sample was recognized with unexpected table layout.

1596890 - N/A - Compression settings worked differently than documented (DTXT).

1605130 - N/A - Misrecognition: lonely numbers (vertical lines) were dropped.

1606541 - 26292594 - OPBinder threw eception 0x80131600 with the "Keep Original Quality" setting on PDF samples.

1634419 - N/A - Error occurred when recognizing odd mix of languages (API_ERROR_ERR).

1638939 - 26319269 - The OmiPage engine missed a full line when thick black lines surrounds it.

1641370 - 26283453 - The PDF-to-Excel file conversion in Power PDF produced poorer results than with the older version (3.1).

1647997 - 26333469 - Random heap corruption occurred while processing large number of image files.

1648637 - 26338616 - When producing XML output with the function kRecConvert2DTXTEx(), sometimes the character coordinates were out of the cell-zone.

1660963 - 26349626 - Some values were ignored by the Redaction.

1663311 - 26369681 - IMF_COMP_ERR occurred when loading certain PDF files.

1667575 - 26376994 - Document workflow error occurred with the attached PDF file.

1669901 - N/A - After loading a PDF sample, text was disappeared from a larger area of the input document.

1670127 - 26370662 - Rendering and text extraction issues with input PDF: extra SPACE characters appeared within words.

1673278 - 26370483 - Could not perform recognition due to an internal OmniPage error: Invalid pointer to a memory object.

1673336 - 26384205 - Numbering became wrong at sections breaks when converting PDF to MS Word with the "Generate Office 2007/2010 output" (DOCX) option.

1673473 - N/A - OCR issue occurred after the CSDK 21.1 FP6 update, output file image was distorted.

1674922 - 26385488 - Black image after importing PDF.

1674932 - 26381719 - An extra barcode recognized that does not exist.

1677874 - 26344513 - OCR on PDF files id not convert to Excel properly.

1678735 - 26395425 - Hang on 461-page PDF input conversion to .DOCX output.

1679762 - N/A - Recognition issues occurred with a few more barcode types - UPC-A Supplement.

1679773 - N/A - Recognition issues occurred with a few more barcode types - Matrix 2 of 5.

1679776 - N/A - Recognition issues occurred with a few more barcode types - UPC-E.

1680236 - 26364442 - Page parser failed to find text-area on the page.

1680530 - 26392242 - The amount could not be captured correctly (decimal dots were disappearing in the output).

1681375 - 26399296 - Crash occurred in kRecRecognize() while processing Czech documents.

1681861 - 26373453 - The PDF to XLSX conversion underperformed compared to Adobe.

1682296 - 26387364 - Engine OCR processing ran into timeout.

1685387 - 26381171 - A particular PDF could not be processed by OmniPage (the image load resulted in an IMF_COMP_ERR error).

1690508 - 26405983 - The memory leaked in Omnipage SDK 21.1 with DTXT output.

1692171 - 26318517 - Text from certain pages in the input PDF were distributed across many pages in the output DOCX (73 pages in PDF --> 210+ pages in DOCX).

1693338 - 26403926 - Barcode Code 39 was not recognized in the same page with Code 128.

1694431 - N/A - Could not load a particular PDF file.

1695059 - 26360377 - Calling page.Recognize() ate memory.

1695631 - 26120845 - General Protection Fault occurred during image recognition (PDF417).

1695633 - 26394249 - System.AccessViolationException occurred when calling kRecDetectImgSkew.

1696933 - N/A - CSDK ran out of file handles when processing a PDF.

1697117 - 26423735 - Formatter.df.mode set to DFM_HeaderFooter caused CSDK to stop responding.

1697343 - 26414908 - Enh.Req. - Codabar output without start and stop character was needed.

1697654 - 26409997 - Enh.Req. - Postnet code returned no checksum.

1698098 - 26425397 - kRecOpenImgFile() returns IMF_OPEN_ERR and was unable to load the file.

1698309 - N/A - Access violation occurred (writing location) when processing an attached TIFF image file.

1699933 - 26423361 - Specific image with LANG_SPA + LanguagesPlus setting returned API_HARDTIMEOUT_ERR.

1701110 - N/A - CSDK stopped responding while loading a particular PDF file.

1701449 - N/A - PDF to Word conversion issue occurred if a custom font was installed (regression from CSDK "").

1701822 - 26403179 - An exception occurred during recognition resulting in MEM_INVALIDPOINTER_ERR ("Invalid pointer to a memory object")

1705299 - N/A - Access violation occurred when opening a PDF.

1705840 - 26404522 - Email misrecognition occurred: "@"/"©"

1705843 - 26404522 - OmniPage incorrectly read Hyphen characters when Swedish and English selected as OCR languages.

1706126 - 26426679 - The Image distorted after loading.

1707995 - 26412465 - Text was missing on certain pages of the output PDF when processing a particular input PDF file.

1712554 - 26425397 - Empty page when loaded a PDF.

1712562 - 26427555 - [LCP-25245] Missed special Dutch symbols in the converted output.

1712566 - 26432107 - Access violation during 3D deskew.

1716519 - 26426922 - Interpreting result was not good with a particular PDF sample.

1716658 - 26417324 - Image quality was poor after importing a particular PDF file.

1716680 - 26425630 - Image quality was not good and the image page was cut off after importing a particular PDF file.

1716802 - 26444154 - C128 barcode was not detected.

1717624 - N/A - "File format error" accorred while loading PDF file (IMF_FILEFORMAT_ERR)

1730193 - N/A - The function kRecRecognize() stopped responding on a particular image with "TO_BALANCE".

1732802 - 26452512 - CSObjectsSamples.exe stopped responding on a specific TIFF image file.

NOTES for fix pack - FIXPACK7 - FIXPACK6

1590590 - 26243104 - Incorrect recognition results occurred using PLUS3W ("S" / "5" / "8" and "o" / "0" misrecognitions).

1595658 - 26280317 - Character accuracy issue occurred in case of email address recognition.

1599361 - 26182484 - Email misrecognitions occurred in English: "@"/"�" /2

1599887 - N/A - Start error occurred: 0x8004C40E.

1604676 - N/A - Recognize returned with CHR_ILLEGALSETTING_ERR with certain combination of recognition languages.

1605128 - N/A - Misrecognition issue occurred: 'l' versus 'i'.

1607558 - 26282612 - File encountered general exception in the engine when Recognize() is called with ROT_NO and DSK_NO.

1609168 - 26265028 - Text shifted to the header area in the converted output in DOCX format.

1617343 - N/A - Handprint - missing dots occurred with the improved ICR engine.

1617510 - N/A - Character "C" was interpreted as "0" by mistake.

1619854 - 26206318 - Full page zone usage produced extra SPACE characters in the recognized text.

1619889 - 26300900 - Recognition stopped, OCR engine did not finish processing the document.

1625823 - N/A - API_GPFAULT_ERR occurred when loading a PDF.

1626190 - 26319817 - Not recognized barcodes when orientation detection was applied.

1627265 - N/A - In case of Legal mode ImageLoad produced blank pages.

1627947 - 26221565 - Unaligned TOC appeared.

1630431 - N/A - PDF417 barcode recognition failed.

1632004 - N/A - Copying a zone in FTE did not copy the custom zone settings that belong to the original zone.

1633145 - 26285076 - Misplaced pleading line numbers conversion occurred.

1634405 - 26306374 - Combining documents generated an erroneous result.

1638386 - 26307289 - Hebrew recognition accuracy - Triple Yod recognized instead of Punctuation Gershayim.

1639177 - 26311510 - Space inserted in code word "15MBAA07504800096AY", so it became "15M BAA07504800096AY".

1639935 - 26338696 - Document_NR not recognized in Zone OCR.

1643546 - 26285847 - [LCP-17226] Checkbox symbol recognized differently in two very similar PDF documents.

1644752 - N/A - Multiple threads usage fails for the functions kRecProcessPagesEx2W and RecProcessPagesExGP2()

1654358 - N/A - When enabling the Vietnamese OCR-language together with Hebrew and/or Thai, an RER_NOKNOWLEDGEFILE_ERR occurred.

1658516 - 26361019 - Misrecognition: '0' (Zero) character recognized instead of 'O' (Capital O).

1659135 - 26316854 - Normal Thai PDF recognition accuracy was below expected.

1660960 - 26364853 - API_GPFAULT_ERR occurred when opening certain PDF files.

1604048 - N/A - When exporting to .docx and .xlsx, the output of OmniPage CSDK engine was bigger then with ABBYY FRE.

NOTES for fix pack - FIXPACK6 - FIXPACK5

1604414 - N/A - IMF_COMP_ERR returned when trying to load certain PDF files.

1604762 - 26303767 - Wrong barcode recognized if only one barcode type selected.

1604854 - N/A - Image was almost blank after loaded from a PDF.

1606541 - 26292594 - OPBinder error 0x80131600 occurred if output setting was "Keep Original Quality".

1611989 - 26308783 - Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.RecPDF.Operation.AppendPage stopped responding.

1614540 - 26248397 - Space were not recognized between words in Hebrew text.

1615136 - 26327703 - After applying FIXPACK4, kRecQuit() stopped responding when there was no "RER" license.

1615547 - 26307289 - Hebrew recognition accuracy - Hebrew 'Zayin' characters were recognized as Hebrew 'Resh' characters.

1617552 - N/A - Specific exploit PDF files (like "deflate-bomb-10GB.zip") might caused continuous CPU usage by our plugin for Windows Search ("PPDFWDS.exe").

1617565 - 26314978 - OCR recognition failed on certain type of PDFs.

1619919 - N/A - CMC7 MICR font recognition issue occurred in x64 libraries.

N/A - 26332943 - The fix pack was missing an update for the file DistWizard_CSDK.txt. - FIXPACK4

1550488 - 26188424 - Russian abbreviation "OOO" for "Private Limited Company" was misrecognized as "000" (three zeroes).

1573179 - 26151559 - OmniPage returned API_GPFAULT_ERR when processing B/W page.

1573954 - 26206075 - HTML (and RTF2000) output contained overlapped lines.

1578973 - 26243034 - Misrecognitions occurred: "O" vs "0" /1.

1579144 - 26182484 - Email misrecognitions occurred in English: "@"/"�" /1 - partial fix of 26182484.

1579229 - 26233841 - Some words rendered on wrong position from PDF (Overlapping text).

1580958 - 26260879 - Text was not recognized ("Zendnota").

1584153 - 26237901 - PDF showed as a blank page.

1586168 - 26263000 - DataMatrix barcode was not recognized correctly

1587775 - 26252414 - Hebrew recognition accuracy - misrecognized Hebrew characters occurred.

1588428 - 26272076 - API_TIMEOUT_ERR occurred when using TO_ACCURATE.

1589215 - 26264969 - MemoryStream could not be used for initializing and saving PDF documents.

1590624 - 26223467 - Hebrew punctuation in DTXT output did not keep to the standard.

1591321 - 26213472 - Some PDF did not processed with OmniPage: data loss occurred.

1591345 - 26213472 - Particular PDF could not be processed by OmniPage.

1591763 - 26265677 - PDF pages were loaded as blank pages.

1592518 - 26237546 - CSDK v21 worked with extremely slow with 2D barcode capture.

1592560 - 26243034 - Misrecognitions occurred: "O" vs "0" /2.

1593339 - 26278135 - Zone OCR did not read the value.

1599482 - N/A - Image-to-DOCX conversion with forced page size was not supported.

1600365 - 26252228 - PDF/A-2b compliance mismatch occurred between PowerPDF and Adobe on a specific file.

1600605 - 26225688 - Certain PDF files did load as empty pages.

NOTES for fix pack - FIXPACK4 - FIXPACK3

1531923 - 26182975 - PDF417 barcode was not recognized correctly (false positive result).

1555957 - 26209901 - A font failed to render correctly.

1556443 - 26206201 - User zones were missing on large PDFs when saving the document.

1557496 - 26217294 - Text overlap issue occurred with OmniPage.

1561790 - 26200514 - OptAddCommand did not work for a specific PDF.

1564870 - N/A - Normal PDFs generated from multi-page TIFF image files were significantly larger than those created with Abbyy.

1566207 - N/A - Memory leak occurred when a language filter is defined for each page.

1570260 - N/A - CSDK 21.1 XML output no longer contained the "alignment" property for tags.

1573075 - 26243283 - Security vulnerability raised in outdated jQuery used in OmniPage Licensing Agent (OPLA). - FIXPACK2

1470216 - 25992496 - Some QR codes were not recognized.

1495833 - 25558951 - 2 pages were missing when using Converters.Image.TIFF converter with "Keep original quality".

1530533 - 26180118 - QR Code recognition accuracy was below expected.

1538950 - 26155818 - Engine returned with IMF_COMP_ERROR.

1541119 - N/A - Touching numbers were not considered English.

1548336 - 26105132 - File format error were returned randomly by the Engine.

1548564 - 26155827 - General Protection Fault occurred in the Engine.

1548791 - 26191193 - Odd spacing occurred in the output when a specific PDF was converted.

1548942 - 26154975 - Kofax Power PDF showed blank pages when dragging a .msg email file with attachments.

1549011 - 26187518 - Language detection error occurred (ASLD).

1549019 - 26189660 - RecGetPage() failed for documents with more than 200 pages.

1549027 - 26141982 - White spaces were inserted randomly in the recognition output.

1549033 - 26162253 - Hebrew accuracy problem: U+05D5 was recognized instead of U+05DF.

1550053 - N/A - Memory leak occurred in Recognition Server module when running longevity test.

1553229 - 26215741 - Image parts were not loaded from a specific PDF. - FIXPACK1

1470210 - 25707642 - Recognizing 'D00' instead of 'DOC' occurred.

1523253 - N/A - 'Engine initialization error, or no appropriate license' exception was thrown when the LocateHandwriting was used on concurrent threads.

1517217 - 26186917 - Degraded DOCX output was resulted from recognizing Arabic text.

1523309 - 26054195 - Data Matrix barcode value contained additional characters.

1548153 - 26066979 - Japanese text was divided in DOCX output.

1523297 - 26132935 - IMF_COMP_ERR occurred when trying to load invoice PDF files.

1538950 - 26155818 - Error in image compression returned (IMF_COMP_ERR).

1548130 - 26105132 - File format error returned (IMF_FILEFORMAT_ERR).

1523307 - 26109263 - AutoRotate did not rotate Asian text to the good direction.

1548158 - 26160639 - Barcode BC_C128 - If only one barcode type was selected, the recognition was worse than with default types.

N/A - 25562877 - Recognition issues with pages with mixed "Arabic + English" text.

N/A - 26103062 - Improved DTXT XML output.

Applies To

You can apply this fix pack to update any of the following Kofax OmniPage CSDK for Windows versions:

Files Included

This fix pack includes the following files:

File Name Version
Asian.dll 21.1.23370.100
Atalasoft.dotImage.Barcoding.Reading.dll 21.1.23370.100
Atalasoft.dotImage.dll 21.1.23370.100
Atalasoft.dotImage.Lib.dll 21.1.23370.100
Atalasoft.Shared.dll 21.1.23370.100
AtlDriver.exe 21.1.23370.100
AudioConv.dlc 21.1.23370.100
Bar.dll 21.1.23370.100
bnt.dll 21.1.23370.100
bnt2.dll 21.1.23370.100
bnt3.dll 21.1.23370.100
bnt4.dll 21.1.23370.100
csdk_omnipage.dll 21.1.23370.100
csdk_omnipage.jar 7/20/2023
DistWizard_CSDK.txt 7/20/2023
DocXConv.dlc 21.1.23370.100
DocXConvCPP.dlc 21.1.23370.100
DocXWrapper.dll 21.1.23370.100
ePubConv.dlc 21.1.23370.100
ExcelCnv.dlc 21.1.23370.100
ExcelXCnv.dlc 21.1.23370.100
ExcelXWrapper.dll 21.1.23370.100
FireWrx.dll 21.1.23370.100
FireWrx2.dll 21.1.23370.100
FireWrx3.dll 21.1.23370.100
FireWrx4.dll 21.1.23370.100
FireWrx5.dll 21.1.23370.100
FireWrx6.dll 21.1.23370.100
FireWrx7.dll 21.1.23370.100
FireWrx8.dll 21.1.23370.100
Formatter.dll 21.1.23370.100
hand_s.rec 7/20/2023
hand_s_de.rec 7/20/2023
hand_s_us.rec 7/20/2023
HTMLCnv.dlc 21.1.23370.100
Hybridmodule.dll 21.1.23370.100
Icr2.dll 21.1.23370.100
Icr2c.dll 21.1.23370.100
IF_PNG.dll 21.1.23370.100
IproPlus.dll 21.1.23370.100
IWR.exe 21.1.23370.100
kadmos.uk 7/20/2023
KernelAPI.dll 21.1.23370.100
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.ArgTypes.dll 21.1.23370.100
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.CAPI.dll 21.1.23370.100
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus.dll 21.1.23370.100
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus.JobDesign.BuiltIn.dll 21.1.23370.100
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus.JobDesign.dll 21.1.23370.100
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.NETCore.CAPI.dll 21.1.23370.100
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.NETCore.IproPlus.dll 21.1.23370.100
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.NETCore.IproPlus.Marshaler.dll 21.1.23370.100
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.NETCore.IproPlus.NativeMarshalers.dll 21.1.23370.100
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.NETCore.IproPlus.OCRServer.dll 21.1.23370.100
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.NETCore.IproPlus.xml 7/20/2023
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.NETCore.Objects.dll 21.1.23370.100
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.NETCore.RecPDF.dll 21.1.23370.100
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.Objects.dll 21.1.23370.100
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.RecPDF.dll 21.1.23370.100
LecsoMgr.dll 21.1.23370.100
LEditor.dll 21.1.23370.100
ME_ConverterMgr.dlm 21.1.23370.100
ME_DocMgr.dlm 21.1.23370.100
Mor.dll 21.1.23370.100
Mor2.dll 21.1.23370.100
Mor3.dll 21.1.23370.100
Mor4.dll 21.1.23370.100
Mor5.dll 21.1.23370.100
Mor6.dll 21.1.23370.100
Mor7.dll 21.1.23370.100
Mor8.dll 21.1.23370.100
MorIF.dll 21.1.23370.100
MyToolbox.dll 21.1.23370.100
neuralnet.dll 21.1.23370.100
numplus.rec 7/20/2023
OCRServer.dll 21.1.23370.100
OCRService.exe 21.1.23370.100
p4dll.vm 7/20/2023
P4DLL1.dll 4.1.23370.100
P4DLL2.dll 4.1.23370.100
P4DLL3.dll 4.1.23370.100
P4DLL4.dll 4.1.23370.100
pccext.dll 21.1.23370.100
pccext2.dll 21.1.23370.100
pccext3.dll 21.1.23370.100
pccext4.dll 21.1.23370.100
pccext5.dll 21.1.23370.100
pccext6.dll 21.1.23370.100
pccext7.dll 21.1.23370.100
pccext8.dll 21.1.23370.100
PDFCnv.dlc 21.1.23370.100
pdfopt.dll 21.1.23370.100
PPTXConv.dlc 21.1.23370.100
PptXWrapper.dll 21.1.23370.100
PreRendering.dll 21.1.23370.100
RecApiPlus.dll 21.1.23370.100
RecDiag.dll 21.1.23370.100
recogn.bct 7/20/2023
recpdf.dll 21.1.23370.100
Rendering.dll 21.1.23370.100
Rendering2.dll 21.1.23370.100
RtfConv.dlc 21.1.23370.100
SFOCR.tud 7/20/2023
SPDFLib.dll 21.1.23370.100
THOCRAPI.DLL 21.1.23370.100
twcut.dll 21.1.23370.100
twcutchr.dll 21.1.23370.100
twcutckr.dll 21.1.23370.100
twcutla.dll 21.1.23370.100
twcutle.dll 21.1.23370.100
twcutlin.dll 21.1.23370.100
twcutlkr.dll 21.1.23370.100
TWForm.dll 21.1.23370.100
twiden.dll 21.1.23370.100
twlay32a.dll 21.1.23370.100
TxtConv.dlc 21.1.23370.100
WM_OPActions.dlm 21.1.23370.100
WM_OPUIActions.dlm 21.1.23370.100
WordMLConv.dlc 21.1.23370.100
WorkflowXMLDesigner.exe 21.1.23370.100
WPCnv.dlc 21.1.23370.100
XMLConv.dlc 21.1.23370.100
xocr.dll 21.1.23370.100
xocr2.dll 21.1.23370.100
xocr3.dll 21.1.23370.100
xocr4.dll 21.1.23370.100
xocr5.dll 21.1.23370.100
xocr6.dll 21.1.23370.100
xocr7.dll 21.1.23370.100
xocr8.dll 21.1.23370.100
XPSConv.dlc 21.1.23370.100
ReadMe-KofaxOmnipageCaptureSDKforWindows- 7/20/2023


  1. The following files have been added to the CSDK file-set starting with the fix pack FIXPACK4 and afterwards:
    • Icr2c.dll
    • Hand_s_de.rec
    • Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.NETCore.IproPlus.dll
    • Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.NETCore.IproPlus.xml
    • Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.NETCore.IproPlus.Marshaler.dll
    • Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.NETCore.IproPlus.MativeMarshalers.dll
    • Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.NETCore.IproPlus.OCRServer.dll
  2. The file Icr2c.dll is used for machine-print recognition of Hebrew and Thai documents.
  3. The file Hand_s_de.rec is used for recognition of handwritten German text.
  4. The remaining 5 file-additions are used for developing ASP.NET Core applications.
  5. When removing CSDK updated with this fix pack from the developer's machine, the uninstaller lefts behind these files. Please delete them manually. Similarly, if you refresh your CSDK-aware application via a simple file copy, the uninstaller of your application might leave these files behind on your customer's machine.

Files in the OPLA folder

Update all the OPLA files from the fix pack's OPLA folder.

Install This Fix Pack

Use the following procedure to install this fix pack.

  1. Verify that the following applications and services are not running:
  2. Backup the content of the Bin folder of your Capture SDK 21.1 installation (to your backup-copy folder).
  3. Depending on your Capture SDK installation select either the file KofaxOmniPageCaptureSDK- or KofaxOmniPageCaptureSDK-
    Unzip the fix pack file to a temporary location.
  4. Copy the files located in the fix pack's folder (CSDK_BIN32 or CSDK_BIN64) into the Bin folder of your current Omnipage Capture SDK installation.
  5. If you are using the standalone version of "Document Classifier" and there is an Engine subfolder under the folder DocumentClassifier, refresh the files in the Engine subfolder from the CSDK_BIN32 or CSDK_BIN64 folder of this fix pack.
  6. If you are using the "Form Template Editor",
    - if there is an Engine subfolder under the folder FormTemplateEditor21, refresh the files in the Engine subfolder both from the folders CSDK_BIN32 and FTE_BIN32 or from CSDK_BIN64 and FTE_BIN64 of this fix pack.
    - refresh the files in the Bin folder of your current CSDK installation both from the folders CSDK_BIN32 and FTE_BIN32 or from CSDK_BIN64 and FTE_BIN64 of this fix pack.
  7. If you have runtime deployment, remember to update that as well:
    In the Distribution File Set (generated earlier), replace the original files with the new ones from the fix pack.
    Remember to add new CSDK files introduced since the version 21.1 release, if there are any (that is, in any of the fix packs).
    Note: As the best practice, after applying the updates to the developer installation, generate the Distribution File Set again, using the Distribution Wizard.
  8. If you are using OmniPage Licensing Agent (OPLA), use its updated version from the OPLA subfolder of this fix pack.
    The OPLA subfolder contains all the files necessary for OPLA.
  9. Restart any applications and services you stopped before installing the fix pack.

Remove This Fix Pack

Use the following procedure to remove this fix pack.

  1. Verify that the following applications and services are not running:
  2. Copy the files from the backup-copy folder to the Bin folder of your OmniPage Capture SDK 21.1 installation.
  3. Restart any applications and services that were stopped prior to removing the fix pack.