Tungsten Automation

Kofax OmniPage Capture SDK

Build Date: March 12, 2024

© 2024 Tungsten Automation. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.

Table of Contents


Fix packs issued for OmniPage Capture SDK (CSDK) releases are cumulative updates.

Issues resolved in this fix pack - FIXPACK4

ID Support Case ID Issue
2093423 N/A FormTyper recognized some checkboxes as text fields.
2093401 N/A MOR_GPFAULT_ERR was occurring on specific image and specific settings.
2093399 26853623 Accuracy: Omnipage recognized "0" as letter "o" with French OCR-language.
2093043 N/A IMF_FILEFORMAT_ERR occurred while loading PDF file (file-specific).
2090400 N/A Unable to discriminate O and 0 in PO.
2090348 N/A Accuracy: 0-vs-O misrecognition happened when Ukrainian OCR language was enabled.
2090345 N/A Accuracy: zero digit ('0') was recognized as Uppercase O ('O') in ZIP-code.
2090340 N/A Accuracy: 0-vs-O misrecognition happened when Greek OCR language was enabled/2.
2089974 N/A Miscellaneous misrecognitions, mostly further O ('O') instead of zero ('0') misrecognitions.
2086990 26845958 [LCP-28749] Not fully seen text in converted output.
2086552 26853623 Loading/rendering specific PDF page requires 3.2 GB memory and takes 100 times more time than for other pages in PDF (file specific).
2085231 N/A Incorrect position returned in LETTER for recognized barcode (file-specific).
2084513 N/A PDF stuck when calling new Page (file-specific).
2084148 26846235 While processing multiple multi-page documents with the multi-threaded OmniPage workflow, Lecso page state could be lost resulting in losing pages in outputs.
2083621 N/A Strange overlapping text in output image from CSDK.
2082290 N/A API_HARDTIMEOUT_ERR was occurring during recognition (file-specific).
2082025 N/A Chinese currency sign was misrecognized.
2081991 N/A Page in PDF was incorrectly rotated upside down.
2081521 26803034 Japanese language caused bad recognition of numbers in a cell table with two lines (file specific).
2081344 N/A When converting a specific PDF to DOCX missing page content and table borders not maintained.
2075157 N/A When saving a PDF to a PDF/A-1b the content is getting corrupted (file-specific).
2067199 N/A Regression: DataMatrices on the Cerner sample images were no longer recognized.
2063923 N/A When using CSDK's RecAPIPlus API, the CSDK setting "Kernel.LegalPleading" had no effect.
2063872 26764044 File sometimes crashed the OCR with a memory corruption (file-specific).
2062355 N/A When converting a specific PDF to DOCX in some cells the "Dash" charaacters were missing.
2062344 N/A When converting a specific PDF to DOCX same values in cells were misaligned.
2062124 N/A Pages of PDF were loaded to CSDK improperly (file-specific).
2060204 26788032 GPF/SEGV was occurring during the kRecDetectBlankPage call (file-specific).
2059062 26739211 Accuracy: [LCP-27228] Missed dots in the converted DOCX output.
2058799 N/A Loading PDF page resulted in blank image (file-specific).
2038349 26779100 Regression: Uppercase 'O' and 'I' characters are not extracted properly on screencapture image.
1996434 N/A ZDI-CAN-21980: Kofax Power PDF OXPS File Parsing Stack-based Buffer Overflow Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.
1996412 N/A ZDI-CAN-21990: Kofax Power PDF OXPS File Parsing Use-After-Free Information Disclosure Vulnerability.
1989776 N/A ZDI-CAN-21833: Kofax Power PDF J2K File Parsing Memory Corruption Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.
1979891 N/A CSDK output searchable PDF/A files with embedded fonts failed on PDF validation.
1945691 N/A Leading uppercase I character in invoice number was missing from the OCR result.
1837282 N/A Not visible, truncated characters those locating in PDF's table cells were appearing in the OCR output.

Issues resolved in previous fix packs - FIXPACK3

ID Support Case ID Issue
2057754 N/A Dates were not extracted properly.
2057356 N/A Exception occurred when the "Kernel.Decomp.FindBarZones" setting is enabled (file-specific).
2056362 N/A Characters were missing in the OCR output from PDFs with text layer.
2055165 N/A Sometimes page counting issues occurred after restarting the OPLA service.
2054873 N/A A PDF did not load when LoadFlag IMF_PDF_ANN_LINK is enabled (file-specific).
2042532 N/A Characters were read out of order.
2040896 (26773996) Table cells only containing '1' were not recognized when LZ_FREEFORM was specified.
2040693 26792746 The rPdfFileHasText() function incorrectly marked pages as having no text.
2039679 (26763456) ENH.REQ.: AtalaSoft: new CSDK settings were introduced to tradeoff the 2D barcode recognition (with defaulted to speed).
2039058 N/A Did not render a PDF's digital signature (file-specific).
2038801 26735466 Inverted colors during conversion of TIFF to PDF when MRC is enabled.
2038044 (26647991) RER_INTERNAL_ERR occurred during recognizing Thai document (file-specific).
2035699 (26773366) ENH.REQ.: Added support for Aztek barcodes to CSDK - integrated AtalaSoft.
2031027 N/A Linefeed and Space characters had same values in LETTER output.
2030546 (26687280) ENH.REQ.: Made the timeout value for the AtalaSoft engine configurable through the "Kernel.Ocr.Bar_Atl.Timeout" setting.
2027552 N/A Received "Invalid rectangle dimensions" error when recognizing a QR code (file-specific).
2014413 26777522 API_GPFAULT_ERR occurred during recognition in the HNR module when recognizing a specific image with a specific user-zone (file-specific).
2002253 (26656612) Incorrect result returned when recognizing 'Code39 without Start/Stop character's barcode.
2002236 (26766333) Did not recognize Code128 barcodes (file-specific).
2000295 (26731318) Converted tables from PDF to Microsoft Excel poorly.
1998274 (26768274) Page-range option was missing in the open file dialog when loading pages to IPro document.
1998063 (26757675) Accuracy: zero ('0') was recognized as uppercase O ('O') in invoice documents.
1997890 (26772500) Itest's Load/Zone Workflow caused a crash.
1997518 (26697161) The BAR engine failed to recognize noisy (slightly injured) DataMatrices.
1997396 N/A MRC compressed image output was deformed.
1996405 N/A ZDI-CAN-22044: There was a vulnerability in Kofax Power PDF where remote code could be executed using a crafted JP2 file.
1996409 N/A ZDI-CAN-22016: There was a vulnerability in Kofax Power PDF where remote code could be executed using a crafted BMP file.
1992141 N/A Crash occurred with the RECAPI function kRecRemovePunchHoles.
1991412 N/A The "Kernel.Imf.PDF.Linearize" CSDK setting had no effect if the output PDF was to be created as a PDF/A type.
1990132 26753944 DTXT_IOTPDF_MRC output could show degradation of the input image.
1988530 (26755604) Different results returned from recognizing Code39 barcode depending on the setting "Kernel.Ocr.BAR.Bar1D.MinLength".
1988317 (1988530) Only one barcodes of the two on the page was recognized (file-specific).
1986045 (26684424) Accuracy: Some characters were misrecognized when Dutch is selected as the OCR language.
1985840 26739180 Pages were missing from the conversion output DOCX.
1984858 (26751717) Uppercase O ('O') instead of zero ('0') misrecognition occurred when Greek is selected as the OCR language.
1984733 (26753230) When converting PDF to Excel, numbers with thousands separators longer than nine digits were converted as strings instead of numbers.
1982326 (26735817) When converting PDF to Excel, some tables were not detected.
1980273 (26737177) Characters were interpreted to unreadable string after the PDF is imported.
1980272 (26684424) Accuracy: The character "1" in italic was interpreted as "7" on line item level.
1974936 (26732945) CSDK rendered certain PDF pages with overlapping text.
1967390 26713788 Thai text did not appear in the output DOCX.
1962549 N/A The application closed during the page.Recognize call.
1953647 (26677452) API_HARDTIMEOUT_ERR occurred during recognition if the DataMatrix barcode type (BAR_DMATRIX) was enabled.
1883707 N/A Text that was hidden in the PDF appeared in the OCR output after conversion.

NOTES for fix pack - FIXPACK3

  1. For 2039679: New CSDK settings are available to control the secondary 2D bar code module Atala engine:

    "Kernel.Ocr.Bar_Atl.TradeOff" - Atala's tradeoff settings. Possible values: 1 (MostAccurate); 2 (Fastest); 0 (Balanced) "Kernel.Ocr.Bar_Atl.ScanInterval" - Atala's ScanInterval settings.

    Starting with this fix pack, the default value for the setting "Kernel.Ocr.Bar_Atl.TradeOff" was changed to 2 (Fastest), while the default value for the setting "Kernel.Ocr.Bar_Atl.ScanInterval" remains unchanged (5).

    For applications requiring higher barcode recognition accuracy it is recommended to set this TradeOff setting to 1 (MostAccurate).

    Note that in some cases, this change in the default value can result in slightly less accurate recognition and significant speed increase.

  2. For 2030546: Starting with this fix pack, it is possible to specify timeout for the AtalaSoft 2D barcode module. Additionally, the default value for this setting has changed to 30 seconds.

    "Kernel.Ocr.Bar_Atl.Timeout" - Timeout allowed for the Atala 2D bar code engine, measured in seconds. - FIXPACK2

1985529 - (26747355) - Code128 barcodes were not recognized (file-specific).

1984555 - (26718787) - FormTyper converted fields to a comb of 6 characters instead of 3.

1981430 - (26738050) - Intermittent issues occurred with 2D barcode recognition.

1980130 - (26663377) - Negative numbers became positive when converting a specific PDF to Excel.

1979155 - (26734390) - GPF occurred in the BAR module (PDF417) with a particular PDF.

1978570 - 26744511 - Braille Pattern Dots-134 (Unicode Character U+280D) appeared in the Converters.Text.XML output.

1978554 - (26687957) - Rechnung number was misrecognized (Digit '4').

1977751 - (26735458) - CSDK was unable to extract Patch Code.

1977517 - N/A - CSDK loaded a PDF file as a faulty image when using the setting "Kernel.Imf.PDF.Resolution" = 300 (file-specific).

1977321 - (26579105) - Specific table types were typically incorrectly recognized by the FormTyper.

1976206 - (26732382) - Accuracy: Colon (':') character was recognized as bullet.

1975991 - (26732382) - Accuracy: Slash ('/') characters in date were misrecognized.

1974923 - (26718767) - PDF to DOCX conversion replaced some apostrophe characters with space (file-specific).

1974763 - (26712701) - PDF to PPTX conversion merged all values in the rows of a table (file-specific).

1971201 - (26720348) - RecPDF API could not set the User Password (also known as Open Password) for PDF files.

1969616 - (26721730) - Some PDF page was loaded as a blank page.

1969204 - (26708767) - Text content from higher resolution pages of a TIFF file is missing from the OCR output when the formatted text converter ("Converters.Text.FormattedTxt") is used.

1968881 - 26695321 - Crash occurred with a specific CSDK settings file.

1966793 - (26703461) - 2D Datamatrices on the page were not recognized when the barcode type BAR_UCC128 is enabled for recognition.

1966786 - 26714967 - PDF-417 barcode was not recognized with page-sized zone (file-specific).

1966407 - N/A - Invalid characters were captured from the barcode.

1964970 - N/A - API_TIMEOUT_ERR occurred while recognizing barcode on PDF page (file-specific).

1963972 - (26627043) - Segmentation fault occurred on the 3rd page of a PDF (file-specific).

1960022 - N/A - The PLUS3W recognition module returned the string "INVOICE NUMBER" in the wrong word order.

1959538 - (26586128) - Converting PDF through the Power PDF menu "Making PDF Searchable" with the "Keep original images" option disabled resulted in a lot of underlined text.

1956278 - (26666944) - Table cell data was missing in the recognized text.

1953646 - (26677452) - API_GPFAULT_ERR occurred during recognition if the PDF417 barcode type (BAR_PDF417) was enabled (file-specific).

1953215 - (26682275) - CSDK did not recognize the Patch Code in images with a black frame from the scan.

1953047 - N/A - Invoice number contained additional leading character derived from the box border (file-specific).

1951957 - (26645881) - Accuracy: order number on PO PDF documents was misrecognized (character '6' recognized as 'C').

1949292 - (26657841) - Accuracy: uppercase O ('O') instead of zero ('0') misrecognition occurred in invoice numbers.

1949289 - (26632758) - CSDK handled the codepage improperly in the Atalasoft PDF417 output.

1949288 - (26632758) - The RM_BAR recognition module misrecognized certain PDF417 barcodes (file-specific).

1946536 - 26685613 - Pages of a PDF file were loaded as blank pages (file-specific).

1946375 - (26638882) - Accuracy: Vietnamese accent misrecognition (character '�' recognized as '�').

1946370 - (26598158) - Underscore characters in invoice numbers were not recognized (file-specific).

1944448 - N/A - Reversed words were seen in the OCR results.

1944309 - N/A - Numbering bullet was applied in individual table cell content, when converting a specific PDF to DOCX.

1941601 - (26618203) - Text was appearing twice in DTXT-XML output when using DCM_STANDARD (file-specific).

1940765 - (26667458) - PDF to XLSX transformation had issue with a specific file and Power PDF version.

1933829 - N/A - Autorotate failed while loading a PDF page (file-specific).

1931533 - N/A - Invoice number contained an additional leading character when using IMF_PDF_AS_IMAGE or PDF_PM_AS_IMAGE (file-specific).

1926082 - 26555886 - [CRL-4680] While opening PDFs in Adobe Reader (on Windows8), the program displays error message for searchable PDFs that were created on another machine with Window10.

1885164 - N/A - Footer was section not captured from PDF.

1883650 - N/A - Crash may have occurred with Form Template Editor when nesting adapted templates.

1732784 - 26265004 - [LCP-10366] Table without visible borders was converted as text with frames.

1689120 - (26389181) - Amount values were not getting extracted properly: additional '1' characters were appearing at the end of the recognized amount.

NOTES for fix pack - FIXPACK2

  1. For 1971201: To make a PDF protected with a User Password (aka Open Password) via the RecPDF API, use the command-string "OpenPassword". See sample code below:
      #include "RecPDF.h" RPDF_DOC rpdf_h = NULL; rPdfInit(); rPdfOptOpen(strInpFileName, NULL, &rpdf_h); rPdfOptAddCommandStr(rpdf_h, L"Sec128"); // 128-bit security rPdfOptAddCommandStr(rpdf_h, L"OpenPassword:13579"); // password: "13579" rPdfOptimize(rpdf_h, strOutFileName); rPdfClose(rpdf_h); rPdfQuit();
  2. When applying this fix pack, it is recommended to use the most recent Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable available.

    Permalink for latest supported x86 and x64 versions are: - FIXPACK1

1940592 - (26590149) - Specific PDFs content appeared as strange characters in the output.

1938080 - (26656612) - Images with vertical Code39 barcodes were not recognized.

1938071 - (26662585) - CSDK did not recognize Code39 barcode from 200dpi TIFF images while successfully detecting the same in the original PDF.

1937858 - N/A - CSDK loaded a PDF file as a faulty image when using the setting "Kernel.Imf.PDF.Resolution" = 300 (file-specific).

1934419 - N/A - Access Violation error occurred when debugging.

1933836 - (26644139) - PDF was corrupted after kRecMakePagesSearchable.

1932459 - (26640022) - IMG_BITSPERPIXEL_ERR occurred when loading a PDF with a gray image.

1931940 - N/A - Recognition confidence of characters on repetition was not deterministic.

1931360 - (26657434) - [LCP-26736] The whole text was converted as pictures in the document.

1928711 - N/A - ENH.REQ.: Support for loading 48-bit PNG images added.

1928199 - (26589157) - Access violation occurred in RECDIAG.dll with LZ_FREEFORM.

1927763 - (26653134) - Image load time did increase with each subsequent page of multipage JPEG-compressed TIFF image files.

1926981 - N/A - Accuracy: Character misrecognition occurred on clean documents.

1926890 - N/A - Particular PDF caused GPF during image load.

1925096 - N/A - Image compression error (IMF_COMP_ERR) occurs while loading particular PDF file.

1924763 - 26650481 - PDF file did not load (file-specific).

1912421 - (26335368) - The line containing the only string "C/O" disappeared in the recognized output (file-specific).

1901588 - (26598271) - The PDF/A-2b output by CSDK failed on the Adobe Preflight check (file-specific).

1894866 - N/A - TTSManager fell into an infinite loop on computers with no sound card.

1888050 - N/A - CSDK generated non-compliant PDF/A-4 files using IMF_PDFCOMPATIBILITY.IMF_PDFA4.

1844539 - (26287382) - Segmentation violation occurred while converting a PDF file to Word (file-specific).

1833103 - (26563474) - Issues occurred with producing PDF files from CHT HKSCS (Hong Kong).

Applies To

You can apply this fix pack to update the following Kofax OmniPage CSDK for Windows version:

Install This Fix Pack

Use the following procedure to install this fix pack.

  1. Verify that the following applications and services are not running:
  2. Backup the content of the Bin folder of your Capture SDK 22.1 installation (to your backup-copy folder)
  3. Depending on your Capture SDK installation select either the file KofaxOmniPageCaptureSDK- or KofaxOmniPageCaptureSDK-
    Unzip the fix pack file to a temporary location.
  4. Copy the files and subfolders located in the fix pack's folder (CSDK_BIN32 or CSDK_BIN64) into the Bin folder of your current Omnipage Capture SDK installation.
    • Remember to copy all files with the subfolders! (recursive copy)
    • This fix pack contains 4 new files (SxS*.manifest), which were not part of the fileset of the original 22.1 release. Note that these are required in case of IWR-based OCR engine integration only.
    • The following files became unnecessary and can be omitted from the distribution fileset supposing that the integrating application is not an IWR-based one:
      • Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.ArgTypes.dll
      • Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.CAPI.dll
      • Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.Objects.dll
      • Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.Objects.xml
      • Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.RecPDF.dll
      • Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.RecPDF.xml
  5. Copy the file(s) residing in the fix pack's DATA folder into the DATA folder of your current Omnipage Capture SDK installation.
  6. If you use the standalone version of Document Classifier (DCA) and there is an Engine subfolder under the folder DocumentClassifier22, refresh the files in the Engine subfolder from the CSDK_BIN32 or CSDK_BIN64 folder of this fix pack.
  7. If you are using the "Form Template Editor" (FTE),
    - if there is an Engine subfolder under the folder FormTemplateEditor22, refresh the files in the Engine subfolder both from the folders CSDK_BIN32 and FTE_BIN32 or from CSDK_BIN64 and FTE_BIN64 of this fix pack.
    - refresh the files in the Bin folder of your current CSDK installation both from the folders CSDK_BIN32 and FTE_BIN32 or from CSDK_BIN64 and FTE_BIN64 of this fix pack.
  8. If you have runtime deployment, remember to update that, as well:
    In the Distribution File Set (generated earlier), replace the original files with the new ones from the fix pack (to the BIN and to the DATA folders).
    Remember to add new CSDK file(s) introduced since the original 22.1 release, if there is any (that is, in any of the fix packs).
    Note: As the best practice, after applying the updates to the developer installation, generate the Distribution File Set again, using the Distribution Wizard.
  9. Remember to add new CSDK files introduced since the version 22.1 release, if there are any (that is, in any of the fix packs).
    Note: As the best practice, after applying the updates to the developer installation, generate the Distribution File Set again, using the Distribution Wizard.
  10. If this fix pack contains an OPLA subfolder AND your application is using the OmniPage Licensing Agent (OPLA), use its updated version from the OPLA subfolder.
    The OPLA subfolder contains all the files necessary for OPLA.
  11. Restart any applications and services you stopped before installing the fix pack.

Remove This Fix Pack

Use the following procedure to remove this fix pack.

  1. Verify that the following applications and services are not running:
  2. Copy the files from the backup-copy folder to the Bin folder of your OmniPage Capture SDK 22.1 installation.
  3. Restart any applications and services that were stopped prior to removing the fix pack.

Files Included

This fix pack includes a vast number of files. This document does not detail file names and versions.