Kofax OmniPage Server
Build Date: December 20, 2022
© 2022 Kofax. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Table of Content
Fix packs issued for OmniPage Server (OPS) releases are cumulative updates.
Issues Resolved in This Fix Pack - Fix Pack 2
OmniPage Server
1828107 - 26569126 - OPS could not recognize certain CHT HKSCS (Hong Kong) characters.
1893681 - 26610819 - Severely blurred characters appeared in a converted PDF file (file-specific).
1858388 - 26589663 - Providing the possibility to delete unused config entries.
Conversion Client
1842662 - N/A - Users could not update default job parameters not appearing on the UI.
1842410 - N/A - The results of HTML and JPG conversions were not downloadable from the Conversion Client.
Folder Watcher
1842670 - N/A - Users could not update default job parameters not appearing on the Folder Configuration Editor UI.
1787807 - 26481099 - Folder Watcher failed on files and folders with special characters in their name.
1842419 - N/A - Inactive state did not remain (switched back to Active) after refreshing the page of System Configuration Editor.
1842004 - N/A - Filter settings did not work in Folder Watchers rules.
1900233 - CSDK is updated to version
1900235 - Support for the PDF 2.0, PDF UA-1, and PDF UA-2 standards.
1900237 - Support for accessing input and output files via HTTP(S).
For 1828107 OPS could not recognize certain CHT HKSCS (Hong Kong) characters:
If necessary, you can enable the Chinese Hong Kong languages by adding the following entry to the the languageSettings.json configuration file:
{ "Id": 131, "Text": "HongKong", "Enabled": true },
The setting file path is c:\ProgramData\Kofax\ConversionClient\languageSettings.jsonFor 1842662 Users could not update default job parameters not appearing on the UI and 1842670 Users could not update default job parameters not appearing on the Folder Configuration Editor UI:
Edit the defaultConfiguration.json file to change the default behavior of the client. Then all jobs use the updated parameters. The path of the configuration files are:
c:\ProgramData\Kofax\ConversionClient\defaultConfiguration.json and
For example, the conversion node configuration below changes the default output format to PDF 1.7:"conversions": { "pdf": [ { "format": "normal", "imageQuality": "medium", "imageColor": "original", "compatibility": "pdf17", "resultFileName": "PdfResult" } ] },
Another example is that OPS does not process comments and markups from PDF input files by default. To include the annotations in the image, place the following node in the "parameters" node."settings" [ { "name": "Kernel.Imf.PDF.LoadFlags", "type": "integer", "context": "engine", "value": "134217724" }
For 1900237 Support for accessing input and output files via HTTP(S):
There are three ways to access the input files.
Storage: The input files are uploaded to the OPS server via the FilesApi. In this case, the OPS server stores the input file during the conversion.
"inputs":[ { "uri": "storage://46b7f946-3f75-4076-8a27-157411906527", "type":"image" }, { "uri": "storage://86240e43-ba07-4881-8f07-96b1e867c564", "type":"image" } ]
File: The input files are specified via file URIs. The OPS Worker copies the files immediately before the conversion. The original input files remain intact on the file share.
"inputs":[ { "uri":"file:///d:/ops/test/input/test1.jpg", "type":"image" }, { "uri":"file:///d:/ops/test/input/test2.jpg", "type":"image" } ]
Http: The inputs are specified with HTTP URIs. The OPS Worker downloads the files via HTTP(s) immediately before the conversion.
"inputs":[ { "uri":"https://mystorage.blob.core.windows.net/inputs/test1.jpg?sv=2021-06-08&se=2022-05-25T10%3A20%3A47Z&sr=b&sp=r&sig=qwJWJRtdsgfLwvDoZfA41GHpolk7cCMZwpZTeSU%3D", "type":"image" }, { "uri":"https://mystorage.blob.core.windows.net/inputs/test2.jpg?sv=2021-06-08&se=2022-05-25T10%3A20%3A47Z&sr=b&sp=r&sig=yvn9sasdfcjrLbqUDhdnF6APuk86t0IgRPvPBLBc%3D", "type":"image" } ]
The OPS Restful API (Open API description) is now extended with a new node called Result.
Result resource type
Property Type Description type string Defines how OPS should handle the result files. The value can be "storage", "file", "folder", "url", or "urlContainer". The default value is "storage". fileName string The result file name. OPS creates the folders included in "fileName" and places the result file there. For multiple files, "fileName" serves as a pattern. uris collection This collection contains the location of the result files. The interpretation of the values depends on the "type" property. storage: OPS saves the output files to the storage. The files are available through FilesApi over HTTP(S). The "fileName" value is used as the content-disposition in the HTTP header. In this case, "uris" and "parameters" are ignored and their value can be null.
file: Specifies the file paths where to store the output files. In this case, "fileName" is ignored. If fewer paths are specified than result files, the job fails.
folder: Specifies a single folder path to store the output files. In this case, "resultFileName" serves as a naming pattern.
url: Specifies URLs where OPS uploads the result files with HTTP PUT requests. The HTTP method can be overridden in the parameter collection. If fewer URLs are specified than result files, the job fails.
urlContainer: Specifies a single URL where OPS uploads the result files with HTTP PUT requests. The HTTP method can be overridden in the parameter collection.
parameters collection All parameters appear in the header of the HTTP requests for HTTP uploads (Url and UrlContainer). The exception is the parameter VERB, which specifies the HTTP request method (PUT/POST). Representation sample for Result
The following JSON contains a Result node example.
{ "type":"urlContainer", "fileName":"/folder/subfolder/output.pdf", "uris":[ "https://mystorage.blob.core.windows.net/outputs-urlcontainer?sv=2021-06-08&se=2022-05-25T07%3A53%3A55Z&sr=c&sp=racw&sig=CuNxj4afag1k4DkZDEtF69zQ5oRwt8R6fkPVplpJoVY%3D" ], "parameters":[ { "key":"verb", "value":"PUT" }, { "key":"x-ms-blob-type", "value":"BlockBlob" } ] }
Sample job
The following JSON contains the payload information of a job that downloads two input files from the given URLs. It produces two outputs, a PDF and a text file. The job uploads the result files to the Azure blob store in the folders named "pdf" and "text". The PDF output starts a new file per page, so the "pdf" folder can contain multiple output files.
Note: The URLs must have the appropriate permissions, such as, in the case of an Azure blob, the appropriate SAS token with read permission for the input and write permission for the output URLs.{ "inputs":[ { "uri":"https://mystorage.blob.core.windows.net/inputs/small.jpg?sv=2021-06-08&se=2022-05-25T10%3A20%3A47Z&sr=b&sp=r&sig=qwJWJertwertweZfA41GHpolk7cCMZwpZTeSU%3D", "type":"image" }, { "uri":"https://mystorage.blob.core.windows.net/inputs/test.jpg?sv=2021-06-08&se=2022-05-25T10%3A20%3A47Z&sr=b&sp=r&sig=yvn9OTyp%2FNVOLKASdsask86t0IgRPvPBLBc%3D", "type":"image" } ], "conversions":{ "pdf":[ { "format":"searchable", "splitting": "perPage", "result":{ "type":"urlContainer", "fileName":"pdf/searchable.pdf", "uris":[ "https://mystorage.blob.core.windows.net/outputs-urlcontainer?sv=2021-06-08&se=2022-05-25T10%3A20%3A47Z&sr=c&sp=racw&sig=%2FOFqUz%2FdqMUBqJ0nsasZMF9p8IRXE4%3D" ], "parameters":[ { "key":"verb", "value":"PUT" }, { "key":"x-ms-blob-type", "value":"BlockBlob" } ] } } ], "text":[ { "format":"text", "result":{ "type":"urlContainer", "fileName":"text/result.txt", "uris":[ "https://mystorage.blob.core.windows.net/outputs-urlcontainer?sv=2021-06-08&se=2022-05-25T10%3A20%3A47Z&sr=c&sp=racw&sig=%2FOFqUz%2FdsasqMUBqJ0nM5UZMF9p8IRXE4%3D" ], "parameters":[ { "key":"verb", "value":"PUT" }, { "key":"x-ms-blob-type", "value":"BlockBlob" } ] } } ] } }
Storage: The input files are uploaded to the OPS server via the FilesApi. In this case, the OPS server stores the input file during the conversion.
Issues Resolved in Previous Fix Packs - Fix Pack 1
OmniPage Server
1691256 - Corrected the SQL concurrency issues. This fix includes enhanced job handling with input/output retry added, input/output file deletion optimized, and fault tolerance improved.
1666021 - Corrected the issues with the handling of the ApplyOriginalImage setting.
1665432 - PDF Merge conversion did not work with PDF files with text layers.
1638274 - Corrected the issues with the usage of the ImageQuality setting in the case of Image and Searchable PDF outputs.
1629291 - HTTPS worker installation did not work with self-signed SSL certificate.
1627642 - Admin Console dashboard displayed inactive hosts and services.
1627080 - An error occured during the file and job delete requests on the REST API.
N/A - Corrected the issues with the OutputMode setting for the Ebook output type.
N/A - Corrected the notification service call issues by improving the handling of SecurityProtocol.
Conversion Client
1716073 - Could not use the file names defined in the workflow XML to determine the name of the output files.
1695214 - The Upload button was not visible in windows narrower than 1600 pixels.
1680201 - The UI did reset to default settings between jobs.
1594713 - Upload control preserved the name of the selected file from the last job.
1594700 - Upload control did not display the name of the selected input file.
1633568 - Conversion Client could not return multiple result files.
Folder Watcher
1684930 - Folder Watcher failed on files with filenames longer than 64 characters.
1601784 - The '.' character in the name of the watched folder resulted in an error message.
Licensing Service
1695670 - Notification password was not handled properly in the browser.
1593038 - User update was not working at the Command Line Interface.
1592983 - Drag and Drop resulted in an error on the Load page.
1581351 - Notification settings could not be saved.
N/A - Fixed the notification mail sending issues.
1716073 - Improved output filename specification Now there are two ways to specify the output file name when running a custom workflow from Conversion Client or Folder Watcher:
- Hard-coded file name Folder Watcher can use the output file name defined in the workflow XML file. For example, the following node result in "output.txt": If the file already exists, OPS appends a running number to the filename in parentheses, such as "output(1).txt".
- Dynamic file naming You can refer to the name of the first input file of the job if you saved your Workflow XML as "Parametric" type. For example, if the name of the first input file is "contract.jpg" and the result file is a PDF document, the workflow results in the "contract.pdf" and "contract.pdf.output.xml" documents.
1717592 - CSDK is updated to version
1589270 - Workflow XML Designer is updated.
Now you can run workflows directly from Workflow XML Designer using the OPS deployment. Proceed with the following to configure the OPS environment for Workflow XML Designer when you add the Job.
- In the Executor list, select OmniPageServiceV3.
- In the Endpoint list, specify the URL for the OmniPage Server, using the following template: http{s}://{MY_OPS_SERVER}:{MY_OPS_PORT}/v3For example: http://ops:5002/v3
- If the OmniPage Server works under a domain, provide your domain credentials in the following text boxes:
- User Name
- Password
- Domain
General improvements
- Domain authentication support is added to the client generated from the OpenApi specifications (Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Client.V3).
- Improved the handling of CustomWorkflow files, including the following:
- input file mapping
- output file mapping
- result file-naming convention
- processing without output XML
- HTML output
- CustomWorkflow support settings with the "array" type
- The handling of custom workflow, converter, and engine settings are improved.
Applies To
You can apply this fix pack to update any of the following Kofax OmniPage CSDK for Windows versions:
- OmniPage Server 3.0
- OmniPage Server FixPack
- OmniPage Server HotFix
Install This Fix Pack
To install the fix pack, proceed with the steps below. The steps use the default installation locations. You only need to perform the steps related to OPS components installed on the computer.
- Download the "OmniPageServer_3.0.0.2.zip" file.
- Extract the content of the zip file on the target computer, creating the following folders:
- OmniPage Server 3.0
- Conversion Client 3.0
- Folder Watcher 3.0
- Backup the OPS folders. The default path is "c:\Program Files\OmniPage Server".
- Backup the OPLA folders. The default path is "c:\Program Files\Common Files\Kofax\OPLA".
- Stop the following windows services:
- OmniPage Licensing Agent
- OmniPage Server Conversion Client
- OmniPage Server AdminConsole
- OmniPage Server Folder Configuration Editor
- OmniPage Server FolderWatcher
- OmniPage Server Service
- OmniPage Server System Configuration Editor
- OmniPage Server Worker
- Update the OmniPage Server by copying the "OmniPage Server 3.0" folder into the "c:\Program Files\OmniPage Server" folder. Overwrite the existing files.
- Update the Conversion Client by copying the "Conversion Client 3.0" folder into the "c:\Program Files\OmniPage Server" folder. Overwrite the existing files.
- Update the Folder Watcher by copying the "Folder Watcher 3.0" folder into the "c:\Program Files\OmniPage Server" folder. Overwrite the existing files.
- Update the OmniPage Licensing Agent by copying the "OPLA" directory into the "c:\Program Files\Common Files\Kofax" folder. Overwrite the existing files.
- Start the following windows services:
- OmniPage Licensing Agent
- OmniPage Server Conversion Client
- OmniPage Server AdminConsole
- OmniPage Server Folder Configuration Editor
- OmniPage Server FolderWatcher
- OmniPage Server Service
- OmniPage Server System Configuration Editor
- OmniPage Server Worker
- After the update, refresh the browser cache, for example, by pressing CTRL+F5.
The Workflow XML Designer is a standalone developer tool and has no installer. You need to copy it from the Tools folder in the "OmniPageServer_3.0.0.2.zip" file to your development computer before use.
Remove This Fix Pack
To remove this fix pack use the following procedure.
- Stop the following windows services:
- OmniPage Licensing Agent
- OmniPage Server Conversion Client
- OmniPage Server AdminConsole
- OmniPage Server Folder Configuration Editor
- OmniPage Server FolderWatcher
- OmniPage Server Service
- OmniPage Server System Configuration Editor
- OmniPage Server Worker
- Copy the files from the backup OPS folder into "c:\Program Files\OmniPage Server".
- Copy the files from the backup OPLA folder into "c:\Program Files\Common Files\Kofax\OPLA".
- Start the following windows services:
- OmniPage Licensing Agent
- OmniPage Server Conversion Client
- OmniPage Server AdminConsole
- OmniPage Server Folder Configuration Editor
- OmniPage Server FolderWatcher
- OmniPage Server Service
- OmniPage Server System Configuration Editor
- OmniPage Server Worker
Files Included
This fix pack includes the following files:
File Name | Version |
OpenAPI Specification | |
API\rest api v3.0.yaml | |
ConversionClient | |
en-US/Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Client.Localization.resources.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
ja-JP/Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Client.Localization.resources.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Client.3.0.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Client.Common.ParameterModel.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Client.Localization.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Client.RCL.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.CommonMeta.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.ConversionClient.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.ConversionClient.exe | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.ConversionClient.Views.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.ConversionServiceMeta.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
RestSharp.dll | 106.15.0 |
FolderConfigurationEditor | |
en-US/Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Client.Localization.resources.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
ja-JP/Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Client.Localization.resources.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Client.3.0.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Client.Common.ParameterModel.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Client.Localization.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Client.RCL.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.CommonMeta.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.ConversionServiceMeta.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.FolderConfigurationEditor.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.FolderConfigurationEditor.exe | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.FolderConfigurationEditor.Views.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.FolderWatcher.Core.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
FolderWatcher | |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Client.3.0.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Client.Common.Workflow.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.CommonMeta.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.ConversionServiceMeta.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.FolderWatcher.Core.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.Omnipage.Server.FolderWatcher.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.Omnipage.Server.FolderWatcher.exe | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.FolderWatcher.Module.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.FolderWatcher.Plugin.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.FolderWatcher.Repository.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
RestSharp.dll | 106.15.0 |
SystemConfigurationEditor | |
en-US/Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Client.Localization.resources.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
ja-JP/Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Client.Localization.resources.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Client.3.0.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Client.Localization.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Client.RCL.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.ClientBase.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.CommonMeta.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.ConversionServiceMeta.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.FolderWatcher.Core.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.SystemConfigurationEditor.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.SystemConfigurationEditor.exe | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.SystemConfigurationEditor.Views.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
AdminConsole | |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.AdminConsole.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.AdminConsole.exe | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.AdminConsole.RCL.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.AdminConsole.Views.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Client.3.0.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Common.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.CommonMeta.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Configuration.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Conversion.Common.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.ConversionServiceMeta.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.DataObjects.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Repository.Common.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Repository.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Service.Models.v3.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.ServiceClient.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Sqlite.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.SqlServer.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Storage.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
RestSharp.dll | 106.15.0 |
Service | |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.BackgroundAdministration.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Client.3.0.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Common.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.CommonMeta.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Configuration.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Conversion.Common.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.ConversionServiceMeta.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.DataObjects.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Repository.Common.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Repository.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Service.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Service.exe | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Service.Models.v3.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.ServiceClient.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Sqlite.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.SqlServer.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Storage.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
RestSharp.dll | 106.15.0 |
Worker | |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Adapter.OCR.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.BackgroundAdministration.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Client.3.0.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Common.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.CommonMeta.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Configuration.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Conversion.Common.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Conversion.Manager.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.ConversionServiceMeta.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.DataObjects.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Repository.Common.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Repository.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Service.Models.v3.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.ServiceClient.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Sqlite.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.SqlServer.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Storage.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Worker.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.Worker.exe | 3.0.22619.2046 |
Kofax.OmniPage.Server.WorkerManagerServiceMeta.dll | 3.0.22619.2046 |
RestSharp.dll | 106.15.0 |
Converter | |
Asian.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Atalasoft.dotImage.Barcoding.Reading.dll | |
Atalasoft.dotImage.dll | |
Atalasoft.dotImage.Lib.dll | |
Atalasoft.Shared.dll | |
AudioConv.dlc | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Bar.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
bnt.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
bnt2.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
bnt3.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
bnt4.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
BuiltInTool.dll | |
ConvertToPDF.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
csdk_omnipage.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
csdk_omnipage.jar | |
DocXConv.dlc | 21.1.22615.1100 |
DocXConvCPP.dlc | 21.1.22615.1100 |
DocXWrapper.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
ePubConv.dlc | 21.1.22615.1100 |
ExcelCnv.dlc | 21.1.22615.1100 |
ExcelXCnv.dlc | 21.1.22615.1100 |
ExcelXWrapper.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
FireWrx.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
FireWrx2.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
FireWrx3.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
FireWrx4.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
FireWrx5.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
FireWrx6.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
FireWrx7.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
FireWrx8.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Formatter.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
hand_s.rec | |
hand_s_de.rec | |
hand_s_us.rec | |
HTMLCnv.dlc | 21.1.22615.1100 |
hybridmodule.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Icr2.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Icr2c.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
IF_PNG.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
IproPlus.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
kadmos.uk | |
KernelAPI.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.ArgTypes.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.CAPI.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus.JobDesign.BuiltIn.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus.JobDesign.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus.JobItem.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus.JobService.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.NETCore.CAPI.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.NETCore.IproPlus.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.NETCore.IproPlus.Marshaler.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.NETCore.IproPlus.NativeMarshalers.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.NETCore.IproPlus.OCRServer.dll | |
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.NETCore.IproPlus.xml | |
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.NETCore.Objects.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.NETCore.RecPDF.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.Objects.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.RecPDF.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
LecsoMgr.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
LEditor.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
ME_ConverterMgr.dlm | 21.1.22615.1100 |
ME_DocMgr.dlm | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Mor.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Mor2.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Mor3.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Mor4.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Mor5.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Mor6.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Mor7.dll | |
Mor8.dll | |
MorIF.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
mytoolbox.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
neuralnet.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
numplus.rec | |
OCRServer.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
p4dll.vm | |
P4DLL1.dll | 4.1.22615.1100 |
P4DLL2.dll | 4.1.22615.1100 |
P4DLL3.dll | 4.1.22615.1100 |
P4DLL4.dll | 4.1.22615.1100 |
pccext.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
pccext2.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
pccext3.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
pccext4.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
pccext5.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
pccext6.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
pccext7.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
pccext8.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
PDFCnv.dlc | 21.1.22615.1100 |
pdfopt.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
PPTXConv.dlc | 21.1.22615.1100 |
PptXWrapper.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
PreRendering.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
RecApiPlus.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
RecDiag.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
recogn.bct | |
recpdf.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Rendering.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Rendering2.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
RtfConv.dlc | 21.1.22615.1100 |
SFOCR.tud | |
SPDFLib.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
THOCRAPI.DLL | 21.1.22615.1100 |
twcut.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
twcutchr.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
twcutckr.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
twcutla.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
twcutle.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
twcutlin.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
twcutlkr.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
TWForm.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
twiden.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
twlay32a.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
TxtConv.dlc | 21.1.22615.1100 |
WM_OPActions.dlm | 21.1.22615.1100 |
WM_OPUIActions.dlm | 21.1.22615.1100 |
WordMLConv.dlc | 21.1.22615.1100 |
WPCnv.dlc | 21.1.22615.1100 |
XMLConv.dlc | 21.1.22615.1100 |
xocr.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
xocr2.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
xocr3.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
xocr4.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
xocr5.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
xocr6.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
xocr7.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
xocr8.dll | 21.1.22615.1100 |
XPSConv.dlc | 21.1.22615.1100 |
Files in the OPLA folder
Update all the OPLA files from the fix pack's OPLA folder.