Kofax PSIcapture 7.10.0 Fix Pack 1
Build date: Feb. 22, 2024
© 2024 Tungsten Automation. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
You can install Kofax PSIcapture 7.10.0 Fix Pack 1 to resolve the issues listed below.
Issues resolved in this fix pack
ID | Issue |
2083090 | Changed the OAuth2 Authentication URL. |
2082351 | FileBound Direct migration error: An item with the same key had already been added. |
2073117 | Capture Services became unresponsive when a Queue folder was not accessible. |
2072947 | PSIcapture became unresponsive when a folder and its documents contained required fields. |
2072772 | The down scrolling arrow was no longer displayed in Tree View pane of the QA module. |
2070094 | Rasterization of Bates stamping. |
2068377 | Requests for unregistered object proxies left batches suspended in the Index workflow step. |
2065129 | Specific scripts that activated Zone Profiles caused Auto Indexing batches to remain suspended. |
2064397 | Capture Services intermittently became unresponsive. |
2064385 | Storage limit exceeeded for the PSIcapture Temp folder. |
2062761 | Sticky fields did not function as intended. |
2062466 | QA Auto Processing caused images to lose color when using the Insert/Replace function. |
2060852 | Deleting a document with "Toggle Index Data Editing" caused a batch to become unresponsive. |
2059067 | PSIcapture became unresponsive when document pages were heavily shaded. |
2058625 | Batches with an OCR workflow step failed and displayed an API timeout error. Note: users can set the OCR timeout duration in the Global Options window. |
2040317 | Smart Zone OMR fields were misplaced after applying image rotation. |
1945919 | Smart Zone Multirecords had an unnamed Child Zone. |
Applies to
This fix pack replaces all previous versions.
Files included
This fix includes the following files:
KofaxPSIcapture- extracted, the .zip file contains this file:
File Name | File Version | Product Version |
KofaxPSIcapture- | | |
Install this Fix Pack
Use the following procedure to install the fix pack.
- On the computer hosting PSIcapture, verify that PSIcapture is closed.
- Extract the contents of KofaxPSIcapture- on the computer where the Kofax PSIcapture application is installed.
- Right-click the file you downloaded, click Properties, select Unblock if it exists, and then click OK.
- Double-click KofaxPSIcapture- to install the fix pack.
- Perform the update by following the onscreen instructions.
Uninstall this Fix Pack
Use the following procedure to uninstall the fix pack.
- On the computer hosting PSIcapture, verify that PSIcapture is closed.
- Open Control Panel, go to Program and Features.
- Click View installed updates on the left Panel.
- Right-click Kofax PSIcapture and select Uninstall.