Tungsten Automation

Kofax PSIcapture 7.10.0 Fix Pack 2

Build date: September 24, 2024

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Use is subject to license terms.


You can install Kofax PSIcapture 7.10.0 Fix Pack 2 to resolve the issues listed below.

Issues resolved in this fix pack

ID Issue Solution
2143766 Navigating to the Index module caused long delays. Optimized Capture Profile loading speeds.
2138862 The FileBound direct migration failed when migrating FileBound projects containing over twenty fields. Added a dedicated API call to the FileBound Server to handle FileBound projects with twenty or more fields.
2136394 Batch and migration storage paths became unavailable. Added logic so that PSIcapture scans and restores storage paths after first launch post-upgrade. Users can initiate the scanning process with the following command:
C:\Program Files (x86)\PSIGEN\Capture\Capture.exe" ScanStorage
2135081 PSIcapture became unresponsive when indexing a large batch. Added a progress bar that appears during an index workflow step.
2134484 OmniPage returned an invoice number twice.
Upgraded the OmniPage OCR Engine to version
2129523 Migrating to SharePoint resulted in an error when a SharePoint library contained over 5000 items.
Added query conditions to limit the number of results returned per query.
2125265 Asterisks were randomly removed from TXT files.
Disabled markdown file support.
2123979 Email Connector became unresponsive when using running PSIcapture in Administration mode.
Disabled a license warning message related to Email Connector while in Administration mode.
2123969 Pages could disappear from scanning results in certain conditions.
Added logic so that PSIcapture can detect when a scanner driver removes blank pages.
2123966 Editing a Zone Profile during the Indexing step reset some indexes to their default values.
Corrected the event handler order.
2123963 OCR documents required a migration module check before proceeding with batch processing.
The migration module check now occurs before migrating OCR documents. Set OptionCheckOCRDocumentBeforeMigration within Capture.exe.config and Capture.AutoImportProcessor.exe.config to define how to handle documents not processed with OCR by adjusting the corresponding value for your configuration:
  • 0: PSIcapture logs a warning and continues the migration process.
  • 1: PSIcapture displays an error message and stops the migration process.
2123960 The DateTime datatype did not convert to Filebound requirements during a migration.
Users can set a custom date format by updating the value of FileBoundDateFormat within Capture.exe.config and Capture.AutoImportProcessor.exe.config. The custom format must be compatible with the MM/dd/yyyy or dd/MM/yyyy formats.
2123957 Table extraction encountered an issue when collecting data.
Resolved an issue with table extraction data collection logic.
2123954 Browsing lookups at the QA step caused an unhandled exception.
Resolved an issue with lookup logic.
2123946 The Preview Window displayed document artifacts.
Resolved an issue with the image preview toolkit.
2123942 Document page counts in FileBound were incorrect.
Upgraded the FileBound API DLLs to version
2123939 PSIcapture failed to anchor to a Zone and displayed an error message.
Resolved an issue with converting a data type.
2123935 An error occurred during an SSO authorization process.
PSIcapture handles SSO authorization errors by enabling users to repeat an authorization request.
2123932 A PDF could cause AutoImport and Scan to become unresponsive under certain conditions.
Upgraded the Dynamic PDF Rasterizer toolkit.
2123173 The PSIsafe migration encountered an error with PSIsafe API. Fixed a memory leak issue with PSIsafe API.
2120139 Processing multiple large batches while simultaneously executing additional OCR workflow steps caused intermittent delays.
PSIcapture has been optimized to:
  • Reduce the number of concurrently running threads to minimize memory usage.
  • Reopen a file several times if an initial attempt fails.
  • Set a maximum file size for OCR images with a corresponding MaxImageSizeForOCR value specified in pixels within the following files:
    • Capture.exe.config
    • Capture.Services.exe.config
    • Capture.AutoImportProcessor.exe.config
2115513 PSIcapture did not accurately detect OCR zones when using Full Page recognition mode. Resolved a handwriting recognition issue within Full Page recognition mode.
2113252 PSIcapture encountered an indexing error after importing PDF files exceeding 100 pages. Added a page number index.
2096825 PSIcapture encountered an error in the OCR module and failed to process certain documents. Upgraded the OmniPage OCR Engine to version
2092617 An Advanced Indexing lookup failed after upgrading FileBound to version 8.2. Added the option Enable limit for a maximum of rows returned by query to FileBound Lookup Configuration > Miscellaneous. This option enhances performance by allowing users to set the upper limit of rows that a query can retrieve.
2092303 Email Connector was not compatible with long paths. Added support for long paths within Auto Import.

Issues resolved in previous fix packs

Issues resolved in PSIcapture 7.10.0 fix pack 1

ID Issue
2083090 Changed the OAuth2 Authentication URL.
2082351 FileBound Direct migration error: an item with the same key had already been added.
2073117 Capture Services became unresponsive when a Queue folder was not accessible.
2072947 PSIcapture became unresponsive when a folder and its documents contained the required fields.
2072772 The down-scrolling arrow was no longer displayed in the Tree View pane of the QA module.
2070094 Rasterization of Bates stamping.
2068377 Requests for unregistered object proxies left batches suspended in the Index workflow step.
2065129 Specific scripts that activated Zone Profiles caused Auto Indexing batches to remain suspended.
2064397 Capture Services intermittently became unresponsive.
2064385 The storage limit was exceeded for the PSIcapture Temp folder.
2062761 Sticky fields did not function as intended.
2062466 QA Auto Processing caused images to lose color while using the Insert/Replace function.
2060852 Deleting a document with "Toggle Index Data Editing" caused a batch to become unresponsive.
2059067 PSIcapture became unresponsive when document pages were heavily shaded.
2058625 Batches with an OCR workflow step failed and displayed an API timeout error.
Note: users can set the OCR timeout duration in the Global Options window.
2040317 Smart Zone OMR fields were misplaced after applying image rotation.
1945919 Smart Zone Multirecords had an unnamed Child Zone.

Applies to

Kofax PSIcapture 7.10.0

Kofax PSIcapture 7.10.0 fix pack 1

Files included

This fix includes the following files:



When extracted, the .zip file contains this file:

File Name File Version Product Version

Install this Fix Pack

Use the following procedure to install the fix pack.

  1. On the computer hosting PSIcapture, verify that PSIcapture is closed.
  2. Extract the contents of KofaxPSIcapture- on the computer where the Kofax PSIcapture application is installed.
  3. Right-click the file you downloaded, click Properties, select Unblock if it exists, and then click OK.
  4. Double-click KofaxPSIcapture- to install the fix pack.
  5. Perform the update by following the onscreen instructions.

Uninstall this Fix Pack

Use the following procedure to uninstall the fix pack.

  1. On the computer hosting PSIcapture, verify that PSIcapture is closed.
  2. Open Control Panel, go to Program and Features.
  3. Click View installed updates on the left Panel.
  4. Right-click Kofax PSIcapture and select Uninstall.