
Kofax PSIcapture 7.9.0 Fix Pack 3

Build Date: June 15, 2023

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Use is subject to license terms.


You can install Kofax PSIcapture 7.9.0 Fix Pack 3 to resolve the issues listed below, and to use the newly introduced OmniPage indexing option.

Issues resolved in this fix pack

1969111: Smart Zones and RegEx were not working properly in PSIcapture 7.9.0.

1968714: Resolved an issue where Bates Stamp did not work when defined from a Capture/Import workflow step.

1968573: PSIcapture stopped processing a batch if the image was upside down.

1961448: If the “Enable query timeout” option was disabled or set to a value greater than 30 seconds, the timeout was still 30 seconds.

1961032: When reopening batches after getting a blank XML output file, the system generated an error.

1955821: Capture Profile was creating documents and batches with 0 pages.

1955140: Resolved some issues with Out of Memory errors, Capture Profile reports being deleted, and Auto Import not working properly.

1951746: The Batch ID column in Batch Manager oculd not be expanded.

1951382: An error was encountered when processing batches in the Classification module.

1949275: An unhandled exception error message occurred when pressing spacebar after selecting Edit to modify a capture profile.

1947640: A connection pool error with heavy automation and multiple stations resulted in a system failure.

1945503: The OmniPage OCR engine created carriage returns on a hyphen.

1943831: A character filtering change from Post-Processing in prior versions using the RecoStar OCR engine caused skewed results.

1943207: The "Blank Page Removal" option incorrectly deleted pages with text.

1942914: A Smart Zone with the "Multiple Records" option enabled did not anchor or produce results.

1935179: Could not manually run the system profile for Auto Recognition.

1935176: OCR temporary files were not cleaned up even though batches were completed or deleted from Batch Manager.

1935173: The AutoImport service failed intermittently.

1935170: The test results for "Use blank page detection algorithm" option in the "Recognition - Blank Page Deletion" setting contained an incorrect result.

1935167: The returned data from a database lookup was not categorized correctly.

1935164: "License server is Locked..." error occurred frequently on PSIcapture machines.

1935161: An index zone anchor with a "-" prevented the field from being recognized.

1935158: PSIcapture failed to create certain index zone profiles.

1933140: PSIcapture Affinity Direct did not migrate OCR files and subsequently initiate the PSIsafe Workflow.

1928743: Resolved an issue with Index zone sorting based on the Index Profile.

1891128: An OmniPage and PixTools out of memory error caused Indexing and Automation to stop.

Issues resolved in previous fix packs

Issues resolved in Fix Pack 2

1885207: Add Index Workflow module configuration option to allow index fields to be sorted based on the order they occur in the zone profile, or by the order defined on the indexing screen.

1884164: PSIcapture not responsive when importing large PDF files.

1859569: Add OmniPage engine option to Image Processing > Binarize Settings, which allows users to adjust unique parameters when using the Binarize feature.

1859568: Add QA Workflow module configuration options to enable multiple display configurations with QA Data View. When enabled, users can have the features “Display Data View below Tree View” and “Display Records for Current Document Only” enabled by default when loading the QA Workflow Module within an actively processed batch.

1857861: Out Of Memory error occurred regularly when there were batches with many PDF bookmarks.

1857713: Migrate to FileBound 7.5 failed with "Conversion Failed when converting Date/Time" error.

1846977: After upgrading to PSIcapture 7.9, barcode recognition failed with "Rectangle cannot exceed page size" error.

1840837: "Maximum Request Length Exceeded" error occurred when migrating large PDF files from PSIcapture to Microsoft SharePoint Online or Office 365.
Note: A new "Threshold for chunk upload (MB)” setting is added to the Other SharePoint Settings tab in the Microsoft SharePoint Direct Migration Configuration. This setting defines the file size threshold in MB so Capture can apply another mechanism for uploading large files to SharePoint online.

1835255: Automation stalling, requiring restart of Capture Services to continue processing.

Issues resolved in Fix Pack 1

1847657: Email Connector with OAuth2 failed on Network Stations after a couple hours.

1843619: Batches were stuck in index and checked out to Auto Import worker.

1841333: FileBound Lookups were no longer compatible with FileBound cloud (hosted sites) - following changes/updates on their end.

1836155: PSIcapture failed due to unknown issue with ADE counter.

1825983: "Lookup Failed" errors occurred during Auto-Indexing of database lookups. Indexing failed sporadically with "SupportMultithreadingForOmniPage" enabled.

1825829: Object Reference error when Indexing mode was set to "On" in Capture/Import module.

1820733: "Unhandled error starting device" when using Auto Import.

1818913: Add OAuth2 Authentication for IMAP Email Connector.

1813135: Global Classification Forms were loaded into local batch database.

1810245: SQL Local DB 2014 still displayed while installing on Windows 11.

1805371: Smart OMR Issues during configuration.

1779443: High-speed scanner slowed down significantly after capturing 15-20 pages.

Applies to

This fix pack replaces all previous versions.

Files included

This fix includes the following files:


When extracted, the .zip file contains these files:

File Name File Version Product Version

Install this fix pack

Use the following procedure to install the fix pack.

  1. On the computer hosting PSIcapture, verify that the PSIcapture application is closed.
  2. Create a backup copy of the critical PSIcapture application data. Default path is C:\ProgramData\PSIGEN.

    Save the copy to a separate, safe location.

  3. In Windows Control Panel, go to Programs and Features.

    Select the Kofax PSIcapture application from the list, right-click it, and select Uninstall.

    Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the Kofax PSIcapture uninstallation.

  4. Extract the contents of KofaxPSIcapture- on the computer where the Kofax PSIcapture application is installed.
  5. Right-click the file you downloaded, and then click Properties, select the Unblock check box if it exists, and then click OK.
  6. Right-click KofaxPSIcapture- and click Run as Administrator.
  7. Perform the update by following the onscreen instructions.
  8. Restart any applications that were stopped prior to installing the fix pack.

OmniPage indexing option

This fix pack introduces a new OmniPage indexing option to PSIcapture.

When this option is enabled, PSIcapture uses the OmniPage OCR Engine Full-Page processing mode instead of the current zone processing mode when indexing documents.

Note: Using this option may increase the accuracy of OCR results while also decreasing the indexing performance of PSIcapture.

Use the following procedure to enable the OmniPage OCR Engine Full-Page processing mode for zone indexing on your PSIcapture profiles.

  1. Browse to your PSIcapture installation folder.
  2. Right-click the Capture.exe.config file and select Open With > Notepad.
  3. Search for the following line:

    <add key="EnableFullPageOCRForIndexing" value="false"/>

  4. Change the false value to true.
  5. Save and close the config file.
  6. To apply this option to the Auto Import feature, repeat steps 3-5 for the Capture.AutoImportProcessor.exe.config file located in the PSIcapture installation folder.

Configure OAuth2 Authentication

Use the following procedure to authenticate your PSIcapture Auto Import email connection using the new OAuth2 protocol.

OAuth2 authentication was added to facilitate the latest security options available from the Microsoft Azure Active Directory system.

Note: In order to configure OAuth2 for your unique environment, you must have administrator level permissions that allow access to the Azure AD Admin center, as well as permissions to create and modify registered applications.

To use OAuth with your application, complete the procedures below.

Register your application with Azure Active Directory

Delegated permissions are used by apps that have a signed-in user present. For these apps, either the user or an administrator consents to the permissions that the app requests and the app can act as the signed-in user when making API calls.

Application permissions are used by apps that run without a signed-in user present; for example, apps that run as background services or daemons and can access multiple mailboxes.

Register your Application

To use OAuth, an application must have an application ID issued by Azure Active Directory. In the following procedure, it is assumed that the application is a console application, so you need to register your application as a public client with Azure Active Directory. You can register an application in the Azure Active Directory admin center or by using Microsoft Graph.

  1. Open a browser and navigate to the Azure Active Directory admin center and log in using a personal account (aka: Microsoft Account) or Work or School Account.
  2. Select Azure Active Directory in the left-hand navigation, then select App registrations under Manage.
  3. Select New registration. On the Register an application page, set the values as follows.
  4. Set Name to a friendly name for your app.
  5. Set Supported account types to the choice that makes sense for your scenario.
  6. For Redirect URI, change the dropdown to Public client (mobile & desktop) and set the value to:
  7. https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient

  8. Select Register. On the next page, copy the values of the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID and save them, as you will need them later.

Configure for App-only Authentication with Microsoft Graph

To grant permissions using Microsoft Graph, navigate to Microsoft Azure Active Directory > Home > App Registrations and left-click on the app created in the steps above.

Select API Permissions on the left-hand side.

Select Add a permissions and add the following:

This completes the Microsoft Graph permissions granting process.

Input Client and Tenant ID within PSIcapture Email Connector

To input the recorded Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID navigate to PSIcapture > Capture Profile > Auto Import > Monitored Locations and left-click on the connection you wish to edit. If no connection exists, select Add, otherwise select Edit. Then, click on the Email radio button.

Input the Application (client) ID recorded in the steps above into the Client ID field.

After receiving confirmation, input the Directory (tenant) ID recorded in the steps above into the Tenant ID field and click Authorize.

Configure monitored folder settings as needed and click Save.