PDF Create Profiles
Profiles contain a set of PDF properties. The PDF Create Profiles panel serves for creating new profiles, modifying and deleting existing ones.
The PDF Create Profiles panel appears if you:
Click the Profiles button in the Create Assistant
Right-click the application icon in the Windows taskbar notification area (on the right) and select Edit PDF Create Profiles.
Right-click an input file in Windows Explorer, select Create PDF from File, then click Edit from its submenu.
The existing profiles will be displayed in this panel, in the list on the left. These may include predefined profiles and those you created. Click on any profile on the left to display its parameters on the right. You may edit the following parameters:
- Compatible with: Select the PDF version, for details see About PDF Versions.
- Optimize for Web Viewing: Select this check box to produce Linearized PDF, what better suits for online reading. For details on different PDF standards see About PDF versions.
- Font Embed: Select which fonts to embed into the PDF document. Click Advanced on the right to start the Embed Font Controls dialog box, where you may customize the Font Embed profiles.
- Compression: These quality profiles assign compression methods and levels to color depths (color, gray scale or monochrome). Select the compression quality that best fits your needs. Click Advanced on the right to start the Compression Controls dialog box, where you may customize Compression Control profiles.
- Security: Select any security restriction profile, or click Advanced on the right to start the Security Controls dialog box to customize these profiles.
- Watermark: Select from the predefined watermark profiles, or click Advanced on the right to edit these profiles or build your own. If any watermark profile is selected, then you may set the following:
- Opacity: Specify opacity percentage, edit the value or use the slide on the right.
- First Page Only: Select this check box if you do not want to watermark the whole document.
- As Background: Select this check box to bring the content to front and print watermark behind.
- Document settings: Select this check box to enable its Edit button. Click Edit to start the Document Settings window and set Power PDF opening options (navigation panel, page layout, initial page to display, etc.) and basic document properties (e.g. title, author).
- Tag PDF: Select this check box to apply tagging in the PDF, providing structural information for the content (e.g. reading order).
- Grayscale: Select this check box to produce grayscale output.
- MRC: Select this check box to use MRC compression.
- Searchable: Select this check box to convert to searchable PDF and enable its Settings button. Click Settings to start the Searchable PDF Conversion Settings dialog box, to set OCR parameters like OCR Language or Reject character.
Use the command buttons available at the bottom of the dialog box:
- Click the New to create your own profiles.
- Click the Delete to delete a selected profile. Deleted custom profiles cannot be restored.
- Click Default to restore (or undelete) all factory profiles with original settings.
Profiles must be used in Create Assistant. They are available when creating PDF files from Windows Explorer. They are not available when creating PDF files from Print dialog boxes – in that case settings must be made individually.