Kofax Power PDF Advanced 4.1.0 Fix Pack 22
Build Date: Aug 22, 2023
© 2023 Kofax. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
You can install Kofax Power PDF Advanced to resolve the issues listed below.
Kofax Power PDF Advanced is a cumulative fix pack, meaning that in addition to the issues listed in the Issues resolved in this Fix Pack section, it also contains all fixes that were released in previous fix packs. This means that installing previous fix packs is not required.
Issues resolved in this Fix Pack
1986713: Power PDF did not open files with special characters from workspaces in iManage 10.
1985271: Power PDF changed the file modified date in the Recent folder of iManage even if the document was released without changes.
1985268: FormTyper combined form fields that should be identified as separate entities.
Issues resolved in previous Fix Packs
Issues resolved in Fix Pack 20
1978136: Power PDF did not print the document correctly: part of the document was missing (file-specific).
1977086: After applying fix pack 19, Power PDF did not render a document completely (file-specific).
1977085: Power PDF did not preserve the iManage connector configuration when auto-discovering connection information.
1977083: The "Open in Kofax Power PDF" browser integration button did not work for some SharePoint servers (server-specific).
1977082: In forms filled in Power PDF, some values appeared only in Power PDF but not in Adobe Acrobat (file-specific).
1977080: Power PDF did not show the scrollbar for a multi-line field in a document (file-specific).
Issues resolved in Fix Pack 19
1953930: Image objects pasted from Windows Snipping Tool did contain some unwanted pixels at the bottom of the image.
1953302: The "Submit by Email" button action in a PDF form added unwanted text to the Cc mail field (file-specific).
1953297: Power PDF rendered a specific architectural drawing incorrectly (file-specific).
1953294: Formatting issues could occur when converting a specific PDF to PPTX (file-specific).
1953293: Formatting of table elements could be placed into text boxes inconsistently (file-specific).
1953292: Formatting issues could occur when converting a specific PDF to PPTX (file-specific).
Issues resolved in Fix Pack 18
1943055: Increasing the zoom level caused parts of the document page to black out.
1943056: Power PDF rendered specific complex contents very slowly (file-specific).
1943060: There was no option to prevent transferring bookmarks from a Word document to PDF while combining.
1943063: Indexing was not stable enough while processing specific network shares.
1943067: iManage connector did not work appropriately with Finnish Regional Format settings in Windows.
1943068: In specific network environments, the small buffer size caused the iManage connector to run slower.
1943070: Power PDF updated the iManage and SharePoint connector configuration files on each exit, regardless of whether changes were made.
Issues resolved in Fix Pack 17
1935695: Power PDF did not show French accents correctly after editing a document in Advanced Editor. (file-specific)
1935692: Federal Patent Office was not accepting documents signed in Power PDF.
1934628: Power PDF iManage connector did not load documents from the Matters application with accented characters in the name.
1934623: Power PDF could become unstable when printing (file-specific).
1934613: Power PDF did not convert properly a .eml message to PDF (file-specific).
Issues resolved in Fix Pack 16
1900181: Power PDF did not execute javascripts in bookmarks (file-specific).
1900180: Power PDF did not cover fully area marked for redaction in a document (file-specific).
1900156: Fields filled on a specific form did blank out after a signature was applied using Power PDF.
1900145: FiletoPDFHelper.exe did not convert HTMLs to PDF correctly (file-specific).
1900140: Power PDF could become unstable when printing (file-specific).
1900138: Power PDF could become unstable when rendering content (file-specific).
1900137: Power PDF did not validate signatures signed by Onespan correctly (file-specific).
1900135: Power PDF did not validate signatures signed by EID card system correctly (file-specific).
1900132: Power PDF rendered a PDF incorrectly, with overlapping text (file-specific).
1885670: The default mail signature did not add to e-mails sent from Power PDF.
1838044: Power PDF did not embed standard fonts when saving to PDF/A formats.
Issues resolved in Fix Pack 15
1885670: Default mail signature did not appear in e-mails sent from Power PDF.
1884429: "Open Output Folder" button was causing Windows Explorer exception when archiving emails in Outlook (environment-specific).
1884425: Power PDF did not upload PDFs to NetDocuments when FlexStore service was activated.
1884422: Some fillable form fields did not show up in Power PDF (file-specific).
1860190: Power PDF did not offer to save a new local document as a new version of an existing when saving to eDocs.
1824156: UI update issues occurred when the Show Start Screen option was disabled.
Issues resolved in Fix Pack 14
1860147: Power PDF did not reduce certain PDFs efficiently enough (file-specific).
1860148: Power PDF did not update UI properly for "Save As" when called from Quick Access Toolbar (some parts were invisible until the mouse cursor is moved over).
1860190: Power PDF did not offer to save a new local document as a new version of an existing when saving to eDocs.
1860191: Power PDF did not rotate properly certain PDF documents when printing.
1860192: Power PDF did not display contents of specific forms correctly (EIA forms).
Issues resolved in Fix Pack 12
1846923: Power PDF could become unstable when using DocuSign (environment-specific).
1846924: Power PDF did not display certain characters within the address field of a specific PDF (file-specific).
1846925: Power PDF did not reduce certain PDFs efficiently enough (file-specific).
1846931: Power PDF could become unresponsive for longer minutes when using "Convert to Editable" from network drives (environment-specific).
1846932: PDF/A-1b file saved from Power PDF caused display issues in the HotPDF application (file-specific).
1846937: Power PDF rendered a specific image as inverted (file-specific).
1846939: Several pages turned black when optimizing a PDF in Power PDF (file-specific).
Issues resolved in Fix Pack 11
1838073: After converting PDF file to Excel, some columns merged and did not align properly (file-specific).
1838071: Power PDF was not stable enough in the customer's environment when working with iManage (environment-specific).
1838068: When converting a specific DOCX to PDF U/A using the Office add-in, the progress indication bar did not move for long periods of time (file-specific).
1838066: Power PDF could not authenticate certain SharePoint servers with two-factor authentication.
1838061: While zooming, some details became invisible (file-specific).
1838059: When converting a specific DOCX to PDF, some images were displayed incorrectly (file-specific).
1838056: When converting a specific PPTX to PDF, the output was blurry and the text was pixelated (file-specific).
1838055: The upper limit for the "Split by File Size" feature was increased from 50MB to 200MB.
1838049: When converting a specific DOCX to PDF, a picture covered up part of the text (file-specific).
1838044: Specific PDF files did not embed fonts in PDF/A formats.
1838042: After signing with DocuSign, highlights lost transparency (file-specific).
1838041: Text copied from Power PDF contained extra characters when pasted (for example, "space" or "line-break").
1838036: Power PDF's preview in Outlook did not display properly when the window was moved between monitors with different scaling.
1838033: Adding another signature made existing signature displayed as invalid (file-specific).
Issues resolved in Fix Pack 10
1824237: It was not possible to sign a document with "Sign with Kofax SignDoc - Signature" using the notebook's touchscreen.
1824232: There was a WatchFolder error when converting large DOCX files to PDF/UA (file-specific).
1824229: The "Cancel" button on the progress indicator appeared in Finnish instead of French.
1824223: For some emails, the Archive Mail produced condensed text in the output PDF (file-specific).
1824215: There was a timeout failure when saving large documents through a narrow bandwith to iManage 10.
1824213: When saving a new PDF document to iManage10, the Type property was not populated by Power PDF (it was empty).
1824201: Conversion issues occurred when exporting PDF to single-page TIFF format (file-specific).
1824193: In Vertical Split mode it was not possible to zoom the splitted views independently.
1824190: Power PDF did not recognize those bookmarks that start with a number for the splitting by level.
1824184: Power PDF ignored Thunderbird as the default email client (used MS Outlook instead).
1824172: In Page Assembly mode, it was not possible to select a range of pages.
1824156: UI update issues occurred when the Show Start Screen option was disabled.
1824150: It was not possible to add specific Digital ID files to Power PDF (file-specific).
1824148: When exiting from Comment Editing by pressing the Esc key, Power PDF displayed this error message: "A required resource was unavailable.".
1824147: Since Power PDF 4.1 fix pack 9, redaction was no longer working.
1824144: When printing from Power PDF to a third-party PDF printer, the text layer was different than what was shown on the screen.
1824132: There was a rendering problem with a particular file because hatching was missing in a certain area (file-specific).
1824128: With a specific document, Chinese Characters appeared with extra wide spacing (file-specific).
1824127: Power PDF version details at Control Panel > Programs and Features and at the Help > About screen did not match.
1824123: Power PDF became unresponsive when redacting text in specific documents (file-specific).
1824116: Power PDF could become unstable when used in an environment where a different instance of PDFEngine.dll is running (Application D3).
1824114: It was not possible to open a specific password-protected file in Power PDF (file-specific).
1824106: Power PDF prompted to upgrade DocuCom version when opening a specific interactive DocuCom PDF file.
1824097: It was not possible to submit password-protected forms - "Permission denied" error.
1824094: Some text was missing after converting a specific DOCX file to PDF (file-specific).
Issues resolved in Fix Pack 9
1817958: Power PDF printer was producing larger file size than Adobe PDF printer.
1817961: When copying and pasting to Power PDF from Word or Excel, the pasted table was looking different.
1816326: In effect from Fix Pack 4, opening a specific file was slower, taking 2 minutes instead of 15 seconds (file-specific).
1816323: When a specific job was paused in Create Assistant, the source files were deleted.
1816322: After splitting a specific document, the resulting parts were too big, as 40MB turned into 1.51GB (file-specific).
1816321: When printing two sheets per page, the orientation on the preview and the result were not the same.
1816320: Since Power PDF 4.1 in certain documents, some barcodes were rendered incorrectly (file-specific).
1816319: When printing a specific document, a shaded red box was not completely visible in the printout (file-specific).
1816318: A specific PDF was not previewing correctly in Outlook or Windows Explorer (file-specific).
1816412: Printing to Power PDF from Windows Metro Apps caused the print job to hang in the queue (in effect since Windows 10 19044.1466).
1816317: In effect from Fix Pack 6, certain highlighted texts were printed incorrectly in specific PDF files (file-specific).
1816316: There was no progress indicator when opening and saving from or to iManage10.
1816313: PDF bookmarks were created incorrectly from a specific Excel sheet (file-specific).
1816310: Power PDF 4.1 Fix Pack 4 became unresponsive while opening multiple PDF files (specific to the ZENworks environment).
1816309: Power PDF deleted the attachment created by the "Insert iManage Attachment" command in the iManage Outlook add-in.
1816306: Power PDF was not stable enough when switching some check boxes in a specific form document (file-specific).
1816303: In effect from Fix Pack 1, the Reduce function was ineffective for certain files (file-specific).
1816302: Power PDF was not stable enough when opening specific PDF files (file-specific).
1816301: Power PDF was not stable enough when editing text and opening a second document if the "Open documents as new tabs within the same window" and "Show start screen" options were disabled.
1816300: Form fields did not display correctly and overlapped with the header when opened in Power PDF.
1816298: Barcodes did not display correctly in a specific file (file-specific).
1816296: In effect from Fix Pack 4, Power PDF could not display certain PDF documents (file-specific).
Issues resolved in Fix Pack 8
1806782: The server name or address could not be resolved error appeared when a signature scheme was applied with a specific timestamp server specified.
1806768: Power PDF was unable to open a document from iManage 10 when the workspace matter folder contained a > (greater-than) symbol.
1806756: For PDFs created in Converter Assistant, the Table of Contents created in Power PDF was pointing to incorrect pages and bookmarks.
1806753: iManage 10 connector returned (500) Internal Server Error when the path to the recent folder and file name exceeded 260 characters.
1806746: With some files, the form field did not accept a valid value.
1806739: Splitting documents into pieces with a specific size (9.5MB) failed to complete.
1806733: Power PDF sometimes became unstable while editing specific documents.
1806729: Power PDF was unable to open documents from iManage 9.3.6 when the working folder was redirected to a network share (UNC path).
1806712: There was an error when signing with SignDoc and the certificate name contained a , (comma) symbol.
1806709: Power PDF was not stable enough when resizing images if some extra items were added to the Quick Access Toolbar.
1806704: PDF Create was not stable enough while combining files in virtulized environment.
1806702: When expanding iManage FileSite Matters, some subfolders were missing when Outlook add-in in Power PDF was enabled.
1777654: With some files, "Reduce file" caused Power PDF to become unstable.
Issues resolved in Fix Pack 7
1777659: In Power PDF viewing PDFs created in the MasterControl application was not possible.
1786514: Some elements were missing when converted a specific PowerPoint presentation using the Kofax Power PDF Office add-in.
1786542: Some images were not displayed properly when converted a specific Word document using the Kofax Power PDF Office add-in.
1799468: Power PDF did not recognize a signature as valid in a specific file.
1799470: There were document specific conversion issues when saved from Word to PDF using the Kofax Power PDF Office add-in (file-specific).
1799473: In Power PDF 4.1 set width as "Fit to Page" from JavaScript did not behave the same as in 3.1.
1799482: When sharing a document as email, the new dialog was modal.
1799486: iManage work connector was not stable enough when saving new documents using custom profile fields.
1799501: Checking out PDF documents already opened in DeskSite, caused instability.
1799510: Some iManage 10 settings were not preserved by Power PDF when updating to newer fix packs.
1799513: Some document details did not show up in Power PDF (file-specific).
1799516: PDF files printed from the "Petra map" application appeared darker in Power PDF than expected.
1799518: Some content was missing when printing from Power PDF 4.1 to specific printer with PostScript driver (driver-specific).
1799519: Some links were missing when creating a PDF using Office add-in.
1799529: Some elements were missing when converting a specific Word document using the Kofax Power PDF Office add-in (file-specific).
1799532: There was an error when signing with "bit4id" card reader.
1799534: Some PDFs were converted into a Word document with the use of text boxes instead of flowing text (file-specific).
1799541: After signing (using AirbusSign) a PDF/A-2b compliant PDF, Power PDF was reporting that this PDF is no more compliant to this standard.
1799544: Power PDF sometimes became unstable when reaching a specific page of the document (file-specific).
Issues resolved in Fix Pack 6
1786496: Printing a specific document took too long (file-specific).
1786499: Disabling embedded document information failed to stop the document title and author metadata from being embedded in the resulting PDF.
1786511: For specific SharePoint libraries there were no check-in and check-out options when a PDF was forwarded from Internet Explorer.
1786528: Power PDF could not validate a signature on a specific document (file-specific).
1786533: In Full Screen mode when zoomed into a document, there were issues with scrolling the document by mouse drag.
1786537: There was a Job failed error with a specific file by converting TIF to PDF using Create Assistant (file-specific).
1786563: Loading and displaying a PDF tag structure of a specific PDF U/A file took too long (file-specific).
1786566: There was a validation error when signing a specific PDF form in Power PDF (file-specific).
1786580: There was a rendering issue with a specific file, some content was missing (file-specific).
1788639: Specific CAD PDF file was loading and rendering slowly (file-specific).
1788640: Elements in PDF documents did not print to a physical device using PostScript driver (file-specific).
Issues resolved in Fix Pack 5
1778769: PDF file with Korean text did not convert properly to MS Word file (file-specific).
1777668: When converting a specific file from Word to PDF the order of bookmarks was incorrect after conversion (file-specific).
1777667: Time mismatch between created document and when printing in Power PDF.
1777666: Specific document was causing Power PDF to become unresponsive (file-specific).
1777665: Power PDF did not recognize documents signed by the IntraData signing service.
1777662: Power PDF was not able to resolve the chain to certain root certificates.
1777661: Power PDF did not show some check boxes in a specific document (file-specific).
1777659: PDFs Created in “MasterControl” application could not be viewed in Power PDF 4.
1777657: Form fields in a specific PDF were shown incorrectly (file-specific).
1777655: PDF files with special characters in the filename caused an iManage issue when opened from browser.
1777654: Optimizing a specific PDF sometimes caused stability issues (file-specific).
1777649: Measurement tool showed inaccurate results with specific CAD PDF (file-specific).
1777648: Specific Form PDF file opened very slowly (file-specific).
1777589: Power PDF did not try to check in unmodified iManage documents when the Release operation ("unlock permission") was denied on the server side.
1777583: iManage 10 users were unable to use the "replace original document" option more than once per session.
1777579: After editing and saving a specific PDF form, a "developer notes" message showed up.
1777578: Could not print documents small enough to use them as email attachments.
1777574: Power PDF did not show a warning when combining a PDF form files that had fields with identical filed names.
1777565: With specific PDF file some content was not rendered (file-specific).
1777563: Instead of confirmation, users received error 403 after successful sending through DocuSign workflow.
Issues resolved in Fix Pack 4
1759624: Depending on the server settings, the "Edit Date" timestamp in iManage DMS did not update correctly.
1751288: When converting a specific file from PDF to DOCX, the numbering in the resulting file sometimes became non-sequential (file-specific).
1750390: With a specific file,certain signatures could not be validated (file speceific).
1750388: It was not possible to open certain portfolio documents in Power PDF (file-specific).
1750385: Power PDF sometimes became unstable when editing multiple documents at a time in separate windows.
1750383: With a certain file, there was a delay when archiving emails with external links from a Public folder (file-specific).
1750380: DocuSign Digital Signature displayed incorrectly.
1750376: Part of a specific document sometimes were missing when printed from Power PDF (file-specific).
1750375: In case of complex tables, sometimes column or row regularity in the Table Editor could not be achieved (file-specific).
1750373: Redaction sometimes removed more text and elements than marked from a specific file (file-specific).
1750370: When printing a specific document from Power PDF to a "Konica Minolta 958 PCL" printer, some parts of the document were missing (file-specific).
1750366: Some lines overlapped when converting a specific file to Editable PDF (file-specific).
1750363: For OneDrive authentication, the CEF was replaced by Default Browser to improve the compatibility.
1750362: When a custom barcode font was installed, it caused issues when converting a specific document from PDF to DOCX (file-specific).
1750360: Improved table conversion when converting from PDF to XLSX.
1730417: Printing a specific file sometimes had graphic artifacts (file-specific).
1730411: Documents signed with certain TimeStamp servers could not be validated.
1712392: Some pages in a specific document did not show in Power PDF (file-specific).
Issues resolved in Fix Pack 3
1701833: Power PDF did not remember the last used document split option.
1730420: Labels for some form control buttons were not visible on a particular form (file-specific).
1730417: Graphic artifacts could appear on specific documents when printed (file-specific).
1730415: It was not possible to apply "As Background” for a Watermark in Sequencer.
1730413: Power PDF was unstable to open a specific lifecycle fillable form (file-specific).
1730414: In a specific document, the comments were not visible (file-specific).
1712414: There was a delay when selecting the print “Page Range” option on larger documents.
1730405: The browser extension did not work.
1712364: In a specific document, some details were not visible in Power PDF when printed from SAP (file-specific).
1730404: In a specific document, some elements were missing when printing (file-specific).
Issues resolved in Fix Pack 2
1712409: Send PDF by email from Power PDF did not work with a specific document (file-specific).
1712406: Field calculation order could not be set on specific document (file-specific).
1712404: Typewriter text could not be applied in a specific document (file-specific).
1712401: Black boxes showed up on some images in a specific document (file-specific).
1712397: In some cases, comment filtering was did work as expected: “Completed” status did not appear.
1712395: In a specific document, specific characters (for example, ü, ä, ö, and ß) sometimes were missing (file-specific).
1712392: Pages were not displayed in a specific document (file-specific).
1712388: There were page scaling and distortion issues with a specific document (file-specific).
1712379: PDF Create sometimes became unstable when combining specific PDF files (file-specific).
1712366: With German keyboard layout, in a specific document, the @ symbol could not be inserted with key combination Alt Gr+Q or Ctrl+Alt+Q (file-specific).
1712364: In a specific document, some details were invisible in Power PDF when printed from SAP using Power PDFs printer (file-specific).
1712356: iManage 10 connector did not function with some new servers that required iManage SDK v10.5+.
1712224: With specific documents, the Split by Blank Pages did not work as expected (file-specific).
1712222: Odd pages in a specific document were printing black (file-specific).
1712221: When Power PDF 4.1 on exit was unable to upload a file to iManage (no connection), it deleted the local copy, causing possible data loss.
1712219: iManage 10 connector did not function with some new servers that required iManage SDK v10.5+.
1712217: iManage 10 connector did not function with some new servers that required iManage SDK v10.5+.
1712215: Printing a specific PDF took 10 minutes (file-specific).
1701180: In the German language version, there was a minor translation issue in the Tag menu (German language).
1698891: In the Japanese language version, there was a minor translation issue in the SignDoc panel (Japanese language).
1694913: Power PDF was unable to open a specific Adobe dynamic PDF (file-specific).
Issues resolved in Fix Pack 1
1697287: Text overlay appeared on some pages of a specific document when viewing in Power PDF (file-specific).
1697284: Power PDF did not preserve the Status Bar preferences of the embedded viewer in Internet Explorer.
1697281: In a specific PDF form, date fields disappeared when filled (file-specific).
1697280: In a specific PDF form, some fields were displaced (file-specific).
1697277: Printing a specific PDF document sometimes made Power PDF less responsive or unresponsive for minutes (file-specific).
1697276: In a specific document authored in InDesign, some text was invisible in Power PDF (file-specific).
1697274: With a specific document, Power PDF sometimes created larger PDF documents while Word to PDF Conversion (file-specific).
1694913: Power PDF could not open some specific Adobe dynamic PDF files (file-specific).
1694912: With specific documents, the TypeWriter tool caused slower response of Power PDF (file-specific).
1694910: Multi Search functionality of the Sequencer feature failed when not all the searches were true.
1694909: Power PDF did not recognize "Ja" and "Nien" as a pair in German language, so it was possible to select both at once.
1694904: Power PDF was could not open a PDF in a iManage WorkSpace with a colon ":" in the name.
1694901: Power PDF checked out an iManage document when it was opened as "Read Only".
1694899: In a specific document, Power PDF showed certain pages as blank (file-specific).
1694898: In a specific PDF, some Markups and Annotations could not be seen at zoom levels below 300%.
1694895: Longer delays sometimes occurred when opening PDF files from network drive folder that contain a large number of files (65k+).
1694885: Power PDF could not save documents to iManage servers with a preferred library ID other than the default.
1670785: Power PDF did not support multiple user prompts in JavaScript-enabled stamps.
Initial set of fixes for 4.1 - fixes that were addressed in 4.0 since the release of 4.1 [4.0 FP10 - 4.0 FP12]:
1683941: Power PDF sometimes became unstable when editing a specific form (file-specific).
1683768: In a specific document, some thin dashed lines on the print output were lighter than in the original document (file-specific).
1683767: In a specific document, typewriter text position was sometimes inaccurate when printed to physical paper (file-specific).
1683766: When a PDF document was opened from the ProLaw application, Power PDF sometimes closed and reopened the PDF files.
1683765: In a specific document, Power PDF could not validate digital signatures signed by Onespan (file-specific).
1683764: In a specific document, tags were created incorrectly when converting from Word DOC to PDF (file-specific).
1683763: Stamps were not placed in the same position on each page when using the Apply to All Pages feature.
1683761: In a specific document, the editable text was blinking when it was modified using the Edit Text (file-specific).
1683759: When printing a specific document, Power PDF sometimes rotated the pages (file-specific).
1683758: Power PDF became unstable when opening and saving PDF documents in network folders with Universal Naming Convention (UNC) paths longer than 250 characters.
1683755: A specific form did not populate the email message field when filled in Power PDF (file-specific).
1683753: When opening PDF form that contained Adobe Extended Features, Power PDF sometimes become unstable (file-specific).
1683752: Power PDF compare tool generated an error after multiple attempts comparing the same files.
1683719: Page numbering sometimes became non-continuous on specific form (file-specific).
1683713: In a specific document, fillable form data was missing in Power PDF after combining with another PDF (file-specific).
1683711: Power PDF was unable to display certain PDFs created in third-party applications (file-specific).
1647765: Enhancement: Power PDF was unable to open SharePoint links sent through the Command Line.
1674851: In a specific document, text fields were sometimes cleared after using edit text tool and then undoing the operation (file-specific).
1673975: Power PDF was vulnerable to Evil Annotation Attack (EAA) and Sneaky Signature Attack (SSA).
1673748: The "Recent" file list flickered on certain machines.
1673747: In a specific file, signature sometimes appeared invalid in Power PDF (file-specific).
1673746: Adding Header and Footers did not work correctly in conjunction with the Shrink document feature.
1673745: Power PDF sometimes became unstable when opening a specific document (file-specific).
1673743: Flattening specific files sometimes caused data to be removed or hidden (file-specific).
1673741: In a specific document, hyperlinks with JavaScript sometimes made the application unstable (file-specific).
1673738: In a specific document, certain pages sometimes were printed in black (file-specific).
1673727: Verification information required for LTV had to be added manually.
1673723: Power PDF was very slow on printing certain documents (file-specific): performance improved by 30%.
1673709: In certain files, document was displayed incorrectly with a specific Adobe-Thai font (file-specific).
1673707: When converting a certain document from PowerPoint to PDF, some images have been cut into multiple slices (file-specific).
1616847: Documents signed in Power PDF in CADES format failed to pass the European DSS validation.
1662145: "Multiple pages per sheet" option was added in Power PDF printer driver settings.
1662143: Power PDF did not consider daylight saving in the Date field for UTC with BST (UTC + 01).
1662139: In a specific document, some fillable form data was missing in Power PDF.
1662138: When printing from the "On-Screen Takeoff" application at 300dpi and above, the resulting PDF sometimes became corrupted.
1662136: Saved search results to PDF sometimes were missing information, such as the document name and details.
1662131: On previews and thumbnails (in Explorer and Outlook) of specific PDF files a "Trial" watermark were be shown.
1662130: In a specific document, it was not possible to apply redaction to some parts.
1662125: Specific PDF signature image did not display unless flattening or zooming in 400%.
1662123: Some errors occurred when filling specific Lifecycle forms in Power PDF.
1631363: In German, Read Aloud pronounced the symbol "§" as "Abzats" instead of "Paragraf".
1662150: Documents signed by OneSpan were detected as invalid during Power PDF verification.
1616847: Documents signed in Power PDF in CAdES format failed to pass the European DSS validation
Applies to
Kofax Power PDF Advanced is a cumulative fix pack and includes the resolved issues released in previous Kofax Power PDF Advanced 4.1.0 fix packs.
You can apply this fix pack to update any of the following versions:
- Power PDF 4.1 Advanced Non-Volume (Build ID: 21321.100; SRO: PO-1631-830)
- Power PDF 4.1 Advanced Volume (Build ID: 21321.100; SRO: PO-1632-830)
- Power PDF 4.1 Advanced Volume T&D (Build ID: 21321.100; SRO: PO-1635-830)
- Power PDF 4.1 Not For Resale (Build ID: 21321.100; SRO: PO-1636-830)
Install this Fix Pack
Use the following procedure to install the fix pack.
- Verify that the following applications/services are not running.
- Kofax Power PDF 4.1
- Extract the contents of the zip archive and double-click on the msi file to install the fix pack.
- Click Next to proceed with the installation.
- Follow the instructions on subsequent installer screens.
- When prompted that the installation is finished, click Finish.
- Restart the machine if the installer requires it.
Note: For best results, install the fix pack during off-peak processing hours.
The fix pack installer screen appears.
For use with iManage, starting with Fix Pack 2 (Power PDF Advanced, installation of the Microsoft Edge WebView2 control is required.
Microsoft Edge WebView2 can be downloaded here:
https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/#download-sectionThis is required by the version of the iManage SDK which was included in Fix Pack 2.
It is also recommended to update the native iManage client software to the most recent version.
Remove this Fix Pack
It is not possible to uninstall a fix pack or roll it back to a previous version.
To install an earlier fix pack version, completely uninstall Power PDF then reinstall the base version.
Special instructions
1838044: Specific PDF files did not embed fonts in PDF/A formats.
Since the reported issue is not a bug (embedding standard fonts are not required per PDF/A specification), we do not want to change the default behavior because embedding unnecessary fonts increases the file size.
To activate this preference, add the following line to the %ProgramData%\Kofax\PDF\PDFConv.ini file:
In case the file does not exist, create it.
1816412: Printing to Power PDF from Windows Metro Apps caused the print job to hang in the queue (in effect since Windows 10 19044.1466).
To resolve this issue, install the "Port Monitor for Power PDF printer" that is bundled with this fix pack:
Find the "Port Monitor for Power PDF printer.zip" in the "..\Port Monitor for Power PDF printer\" subfolder of this fix pack package.
The .zip file contains both 32-bit and 64-bit installers. Use the one appropriate for your operating system:
- Port Monitor for Power PDF printer (32-bit).msi
- Port Monitor for Power PDF printer (64-bit).msi
1824184: Power PDF was ignoring "Thunderbird" as the default email client (always was using MS Outlook).
This fix requires to have Thunderbird registered as default mailing application correctly.
Thunderbird's installer registers itself correctly, but if you missed to make it default install time, please note, Windows doesn't set Thunderbird as default correctly!
To fix it please apply the following registry key:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Clients\Mail] @="Mozilla Thunderbird"
1806702: When expanding iManage FileSite Matters, some subfolders were missing when Outlook add-in in Power PDF was enabled.
To work around this issue, add the following lines to the %ProgramData%\Kofax\PDFProDMS.ini file:
[OutlookAddin] WindowHandler=0 ExplorersSinkEvents=0 CheckExplorers=0 OnNewExplorer=0 OnSelectionChanged=0 OnExplorerActivate=0 OnFolderChange=0 SetButtonsAndMenusState=0 CreateButtonsAndEvents=0 ExplorerEnableGUI=0 CheckInspectors=0 OnNewInspector=0 InspectorEnableGUI=0 MenusState=0
In case the file does not exist, create it.
1683766: When a PDF document was opened from the ProLaw application Power PDF could close and reopen the PDF files.
The customer's instance of ProLaw application is sending the PDF documents to Power PDF twice.
To work around the unwanted reopening, add the the following lines to the %ProgramData%\Kofax\PDFProDMS.ini file:
In case the file does not exist, create it.
1799534: Some PDFs were converted into a Word document with the use of text boxes instead of flowing text (file-specific).
Since the reported issue is not a bug but designed behavior, we cannot add our solution to the fix pack as a permanent code change.
To work around this issue, add the following lines to the %ProgramData%\Kofax\PDF\PDFConv.ini file:
In case the file does not exist, create it.
Note: The Flowing Column option (for Layout in the Document Conversion Settings) still needs to be enabled.
1799534: Some PDFs were converted into a Word document with the use of text boxes instead of flowing text (file-specific).
Since the reported issue is not a bug but designed behavior, we cannot add our solution to the fix pack as a permanent code change.
To work around this issue, add the following lines to the %ProgramData%\Kofax\PDF\PDFConv.ini file:
In case the file does not exist, create it.
Note: The Flowing Column option (for Layout in the Document Conversion Settings) still needs to be enabled.
1885670: Default mail signature did not appear in e-mails sent from Power PDF.
Since this issue is actually a side effect on the Outlook side, the fix has not been implemented permanently. It can be controlled by a new Group Policy setting: Allow signatures for new emails, which is not configured by default.
To activate the fix, import Power PDF's GPO templates that comes with this delivery to Group Policy Editor "gpedit.msc" and enable the new setting.
Note: This setting is available both for "Computer Configuration" and "User Configuration", but the "Computer Configuration" setting overrides the other.
Administrative Templates > Kofax Power PDF 4.1 > Preferences > Allow signatures for new emails
In the Registry, this GPO setting is reflected as follows:
HKLM and HKCU Software\Policies\Kofax\PowerPDF 4.1\PREFERENCES\ NewEmailAllowSignature 1: old code (allows signature to be applied by default) 0: new code (signature will not be applied by default) Key does not exist (GPO not configured): same as 0
Files included
This fix pack includes the following files:
File name | Version |
analytics.exe | 41.0.23416.900 |
Annot.zxt | |
DMSNetCommon.dll | 41.0.23416.900 |
iManage10.dll | 41.0.23376.1600 |
PowerPDF.exe | |
res_bra.dll | 41.0.23409.1900 |
res_chs.dll | 41.0.23409.1900 |
res_cht.dll | 41.0.23409.1900 |
res_czh.dll | 41.0.23409.1900 |
res_dan.dll | 41.0.23409.1900 |
res_dut.dll | 41.0.23409.1900 |
res_eng.dll | 41.0.23409.1900 |
res_fin.dll | 41.0.23409.1900 |
res_fre.dll | 41.0.23409.1900 |
res_ger.dll | 41.0.23409.1900 |
res_hun.dll | 41.0.23409.1900 |
res_ita.dll | 41.0.23409.1900 |
res_jpn.dll | 41.0.23409.1900 |
res_kor.dll | 41.0.23409.1900 |
res_nor.dll | 41.0.23409.1900 |
res_pol.dll | 41.0.23409.1900 |
res_rus.dll | 41.0.23409.1900 |
res_spa.dll | 41.0.23409.1900 |
res_swe.dll | 41.0.23409.1900 |
res_tur.dll | 41.0.23409.1900 |
Search.zxt | |
SharePointDMS.dll | 41.0.23376.1600 |
ZeonForm.chs | 41.0.23371.1000 |
ZeonForm.cht | 41.0.23371.1000 |
ZeonForm.csy | 41.0.23371.1000 |
ZeonForm.dan | 41.0.23371.1000 |
ZeonForm.deu | 41.0.23371.1000 |
ZeonForm.enu | 41.0.23371.1000 |
ZeonForm.esp | 41.0.23371.1000 |
ZeonForm.fin | 41.0.23371.1000 |
ZeonForm.fra | 41.0.23371.1000 |
ZeonForm.hun | 41.0.23371.1000 |
ZeonForm.ita | 41.0.23371.1000 |
ZeonForm.jpn | 41.0.23371.1000 |
ZeonForm.kor | 41.0.23371.1000 |
ZeonForm.nld | 41.0.23371.1000 |
ZeonForm.nor | 41.0.23371.1000 |
ZeonForm.plk | 41.0.23371.1000 |
ZeonForm.ptb | 41.0.23371.1000 |
ZeonForm.rus | 41.0.23371.1000 |
ZeonForm.sve | 41.0.23371.1000 |
ZeonForm.trk | 41.0.23371.1000 |
ZeonForm.zxt | |
----- CSDK_21.1.0.12 ----- | |
Asian.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
DocXConv.dlc | 21.1.23376.900 |
DocXWrapper.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
ExcelCnv.dlc | 21.1.23376.900 |
ExcelXCnv.dlc | 21.1.23376.900 |
ExcelXWrapper.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
FireWrx.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
FmxLFR.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
Formatter.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
IF_PNG.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
KernelAPI.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.ArgTypes.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.CAPI.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.Objects.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
LecsoMgr.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
Mor.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
MorIF.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
p4dll.vm | N/A |
P4DLL1.dll | 4.1.23376.900 |
P4DLL2.dll | 4.1.23376.900 |
pccext.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
PDFCnv.dlc | 21.1.23376.900 |
pdfopt.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
PPTXConv.dlc | 21.1.23376.900 |
PptXWrapper.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
PreRendering.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
RecApiPlus.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
RecDiag.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
recogn.bct | N/A |
Rendering.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
Rendering2.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
RtfConv.dlc | 21.1.23376.900 |
SPDFLib.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
THOCRAPI.DLL | 21.1.23376.900 |
twcutchr.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
twcutckr.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
twcutle.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
twcutlin.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
twcutlkr.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
TWForm.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
TxtConv.dlc | 21.1.23376.900 |
WPCnv.dlc | 21.1.23376.900 |
xocr.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
xocr2.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
\x64\ | |
p4dll.vm | N/A |
P4DLL1.dll | 4.1.23376.900 |
P4DLL2.dll | 4.1.23376.900 |
pdfopt.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
RecDiag.dll | 21.1.23376.900 |
----- iManageSDK_10.9.0.91 ----- | |
ARSoft.Tools.Net.dll | |
ARSoft.Tools.Net.xml | N/A |
BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll | 1.8.15362.1 |
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll | 2.5.5631.0 |
iManage.Common.LocalizableRes.dll | |
iManage.Utilities.dll | |
iManage.WorkOfficeAddIn.Patcher.dll | |
iManage.WorkOfficeAddinRes.dll | |
IManExtNet.dll | |
Interop.Acrobat.dll | |
iwAddinInterfaces.dll | |
iwAddinObjects.dll | |
iwADFS.dll | |
iwCoauthorExt.dll | |
iwCommands.dll | |
iwCommandsRes.dll | |
iwCommandUtilities.dll | |
iwExtensibility.dll | |
iwForms.dll | |
iwhost.dll | |
iwhost.XML | N/A |
iwIntegratedAppObjects.dll | |
IWInterfaces.dll | |
iwKillSessionCache.exe | |
iwObjects.dll | |
iwPortable.dll | |
iwRestServices.dll | |
iwSessionCache.exe | |
iwto.dll | |
iwto.xml | N/A |
iwZipHttpServer.dll | |
JetBrains.Profiler.Windows.Api.dll | 777.0.0.0 |
JetBrains.Profiler.Windows.SelfApi.dll | 777.0.0.0 |
log4net.dll | |
log4net.xml | N/A |
Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.dll | 7.10.6070.0 |
Microsoft.Web.WebView2.Core.dll | 1.0.1020.30 |
Microsoft.Web.WebView2.Core.xml | N/A |
Microsoft.Web.WebView2.WinForms.dll | 1.0.1020.30 |
Microsoft.Web.WebView2.WinForms.xml | N/A |
Mono.Net.HttpListener.dll | |
Mono.Security.dll | |
Newtonsoft.Json.dll | |
Newtonsoft.Json.xml | N/A |
RestSharp.dll | |
System.Runtime.InteropServices.APIs.dll | |
System.Windows.Forms.TreeListView.dll | |
\runtimes\win-x64\native\ | N/A |
WebView2Loader.dll | 1.0.1020.30 |
\runtimes\win-x86\native\ | N/A |
WebView2Loader.dll | 1.0.1020.30 |
Related to earlier fixes: | |
batchconverter.com | |
BatesStamp.zxt | |
bclib.dll | |
BrowserAuth.dll | |
BrowserAuthCs.dll | |
Catalog.zxt | |
cnvpropsheets.dll | |
cnvres_bra.dll | |
cnvres_chs.dll | |
cnvres_cht.dll | |
cnvres_czh.dll | |
cnvres_dan.dll | |
cnvres_dut.dll | |
cnvres_eng.dll | |
cnvres_fin.dll | |
cnvres_fre.dll | |
cnvres_ger.dll | |
cnvres_hun.dll | |
cnvres_ita.dll | |
cnvres_jpn.dll | |
cnvres_kor.dll | |
cnvres_nor.dll | |
cnvres_pol.dll | |
cnvres_rus.dll | |
cnvres_spa.dll | |
cnvres_swe.dll | |
cnvres_tur.dll | |
cnvres64_bra.dll | |
cnvres64_chs.dll | |
cnvres64_cht.dll | |
cnvres64_czh.dll | |
cnvres64_dan.dll | |
cnvres64_dut.dll | |
cnvres64_eng.dll | |
cnvres64_fin.dll | |
cnvres64_fre.dll | |
cnvres64_ger.dll | |
cnvres64_hun.dll | |
cnvres64_ita.dll | |
cnvres64_jpn.dll | |
cnvres64_kor.dll | |
cnvres64_nor.dll | |
cnvres64_pol.dll | |
cnvres64_rus.dll | |
cnvres64_spa.dll | |
cnvres64_swe.dll | |
cnvres64_tur.dll | |
cnvsts.dll | |
cnvsts_x64.dll | |
CompareDoc.zxt | |
Compliance.zxt | |
ConvertFile.chs | |
ConvertFile.cht | |
ConvertFile.csy | |
ConvertFile.dan | |
ConvertFile.deu | |
ConvertFile.enu | |
ConvertFile.esp | |
ConvertFile.fin | |
ConvertFile.fra | |
ConvertFile.hun | |
ConvertFile.ita | |
ConvertFile.jpn | |
ConvertFile.kor | |
ConvertFile.nld | |
ConvertFile.nor | |
ConvertFile.plk | |
ConvertFile.ptb | |
ConvertFile.rus | |
ConvertFile.sve | |
ConvertFile.trk | |
ConvertFile.zxt | |
DMSConnector.zxt | |
DMSConnectorManager.dll | |
DocuSign.eSign.dll | |
DocuSign.zxt | |
DSAPI.dll | |
DSApiWrapper.dll | |
ECAPI.dll | |
EditText.zxt | |
email.zxt | |
FileOpen.zxt | |
FileSplit.chs | |
FileSplit.cht | |
FileSplit.csy | |
FileSplit.dan | |
FileSplit.deu | |
FileSplit.enu | |
FileSplit.esp | |
FileSplit.fin | |
FileSplit.fra | |
FileSplit.hun | |
FileSplit.ita | |
FileSplit.jpn | |
FileSplit.kor | |
FileSplit.nld | |
FileSplit.nor | |
FileSplit.plk | |
FileSplit.ptb | |
FileSplit.rus | |
FileSplit.sve | |
FileSplit.trk | |
FileSplit.zxt | |
FileToPDFHelper.exe | |
FormTyper.zxt | |
GPDFBatch.dll | |
GPDFDirectRes.chs | |
GPDFDirectRes.cht | |
GPDFDirectRes.csy | |
GPDFDirectRes.dan | |
GPDFDirectRes.deu | |
GPDFDirectRes.enu | |
GPDFDirectRes.esp | |
GPDFDirectRes.fin | |
GPDFDirectRes.fra | |
GPDFDirectRes.hun | |
GPDFDirectRes.ita | |
GPDFDirectRes.jpn | |
GPDFDirectRes.kor | |
GPDFDirectRes.nld | |
GPDFDirectRes.nor | |
GPDFDirectRes.plk | |
GPDFDirectRes.ptb | |
GPDFDirectRes.rus | |
GPDFDirectRes.sve | |
GPDFDirectRes.trk | |
Help.zxt | |
HummingBirdDMS.dll | |
iManageDMS.dll | |
IManageDMS_x64.dll | |
IO.Swagger.dll | |
MailProcessor.dll | |
MailProcessor_x64.dll | |
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.dll | |
MSEdgeWebView2.dll | |
NameAndTitle.xml | |
NDEApi.dll | |
NetDocsConnector.dll | |
NetDocumentsConnectorCore.dll | |
NExportPDF_x64.dll | |
NExportPDF_x86.dll | |
NExportPDFRes.chs | |
NExportPDFRes.cht | |
NExportPDFRes.csy | |
NExportPDFRes.dan | |
NExportPDFRes.deu | |
NExportPDFRes.enu | |
NExportPDFRes.esp | |
NExportPDFRes.fin | |
NExportPDFRes.fra | |
NExportPDFRes.hun | |
NExportPDFRes.ita | |
NExportPDFRes.jpn | |
NExportPDFRes.kor | |
NExportPDFRes.nld | |
NExportPDFRes.nor | |
NExportPDFRes.plk | |
NExportPDFRes.ptb | |
NExportPDFRes.rus | |
NExportPDFRes.sve | |
NExportPDFRes.trk | |
NPDFIFilter.dll | |
OneDrive.dll | |
Optimize.zxt | |
OutlookAddin.dll | |
OutlookAddin_x64.dll | |
PDFAttachPlugin.api | |
PDFAttachPlugin_x64.api | |
PDFCore8.dll | |
PDFCore8_x64.dll | |
PDFCore8_x86.dll | |
PDFEngine.dll | |
PDFIManageHelper_x64.exe | |
PDFSignDoc.exe | |
PowerPDF.chs | |
PowerPDF.cht | |
PowerPDF.csy | |
PowerPDF.dan | |
PowerPDF.deu | |
PowerPDF.enu | |
PowerPDF.esp | |
PowerPDF.fin | |
PowerPDF.fra | |
PowerPDF.hun | |
PowerPDF.ita | |
PowerPDF.jpn | |
PowerPDF.kor | |
PowerPDF.nld | |
PowerPDF.nor | |
PowerPDF.plk | |
PowerPDF.ptb | |
PowerPDF.rus | |
PowerPDF.sve | |
PowerPDF.trk | |
PowerPDF1.exe | |
PPDFAssist.exe | |
PPDFCreate.exe | |
PPDFImanageAddon.dll | |
PPDFIManageAddon_x64.dll | |
PPdfLM.exe | |
PPKLite.zxt | |
Publish Mode.xml | |
retag.zxt | |
RMSDRM.zxt | |
SDApi.dll | |
SDApiWrapper.dll | |
SDirectShellExt.dll | |
Search.chs | |
Search.cht | |
Search.csy | |
Search.dan | |
Search.deu | |
Search.enu | |
Search.esp | |
Search.fin | |
Search.fra | |
Search.hun | |
Search.ita | |
Search.jpn | |
Search.kor | |
Search.nld | |
Search.nor | |
Search.plk | |
Search.ptb | |
Search.rus | |
Search.sve | |
Search.trk | |
SWebToPDF.dll | |
System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt.dll | |
sznprncmd.dll | |
sznprngraf.dll | |
sznprnui.dll | |
Sznprnuires.chs | |
Sznprnuires.cht | |
Sznprnuires.csy | |
Sznprnuires.dan | |
Sznprnuires.deu | |
sznprnuires.enu | |
Sznprnuires.esp | |
Sznprnuires.fin | |
Sznprnuires.fra | |
Sznprnuires.hun | |
Sznprnuires.ita | |
Sznprnuires.jpn | |
Sznprnuires.kor | |
Sznprnuires.nld | |
Sznprnuires.nor | |
Sznprnuires.plk | |
Sznprnuires.ptb | |
Sznprnuires.rus | |
Sznprnuires.sve | |
Sznprnuires.trk | |
TTS.zxt | |
TypeWriter.zxt | |
ViewFolder.zxt | |
Watermark.chs | |
Watermark.cht | |
Watermark.csy | |
Watermark.dan | |
Watermark.deu | |
Watermark.enu | |
Watermark.esp | |
Watermark.fin | |
Watermark.fra | |
Watermark.hun | |
Watermark.ita | |
Watermark.jpn | |
Watermark.kor | |
Watermark.nld | |
Watermark.nor | |
Watermark.plk | |
Watermark.ptb | |
Watermark.rus | |
Watermark.sve | |
Watermark.trk | |
Watermark.zxt | |
ZDigSig.zxt | |
zhtmltopdf.dll | |
ZJavaScript.zxt | |
ZPDFConverter.dll | |
zPreview_x64.dll | |
zPreview_x86.dll | |
ZTouchup.chs | |
ZTouchup.cht | |
ZTouchup.csy | |
ZTouchup.dan | |
ZTouchup.deu | |
ZTouchup.enu | |
ZTouchup.esp | |
ZTouchup.fin | |
ZTouchup.fra | |
ZTouchup.hun | |
ZTouchup.ita | |
ZTouchup.jpn | |
ZTouchup.kor | |
ZTouchup.nld | |
ZTouchup.nor | |
ZTouchup.plk | |
ZTouchup.ptb | |
ZTouchup.rus | |
ZTouchup.sve | |
ZTouchup.trk | |
ZTouchup.zxt | |
ztypeset.dll | |
----- Printer Port Monitor ----- | |
szprnmon.dll | |
szprnmonui.dll | |