Tungsten Automation

Kofax RPA 11.4.0 Fix Pack 6

Build date: December 13, 2024

© 2024 Tungsten Automation. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.


Install Kofax RPA to resolve the issues and apply the new features listed in this ReadMe.

Issues resolved in this fix pack

ID Issue Solution
2164433Microsoft SAML2 login page did not respond.Increased the frame rate for the specific page and made the frame rate configurable in cef.cfg.
2151020Duplicate RoboServers caused split KCU allocation.Duplicate RoboServer is now filtered out, and KCUs are not assigned to it.

Issues resolved in previous fix packs

Fix Pack 5

ID Issue Solution
2088754HTTP connection leak when connecting to KTA.Fixed HTTP connection leak.
2069006When creating a Kapplet template, the TimeOutValue, Time Unit, and Priority always showed default values.Values can now be set.
2069003When editing the name or description of Kapplets templates, the changes were not saved.Changes to Kapplet templates are now saved.
2064521The schedule send email on error functionality only worked for basic engine robots.It now works for all robots.
2058854Parsing HTTP connection headers did not adhere to standards and were case-sensitive.The headers are parsed as case-insensitive according to standards.
2056236Adding and removing a file before a commit caused an empty deleted files commit.A commit is no longer created in this situation.
2056232Synchronizer commits were incorrectly order.Commits are now ordered chronologically.
2054443SSL certificates handling always considered AltNames as text, which is not according to standards.Updated HttpClient includes a fix for this.
2013470Request to apply additional security enhancements.Enhanced security by upgrading Temurin JDK.
1994950Robot error messages were not logged to the Robot Messages logs.Robot error messages are now logged correctly for all robots.
1965328Write access prohibited when using RFS dockerfile in the /data directory.Updated RFS dockerfile to set correct permission.

Fix Pack 4

ID Issue Solution
2057596 HTTP connection leak could cause robots to hang. HTTP connection leak fixed.
2042499 In Design Studio, image component finders did not work properly if the page contained off screen elements. Image component finders now work correctly.

In the Document Transformation Service driver, a race condition could result in a stall in debug mode.

Robots using the Document Transformation Service actions now work correctly.
2000904, 2000368 Request to enhance security. Upgraded WebP in WebKit and Chromium to enhance security.

In the Management Console schedule configuration window, there was an unnecessary tooltip saying that an attribute was required in the schedule configuration.

Removed the "Attribute_is_required" tooltip.
1997949 In Kapplets, validation rules made the input fields required. In Kapplets, some validation rules were removed, and the respective input fields are no longer required.
1997110WebKit ignored the maxLength setting for the text box control on HTML forms. WebKit no longer ignores the maxLength setting.
1990768 In Kapplets, the "Log out" option did not work properly. When clicking "Log out" in Kapplets, the user now logs out completely.
1990473 Quick RPA failed when using the Date field within the data object. Quick RPA now works correctly.
1989845 In Kapplets, when editing a schedule, the "Next" button was disabled if no changes were made to the included robots. When editing a schedule, the "Next" button is now active.
1988767 Management Console could become unresponsive due to a deadlock during LDAP authentication. The following properties were added to the login.xml file:
  • connectTimeout: The timeout in milliseconds for connecting to the LDAP server.
  • readTimeout: The timeout in milliseconds for the LDAP response from the server after the initial connection is established with the server.


After specifying the timeout values in milliseconds, LDAP authentication works properly.

1988074 While the robot was running, the Desktop Automation Service falsely reported "available" to the Management Console. The Desktop Automation Service now reports "busy" if the robot is running.

When restoring a backup in Kapplets, Kapplets with required inputs were not properly restored and prevented schedules from starting.

Kapplets with required inputs are now correctly restored.
1987339 In Management Console, the Host name field length validation was inconsistent.

The Host name field length validation is now consistent across all Management Console tabs.

1987203 In Management Console, if different users uploaded and removed a file, Synchronizer mixed up the committers. If different users upload and remove a file, Synchonizer now reports the committers correctly.
1986796 When uploading robots, Management Console did not update the RobotHistory. Management Console now updates the RobotHistory.
1985831 In Kapplets set to the Japanese language, the Help links did not work properly. The Help links now work correctly.
1984614 In Management Console - Task View tab, sorting by priority did not work. It is now possible to sort items by priority.

Opening PDF files via javascript did not trigger a download in CEF.

The download is now triggered in CEF.
1982469 It was impossible to create or restore Kapplets backup in Docker. It is now possible to create or restore Kapplets backup in Docker.

A specific site did not load in CEF due to missing "Brands" array in UserAgentData.

The site now loads in CEF successfully.
1980525 Request to enhance security. Upgraded Snakeyaml in Process Discovery Analyzer.

Fix Pack 3

ID Issue
1971147 In Management Console, the request to run a robot list for a cluster no longer causes performance issues.
1971141 In Desktop Automation Service, configuration of the OPENSSL_MODULES environment variable no longer causes any issues.
1970459 In Kapplets, when creating a schedule and specifying a period for the "Hourly" interval, enter any integer value between 1 and 23.
1970423 In the Kofax RPA Administrator's Guide, the command to set Synchronizer as a service is no longer valid as it does not need parameters.

See How to install Synchronizer as a Windows service at the Kofax Knowledge Portal.

1967420 Kofax RPA silent uninstall is now available.
1965860 It is now possible to split a single KCU unit equally between multiple RoboServers.
1965328 A non-root user for Robot File System is now able to write data to the /data directory.

Information in Kofax RPA 11.4.0 Release Notes needs clarification.

In the Changes in behavior section, instead of "Use same Scheduler database in fix packs" please read "Use the same Management Console platform database."

1958461 Synchronizer now runs successfully when updating and uploading types to Management Console.
1958412 On Linux, Kapowlock now connects successfully.
1958293 In Management Console, users are now prevented from adding databases with the same name to the same cluster.
1957737 Design Studio no longer fails if the connection to the Management Console becomes unstable.
1956063 When Management Console and proxy use HTTP and HTTPS accordingly, Management Console now generates the correct URL for testing the service when selecting the REST option for the required Robot.
1954178 Robots now start successfully, even if RoboServer was previously above the memory threshold.
1946223 In Desktop Automation Service, it is now possible to configure Screen Lock on startup.
1945812 Process Discovery Analyzer now works properly when analyzing Excel screens.
1922083 Snakeyaml has been upgraded in Kapplets to enhance security.
1863200 The base Linux image for Docker installation is updated to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

Fix Pack 2

ID Issue
1943553Reduced the size of Docker images.
1943490Japanese characters could not be entered in Kapplet name and description.
1943488OAuth access token was not refreshed when using email triggers.
1942678Added the description of SAMLKEYSTORE_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE to the Docker readme file.
1942070Updated the Docker readme file to include new variables.
1940951Upgraded commons-fileupload to enhance security.
1939479Management Console in high availability could crash due to non-serializable objects submitted to the Hazelcast scheduler.
1937972The Add server option was removed from Cluster options in Management Console.
1935311Process Discovery Analyzer could crash due to recursive JSON in recorded data.
1934905XML Data Mapper generated attributes without record field types.
1934060Process Discovery Analyzer failed to start in Docker when using the supplied Dockerfile.
1932598RoboServer uptime displayed without formatting.
1932004Cluster Settings Database View did not scroll correctly.
1931653Kapowlock failed in environments where localhost and are not interchangeable.
If the environment variable KOFAX_RPA_LOCKSCREEN_HOST is set, the parameter passed by Lock Screen will be replaced by the value of the variable (presumably 'localhost').
1928101The Complete SignDoc Request application action was missing.
1925731SAML login failures were not logged in the audit log.
1925729SAML logout no longer leads to automatic re-login.
1925724SAML login failure no longer redirects to LDAP login.
1925722SAML user name validation did not allow special characters.
1890539PressKey in Chromium did not work after pressing the navigate button.

Fix Pack 1

ID Issue
1926113Could not run Kapplets in a different Tomcat context.

To install Kapplets with a different name other than the default ("kapplets"), customize the file names of the kapplets.xml and kapplets.war to match, for example kapplets11.xml and kapplets11.war.

1926105Upgraded Jackson to enhance security.
1923859Upgraded Spring Security to enhance security.
1923854Upgraded Tomcat to enhance security.
1923851Upgraded Hazelcast to enhance security.
1922974Fixed race condition when releasing Desktop Automation Service.
1922972In Docker, Roboserver could not run with a non-root user.
1922089Upgraded ivy to enhance security.
1908910Robot execution sometimes resulted in the "last of empty list" runtime exception.
1900210Updated SnakeYAML to enhance security.
1900025Upgraded LibTIFF to enhance security.
1897258Patched Leptonica to enhance security.
1894332Upgraded jsoup to enhance security.
1894329Upgraded Jackson to enhance security.
1894326Upgraded JNA to enhance security.
1894325Upgraded SSHD to enhance security.
1894248Removed the msvcp100 and msvcr100 libraries as they are no longer used.
1867058Upgraded protobuf to enhance security.

Note that documentation specifies Python version 2.7 which is not supported anymore. Python 3 versions 3.5 or higher are supported.

1867051Upgraded woodstox to enhance security.
1825857It was not possible to edit consumer key and consumer secret in OAuth application.

Updates to the documentation

This ReadMe includes the following cumulative documentation updates.

Fix Pack 6

ID Issue Resolution

Information about RDP Login step needs an update in the Kofax RPA User's Guide and Help.

The following note under the Password property is no longer valid: If the password or host name contains characters not accepted in an URL, such as a backslash, they must be encoded.

Fix Pack 3

ID Issue Resolution

Information about adding a UI recognition language for Tesseract needs clarification in the Kofax RPA User's Guide and Help.

This also relates to step 1 in the "Change Default OCR Language for Robot" topic.

When downloading the .traineddata file for Tesseract, follow these instructions:

  1. Download the .traineddata file for the required language from GitHub. For example, the file for the Japanese language is jpn.traineddata.

    If the files are not available from the link, search for version 3.04.00 from the main repository page.

    Tesseract version 3.05.00 is compatible with Kofax RPA 11.4. However, RPA uses Tesseract 3.04.00 training files.

    NOTE: Make sure the downloaded .traineddata file is compatible with your version of the teserract.dll file. For compatibility information, see the README file published at the bottom of the traineddata page.

    Using the wrong training data does not result in error messages, but may cause poor OCR results.

  2. Copy the downloaded trained data file to the appropriate folder:
    • On the Windows-based automated computer with installed Desktop Automation Service:

      DesktopAutomationService\lib\tessdata in the Desktop Automation Service installation directory.

      Example: C:\Program Files\Kofax RPA DesktopAutomation\DesktopAutomationService\lib\tessdata

    • On the local Windows-based computer to use with built-in browser:

      nativelib\hub\windows-x64\<build number>\lib\tessdata* in the Kofax RPA installation directory.

      Example: C:\Program Files\Kofax RPA\nativelib\hub\windows-x64\622\lib\tessdata

    • On the local Linux-based computer to use with built-in browser:

      nativelib/hub/linux-x64/<build number>/lib/tessdata in the Kofax RPA installation directory.

      Example: Kofax_RPA_11.4.0.0/nativelib/hub/linux-x64/533/lib/tessdata

    * The build number is different in different versions of the program.

  3. Change the UI recognition language as described in the "Change or add UI recognition language" link in the Issue column.

New and enhanced features

This fix pack includes the following cumulative new and enhanced features from all fix packs for 11.4.0.

Fix Pack 2

ID Description

Allow initial admin user and password to be configured using the Management Console configurator.

When deploying RPA in Docker, configure initial admin user name and password in the docker-compose file using environment variables.

  • LOGIN_INITIAL_ADMIN_USER: Sets the initial admin user name. Default is admin.

  • LOGIN_INITIAL_ADMIN_PASSWORD: Sets the initial admin password. Default is admin.

The admin user is created if the database is empty or no admin user exists, and the system is configured either to use local authentication (for LDAP and so on) or the createAdmin is set to true.

If the database already contains an admin user, the user is not created.

After RPA is deployed, view the applied values in the initialAdminUser and initialAdminPassword properties of the login.xml file.


Allow SAML settings to be configured using the Management Console configurator.

When deploying RPA in Docker, configure the following settings in the docker-compose file using environment variables.

  • SAML_IDP_NAME: Sets the identity provider name. The possible values are: OKTA, ONELOGIN, and AZURE.

  • SAML_ADMINGROUP_COUNT: Determines the number of admin groups.

  • SAML_ADMINGROUP_VALUE_<N>: A list of identity provider groups mapped to the admin superuser in Management Console. For each admin group, replace <N> with a number between one and the count of groups.

  • SAML_ADMINISTRATORGROUP_COUNT: Determines the number of RPA Administrators group.

  • SAML_ADMINISTRATORGROUP_VALUE_<N>: A list of identity provider groups mapped to the RPA Administrators group in Management Console. For each RPA Administrators group, replace <N> with a number between one and the count of groups.

  • TOMCAT_SERVER_CONNECTOR_SCHEME: Sets the scheme name for the HTTP connector in Tomcat.

  • TOMCAT_SERVER_SSL_CONNECTOR_SCHEME: Sets the scheme name for the HTTPS connector in Tomcat.

After RPA is deployed, view the applied changes in the saml.xml and server.xml files.


Allow SAML certificates to be configured using the Management Console configurator.

When deploying RPA in Docker, manage the SAML signing certificate with the following environment variable:


If set, points to a file containing the certificate in DER or CER format. Then, the certificate is imported into the dedicated SAML keystore to establish trust with any identity provider.

1923388 Database steps now have a timeout setting.

The Execute SQL and Query Database steps for all robots now have a Timeout property.

Specify the timeout for submitting SQL statements in seconds. The value must be greater than zero.

In Basic Engine Robots, use a variable or a value option to define the preferred timeout. The timeout is enforced through DBMS and if it is reached, the Execute SQL or Query Database actions stop executing with an error message specific to the database.

In Robots, if the timeout is reached, the DeviceIssue exception is thrown with an error message specific to the database.

Note that various DBMS types and JDBC drivers may handle timeouts differently. For example, not every system allows a timeout to trip in the middle of certain statements.

Applies to

This fix pack is a full installation.

You can apply this fix pack to replace any Kofax RPA product version or install it next to the current version without replacing it.

Files included

This fix pack includes the following files.

File name Version
KofaxAnalyticsforRPA-2.7.0.zip 2.7.0
KofaxRPADocumentation_11.4.0_EN.zip 11.4.0
KofaxRPADocumentation_11.4.0_FR.zip 11.4.0
KofaxRPADocumentation_11.4.0_JA.zip 11.4.0
KofaxRPAManagementConsoleDocumentation-11.4.0.zip 11.4.0
ReadMe-KofaxRPA- N/A

Install this fix pack

To install this fix pack on top of the existing Kofax RPA 11.4.0 Management Console database schema, use the following procedure.

  1. Back up your existing installation by creating a Management Console backup.
  2. Install the required components. For details, see the Kofax RPA 11.4.0 Installation Guide.
  3. Use the existing database schema when installing the Management Console in Tomcat.

When upgrading from other versions, use the following procedure to install the fix pack.

  1. Back up your existing installation by creating a Management Console backup.
  2. Install the required components. For details, see the Kofax RPA 11.4.0 Installation Guide.
  3. In the new Management Console, restore the backup.

Remove this fix pack

This fix pack is a full installation. Follow the standard uninstallation procedure for Windows or Linux applications.