Tungsten Automation

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© 2024 Tungsten Automation. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.


Install Kofax RPA to resolve the issues and apply the new features listed in this ReadMe.

Issues resolved in this fix pack

ID Issue Solution
2135223Robots queued with the .NET API would sometimes cause an exception and time out.Updated the .NET API.
2133099Management Console was unable to connect to Desktop Automation Service due to race condition when disconnecting.Improved handing of DAS tokens on disconnect.
2130804Visiting web sites with CEF that sends a 401 error with a WWW.Authenticate header would fail on Linux.Fixed negotiate authentication on Linux.
2134451, 2129721, 2129715, 2128404, 2126231, 2115740, 2115710, 2112365, 2112364, 2112361, 2112359, 2112341, 2112283 2110958, 2109818, 2109775, 2103480Requests to apply additional security enhancements.Enhanced security by upgrading: Spring, Protobuf.js, Node, Follow-redirects, Apache http-client, Aircompressor, CEF, Commons-configuration, Esapi, Spring-security, Tomcat-embed, Xmlsec, Commons-compress, Jackson, Httpclient, Bcprov, Commons-net.
2129426Password retrieval could fail if there was a big time delay between retrievals.Improved token re-authentication.
2129418, 2129417The Japanese localization of the Desktop Automation Service and Kapplets were not accurate.Improved localization based on customer feedback.
2119350Removing the last column in an Excel sheet in a Basic Engine Robot did not work.Fixed bug.
2118606The user role setting for projects did not work.Fixed the ProjectsTabPermission.
2118603The Items per page selector on the Project page in the Management Console did not work.Fixed pagination logic.
2118600Kapplet templates were marked as invalid for all robot changes.Kapplets templates are only marked as invalid for changes to the robots input/output signature.
2112499Request to apply additional security enhancements.Removed usage of Commons-beanutils and Commons-digester.
1975763Running Configurator without options displays unexpected errors.Configurator.jar is no longer maintained from 11.5 and newer releases.

Issues resolved in previous fix packs

Fix Pack 4

ID Issue Solution
2106732Open email as HTML did not support Japanese in the email subject.Japanese is now displayed correctly.
2106731The Go to action was not enabled for Basic Engine Robots without execution privilege.Changed the required parameters.

Fix Pack 3

ID Issue Solution
2105058Desktop Automation Service failed silently if the mapping contained the wrong Management Console.Design Studio now reports an error if Management Console cannot be contacted.
2104787JavaScript converter required that the script ends with a semicolon.JavaScript converter no longer requires a semicolon at the end.
2104782Input to JavaScript converter was not automatically escaped.Input is now escaped.
2104245JavaScript converter performance issues with concurrent usage.JavaScript converter no longer uses a singleton shared resource to convert JavaScript.
2103332In Management Console, the default cluster connection type was incorrect."RoboServer as client" is now the default connection type.
2102282The Set Named Tag step with the option "Is Same Table Column" changed behavior in Kofax RPA 11.5 and produced an error.The step now behaves the same as in older RPA versions.
2099046In Management Console, high availability could fail when switching nodes with the error "Non-serializable objects submitted to the Hazelcast scheduler."Upgraded Hazelcast.
2095982Could not log in from Design Studio due to exceeded maximum number of unique users.Design Studio login no longer checks for available Management Console users.
2092285In Management Console, adding or editing passwords to the password store did not work.Fixed a mismatch between the internal and hybrid modes of password store.
2090810Exporting old Desktop Automation steps could create robots with invalid names.Replaced multiple spaces with a single space and trimmed the name when exporting step.
2090809In Design Studio, the Export robots option used to convert the old Desktop Automation step did not work correctly if the step name contained a dot (.)This option now works correctly.
2087937In Kapplets, restoring backups failed with the following warning: "Some restored schedules have invalid input data."The schedules are now restored properly.
2086254In Kapplets, restoring backups before version 11 failed due to missing synchronization between Management Console and Kapplets.Management Console and Kapplets are automatically synchronized before restoring a backup in Kapplets.
2086171The Remove columns action in Excel did not work for Basic Engine Robots.Upgraded POI.
2086138Transpose Table did not work in Basic Engine Robots.Added methods to handle the rowspan and colspan attributes.
2083472In Management Console > Settings > Process Discovery Analyzer, the "Network pattern" field was marked as required.The field is now optional.
2073875Specific SSL certificates could not be used with RoboServer.Upgraded HTTP-client.
2067002Request to apply additional security enhancements.Upgraded Tomcat-embed-core.
2066065Production cluster was re-added on Management Console restart.Production cluster is no longer re-added automatically.
1997442The robots list was empty when creating Kapplet template on a fresh install.Fixed OAuth authentication issues.

Fix Pack 2

ID Issue Solution
2086315In the docker-compose example, the placeholder name for the KAPPLETS_SERVICES_MC_CONNECTION_SERVICE_SHAREDSECRET variable was inconsistent.The placeholder name was updated to @kappletsSharedSecret@.
2084896In Docker, when adding the second LDAP directory, the build threw the following error: "FATAL com.kapowtech.scheduler.server.spring.SpringContextListener - LdapDirectories in login.xml have same ldapDirectoryIdentifier."Added the LOGIN_LDAP_DIRECTORY_IDENTIFIER_<N> property for Docker.
2083019In Design Studio, when opening 11.0 (or earlier) robots that contain the Excel step with the Open File action, the robots failed.Such robots can be now upgraded successfully.
2073445Management Console backup restore from version 10.6 did not work correctly because trigger was null.Added check for null. It is now possible to restore backups from 10.6.
2070198, 2069234, 2013482, 1997559, 1997554, 1997543, 1990002, 1989995, 1975983, 1975951, 1975910Request to apply additional security enhancements.Enhanced security by upgrading Logback, CEF, Temurin JDK, Thymeleaf, JGit, SQliteCPP, Ivy, Okio, Cryptography, PDFium and CPython.
2069000Desktop Automation Service could not authenticate to Management Console when using service authentication.Service authentication now works properly.
2068081In Basic Engine Robots, the Normalize Table action step did not work and produced no error messages.The action step now normalizes tables properly.
2067629In Management Console, error messages from failing robots were not logged and the "Message" column of the log table appeared empty.Added error message to the Throw step in Robots.
2064553JavaScript converter memory leak could cause increase of kapowbrowser memory consumption.Memory leak fixed.
2064544In Design Studio set to the Japanese language, the "Test value" field for the input variables was not translated accurately.Fixed the translation.
2064520Management Console did not send emails about errors in schedules running CEF robots.Changed log handling from normal to email logging.
2063011In Management Console, it was not possible to configure input during schedule creation when input variables were defined in a snippet.Added proper condition checks to define in which cases input variables should be extracted from entities such as Robots, snippets, and others.
2060441RoboServer installed from a .deb package prevented robots from starting.Fixed missing execute permission.
2060367Kapowlock on Linux failed due to missing dependency.Added missing dependency.
2059785In Management Console, the test connection button did not work properly for KTA 7.8 and 7.9.The Test button now works for all supported KTA versions.
2058850Design Studio did not accept lowercase HTTP header names.Design Studio now adheres to standard and ignores the case of HTTP headers.
2057891In Management Console, a user with the Project Administrator role could see users from all projects.Removed the "viewUsers" permission from the Project Administrator role.
2057393HTTP connection leak could prevent robots from starting.Fixed HTTP connection leak.
2056237When adding and removing a file in Management Console between synchronizations, Synchronizer created an empty commit with the "deleted files" message during the next sync action.Management Console no longer notifies Synchronizer about the files that were added and removed between synchronizations.
2056235Synchronizer commits were not displayed in the correct order.Commits are now ordered by timestamps.
2054878It was not possible to install Process Discovery Analyzer on Ubuntu 22.04.Added missing dependency.
2042498In Design Studio, image finders could fail if the page contained unrelated off-screen elements.Unrelated off-screen elements are now disregarded in image finders.
2040783In the .NET API, a token could be used while reauthentication was in progress.Fixed race condition in the .NET API.
2040019A race condition could cause the Document Transformation Service to become unresponsive when running in debug mode.Fixed race condition.
2038229In Management Console, a user with the Project Administrator role could see all projects.The project list retrieved from the database is now filtered by user role.
1981216In Management Console, cluster name was not shown if the field was too narrow.Cluster name is now truncated if the field is too narrow.

Fix Pack 1

ID Issue Solution
2039620When shut down, RoboServers still appeared in the cluster list and did not restart. When shut down, RoboServers are now removed from the cluster.
2038535In Kapplets, the "Log out" option did not work properly. When clicking "Log out" in Kapplets, the user is now logged out completely.
2038222In Management Console, a user that had no admin role could delete trigger mappings from other projects. Only users that have admin roles can remove trigger mappings from other projects.
2037177In Management Console, if different users uploaded and removed a file, Synchronizer mixed up the committers. In Management Console, if different users upload and remove a file, Synchronizer now reports the committers correctly.
2032667Management Console could stop pinging RoboServers after waking up from sleep mode. Management Console now pings RoboServers after waking up from sleep mode.
2015516Quick RPA failed when using the Date field within the data object. When using the Date field within the data object, Quick RPA now works correctly.
2001550In Design Studio, when adding a definition in the "Robot definitions" pane, pressing the Tab key could cause an error. When you add a new definition and press Tab, Design Studio works properly.
2000903, 2000328, 1990000Request to apply additional security enhancements.Enhanced security by upgrading WebP in WebKit and Chromium, along with spring-security.
2000529In Kapplets, validation rules made the input fields required. In Kapplets, some validation rules were removed, and the respective input fields are no longer required.
1998408Management Console could become unresponsive due to a deadlock during LDAP authentication. The following properties were added to the login.xml file:
  • connectTimeout: The timeout in milliseconds for connecting to the LDAP server.
  • readTimeout: The timeout in milliseconds for the LDAP response from the server after the initial connection is established with the server.

After specifying the timeout values in milliseconds, LDAP authentication works properly.

1997288Duplicate setting in Management Console docker-compose example with LDAP caused error during startup. The duplicate setting was removed, and the docker-compose file now starts successfully.
1997109WebKit ignored the maxLength setting for the text box control on HTML forms. WebKit no longer ignores the maxLength setting.
1991415In the Desktop Automation Service, it was impossible to switch to the Single user mode if a Management Console URL was entered first. In the Desktop Automation Service, it is now possible to switch to the Single user mode if a Management Console URL is entered first.
1991183In the Desktop Automation Service configuration window, the French check box label was not positioned correctly. The French check box label is now positioned correctly in the Desktop Automation Service configuration window.
1990981In the Desktop Automation Service configuration window, the Japanese check box label was not positioned correctly. The Japanese check box label is now positioned correctly in the Desktop Automation Service configuration window.
1989401RoboServer on Windows mistakenly tried to start Xvfb. RoboServer on Windows no longer tries to start Xvfb.
1988224When restoring a backup in Kapplets, Kapplets with required inputs were not properly restored and caused schedules not to start. Kapplets with required inputs are now correctly restored.
1985808If robots included many parallel guards, they became unresponsive. Having many parallel guards in a robot no longer causes any issues.
1985807The Document Transformation Service callback did not work. The Document Transformation Service callback now works properly.
1982766Opening PDF files via javascript did not trigger a download in CEF. Fixed handling of PDF documents if they are loaded in the inline frame.
1977488The node.exe processes could work incorrectly in some error situations. The node.exe processes now work correctly.

Changes in behavior

This fix pack includes the following cumulative changes in behavior from all fix packs for .

Fix Pack 5

The configurator.jar is no longer maintained from 11.5 and newer releases.

Fix Pack 2

The white-labeling script has been updated.

Running robots using the Chromium based browser engine now creates temporary files and folders.

Fix Pack 1

The KCU cost of Robots was adjusted to align better with Basic Engine Robots.

New and enhanced features

This fix pack includes the following cumulative new and enhanced features from all fix packs for .

Enhancement request 1821999

New Kapplets show results as they are being returned (same as earlier Kapplets did) was implemented, yet not listed in the Release Notes for the 11.5 release.

Levenshtein and Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) converter functions

For Basic Engine Robot expressions, the expression functions, Levenshtein and Longest Common Subsequence (LCS), have been added.

Fix Pack 3

Ability to specify proxy settings

It is now possible to configure proxy settings for CEF in Docker.


Automatically scale up and scale down RoboServers using JMX

It is now possible to enable JMX in Docker which previously could be configured in the RoboServer Settings application or by specifying parameters in the command line.

JMX queries the number of running robots and helps with RoboServer scaling.


For more information, see the README.md file.

Fix Pack 2

External and internal password store can now be used at the same time.

REST endpoints now support API tokens.

Fix Pack 1

In Management Console, the "RPA" API token is renamed to "Design Studio Execution Token."

Known issues

Kofax RPA documentation requires clarification.

Fix Pack 3

The following resolved issues were not mentioned in the Kofax RPA Release Notes.

1956628Design Studio became unresponsive because of connection issuesIf the connection was unstable or slow during synchronization with Management Console, Design Studio did not respond.
1929082In Design Studio, some toolbar buttons were disabled in Debug modeWhen running Basic Engine Robots in Debug mode, some buttons were greyed out.

Configurator.jar is no longer maintained and does not work. It will be removed from the product in the next major release.

Fix Pack 2

Thumbnails configured for Robots and Basic Engine Robots in Design Studio are only displayed in Kofax TotalAgility integration with RPA.

The Library protocol is deprecated.

Fix Pack 1

The Telemetry feature applies only to Management Console.

Updates to the documentation

This ReadMe includes the following documentation updates.

Fix Pack 3

ID Issue Solution
2108955The instructions on how to connect Desktop Automation Service to Management Console when using Attended Automation require clarification in Kofax RPA Help.Configure the Desktop Automation Service to use Management Console authentication and not the shared secret. The shared secret authentication is not user specific. Trigger robots must have a user to run.
2108882The description of the -nd --NoDoc RoboServer parameter requires clarification in the Kofax RPA Administrator's Guide.This optional parameter disallows robot documentation requests to this RoboServer. For more information, see the Robot Documentation topic in Kofax RPA Help.
2105175In Management Console, the OAuth configuration procedure requires clarification in the Kofax RPA User's Guide and Help.Refer to your service provider documentation on how to generate refresh tokens for OAuth 2.x.
2102641The description of the Email step enhancements requires an update in the Release Notes.Instead of the Open email folder action description please read the following: Open email as HTML: Opens an email as an HTML web page using the Chromium built-in browser. Only email files (.eml) in MIME format are supported.

Fix Pack 2

ID Issue Solution
2036881The description of the Robot Freeze Tree step requires clarification in the Kofax RPA User's Guide and Help.

The Freeze Tree step is supported by built-in Excel functions.

Within a Desktop Automation Service robot workflow, the Freeze Tree step is not supported for use with the following applications:

  • Chromium built-in browser (Browse step)
  • Database (all Database steps)
  • File system (File System Action step)
  • Email (Email step)
  • Terminals (Terminal step)
1996608In the Custom Action step topic, the Connector timeout option requires an update.To set the timeout to a higher value, add the following line: wrapper_java_additional.<nr>=-Dhub.action.connector.second=<timeout>
1970441Information about Kofax RPA naming policy requires an update. Consider the following guidelines when creating names in Management Console and Design Studio.
  • Names must be unique and cannot be duplicated, even if the case is different but the name is the same.
  • During backup, restore, and import operations, case is not considered, resulting in errors for duplicate names with different case letters such as "a.robot" and "A.robot."

    Duplicate names are not allowed, including robots, snippets, types, resources, and database mapping names.

    Duplicate names in parent folders are not allowed, including robots, snippets, types, resources, and database mapping names.

Applies to

This fix pack is a full installation.

You can apply this fix pack to replace any Kofax RPA product version or install it next to the current version without replacing it.

Files included

This fix pack includes the following files.

File name Version
ReadMe-KofaxRPA-.htm N/A

Install this fix pack

To install this fix pack on top of the existing Kofax RPA Management Console database schema, use the following procedure.

  1. Back up your existing installation by creating a Management Console backup.
  2. Install the required components. For details, see the Kofax RPA Installation Guide.
  3. Use the existing database schema when installing the Management Console in Tomcat.

When upgrading from other versions, use the following procedure to install the fix pack.

  1. Back up your existing installation by creating a Management Console backup.
  2. Install the required components. For details, see the Kofax RPA Installation Guide.
  3. In the new Management Console, restore the backup.

Remove this fix pack

This fix pack is a full installation. Follow the standard uninstallation procedure for Windows or Linux applications.