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Converting signature and reference files

Use the SignWareConvert program to convert the format of files containing serialized signatures or references. Unless the behavior is modified by switches, SignWareConvert creates ISO 19794-7:2014 format without CBEFF wrapper.

SignWareConvert is invoked like this:


You can specify one or more input files, wildcard characters "*" and "?" can be used in the last component of an input pathname.

The following switches are used for controlling the input:

Do not try to fix input files. SignWare before version had a couple of bugs in the implementation of ISO 19785-3 and ISO 19794-7 (and those formats have been superseded or deprecated, respectively, in the meantime). SignWareConvert automatically fixes any issues caused by those bugs unless the -d switch is used. Conversion may fail if the -d switch is used.
Ignore extended data in ISO 19794-7 signatures. The device ID, the pad serial number, and (for some formats) the timestamp will be removed.
Use meters instead of millimeters on input. The original version of ISO 19794-7:2007 used meters as units for the X and Y coordinates. Technical Corrigendum for ISO 19794-7:2007 changed the units to millimeters. Use this flag for compatibility with software that implements ISO 19794-7:2007 without Technical Corrigendum 1. This switch takes effect only if the Biometric Data Block is in ISO 19794-7:2007 format (version 1).

The following switches are used for controlling the output:

Output with bug compatibility with SignWare before version
Do not put extended data into ISO 19794-7 signatures. The device ID, the pad serial number, and (for some formats) the timestamp will be removed.
Overwrite existing files. By default, conversion will fail if the output file already exists.
ISO 19794-7 version. ISO_VERSION must be 1.0 (ISO 19794-7:2007 without Technical Corrigendum 1), 1.0tc1 (ISO 19794-7:2007 with Technical Corrigendum 1), or 2.0 (ISO 19794-7:2014). 2.0 is the initial setting.
Output file or directory. If there is exactly one input file, OUTPUT can be the pathname of a existing file (see -f) or a file to be created. Otherwise, OUTPUT must be the pathname of an existing directory. Only the last component of an input pathname will be used for the name of the file to be written in the output directory.
Write SOFTPRO format.
CBEFF (ISO 19785-3:2015) patron format type. CBEFF_TYPE must be "none" (no CBEFF wrapper), 2 (minimum simple byte-oriented patron format), 3 (maximum simple patron format (byte oriented) using presence bitmap), or 6 (complex patron format). The initial setting is "none".
Mirror signatures vertically.

Other switches:

End of switches, the next argument is the first input pathname. Use this switch if an input pathname starts with "-".
Be quiet. No output except for error messages. See also -v. By default, only the input and output pathnames are displayed.
Be verbose. Describe every step. See also -q. By default, only the input and output pathnames are displayed.
Stop on error. By default, conversion continues with the next input file if a conversion fails.

Only the -o switch is required. Unicode pathnames that are not representable as ANSI pathnames are not supported under Windows.