Error numbers
Numerical sorted list of errors. Please note that the method SPSignwareGetErrorString also converts an error number to a readable string.
- 0 SP_NOERR, the function returned successfully
- -1 SP_PARAMERR, an illegal parameter was submitted
- -2 SP_CLASSERR, a java class could not be found / resolved
- -3 SP_METHODERR, a java method could not be found / resolved
- -4 SP_FIELDERR, a java field could not be found / resolved
- -5 SP_UNSUPPORTEDERR, a feature is not supported
- -6 SP_MEMERR, memory could not be allocated, out of memory
- -7 SP_STATICERR, an error occured in the static verification engine
- -8 SP_INTERR, an internal error occured, an exception was caught
- -11 SP_CRYPTERR, a flatfile could not be en/decrypted
- -12 SP_SICERR, an error occured in module SicProper (gray image cleaning)
- -13 SP_SICPROPERR, an error occured in module SicProper (gray image cleaning)
- -14 SP_BUFFERERR, the provided buffer is too small
- -15 SP_CORRUPTEDDATAERR, the provided data is corrupted
- -16 SP_VERSIONERR, the version of submodules does not match
- -17 SP_OPENERR, cannot open file, file does not exist
- -18 SP_CREATEERR, cannot create a file
- -19 SP_QUEUEERR, a queue could not be created or accessed
- -20 SP_DIBERR, an error occured processing a device independant bitmap
- -21 SP_COMMERR, an interprocess communication request failed
- -22 SP_TWAINERR, an error occured accessing a twain compatible source
- -23 SP_CANCELERR, the function was cancelled by the user
- -24 SP_APPLERR, the feature is not available in this session state
- -25 SP_BUSYERR, a subsystem is busy
- -26 SP_FILEERR, a file IO error occured
- -27 SP_DYNAMICERR, an error occured in the dynamic verification engine
- -28 SP_NOPADERR, no pad is accessible, not driver / tablet installed
- -29 SP_LINKLIBRARYERR, a submodule is not accessible or loadable
- -30 SP_NOPAPERERR, a twain source has no paper
- -31 SP_OFFLINEERR, a twain source is offline
- -32 SP_SMARTCARDERR, a smartcard driver returned an error
- -33 SP_CHECKSUMERR, cannot access a smartcard, wrong PIN or corrupted data
- -34 SP_LICENSEERR, there is no license to perform the requested feature
- -35 SP_INVALIDERR, invalid method / value
- -38 SP_IDENTICERR, signature and reference are identical
- -39 SP_GRAPHICERR, an error occured in the graphics subsystem
- -40 SP_TIMEOUTERR, a timeout error occured