Click or drag to resize

AnnotationData Events

The AnnotationData type exposes the following members.

Public eventAnnotationControllerNotification
Raised after a property has been changed.
Public eventCanMirrorChanged
Raised when the CanMirror property is changed.
Public eventCanMoveChanged
Raised when the CanMove property is changed.
Public eventCanResizeChanged
Raised when the CanResize property has changed.
Public eventCanRotateChanged
Raised when the CanRotate property has changed.
Public eventCanSelectChanged
Raised when the CanSelect property has changed.
Public eventCreationTimeChanged
Raised when the CreationTime property has changed.
Public eventLocationChanged
Raised when the Location property has changed.
Public eventMirrored
Raised when the annotation is mirrored, either by the user dragging a grip across its opposite or when the Mirror method is called.
Public eventModifiedTimeChanged
Raised when the ModifiedTime property has changed.
Public eventNameChanged
Raised when the Name property has changed.
Public eventPropertyChanged
Raised when a property value has changed.
Public eventPropertyChanging
Raised before a property is changed.
Public eventRotationChanged
Raised when the Rotation property has changed.
Public eventSecurityChanged
Raised when the Security property has changed.
Public eventSizeChanged
Raised when the Size property has changed.
Public eventStateChanged
This event is raised when the State property value has changed.
Public eventTooltipChanged
Raised when the ToolTip property has changed.
Public eventTransformChanged
Raised when the Transform property has changed.
Public eventUserNameChanged
This event is raised when the UserName property has changed.
Public eventVisibleChanged
Raised when the Visible property has changed.
See Also