Click or drag to resize

AnnotationController Events

The AnnotationController type exposes the following members.

Public eventAnnotationCreated
Raised when an annotation is created by the user.
Public eventAnnotationDeserialization
Raised when an object is deserialized to allow developers to cancel or modify the object before its added into the controller.
Public eventClick
Raised when an annotation is clicked with the mouse.
Public eventCurrentLayerChanged
Raised when the CurrentLayer property has changed.
Public eventDisposed
Raised when the AnnotationController has been disposed.
Public eventDoubleClick
Raised when an annotation is double-clicked by the user.
Public eventHotSpotClicked
Raised when a hot spot annotation is clicked.
Public eventMoved
Raised when an annotation is moved.
Public eventMoving
Raised while an annotation is being moved.
Public eventResized
Raised when an annotation is resized.
Public eventResizing
Raised while an annotation is being resized.
Public eventRotated
Raised when an annotation is rotated by the user.
Public eventRotating
Raised while an annotation is being rotated by the user.
Public eventSelectionChanged
Raise when there has been a change in the annotation selection.
See Also