Click or drag to resize

LayerAnnotation Events

The LayerAnnotation type exposes the following members.

Public eventAnnotationControllerNotification
Raised after a property value has been changed.
(Inherited from AnnotationUI.)
Public eventChildAnnotationPropertyChanged
This event is raised when a property of an annotation contained in the layer has been changed.
Public eventClick
Raised when the annotation has been clicked with the mouse.
(Inherited from AnnotationUI.)
Public eventDoubleClick
Raised when the annotation has been double-clicked with the mouse.
(Inherited from AnnotationUI.)
Public eventGripPositionChanged
Raised when a grip for the annotation has been moved.
(Inherited from AnnotationUI.)
Public eventMouseDown
Raised when a mouse button is pressed while on top of the annotation.
(Inherited from AnnotationUI.)
Public eventMouseEnter
Raised when the mouse enters the annotation region.
(Inherited from AnnotationUI.)
Public eventMouseExit
Raised when the mouse exists the annotation region.
(Inherited from AnnotationUI.)
Public eventMouseMove
Raised when the mouse is moved over the annotation.
(Inherited from AnnotationUI.)
Public eventMouseUp
Raised when the mouse button is released from an annotation.
(Inherited from AnnotationUI.)
Public eventMoved
Raised when the annotation has been moved.
(Inherited from AnnotationUI.)
Public eventMoving
Raised while the annotation is being moved.
(Inherited from AnnotationUI.)
Public eventPropertyChanged
Raised when a property value has changed.
(Inherited from AnnotationUI.)
Public eventPropertyChanging
Raised when a property of the annotation or AnnotationData is going to be changed.
(Inherited from AnnotationUI.)
Public eventResized
Raised when the annotation has been resized.
(Inherited from AnnotationUI.)
Public eventResizing
Raised while the annotation is being resized.
(Inherited from AnnotationUI.)
Public eventRotated
Raised after the annotation has been rotated by the user.
(Inherited from AnnotationUI.)
Public eventRotating
Raise while an annotation is being rotated.
(Inherited from AnnotationUI.)
Public eventSelectedChanged
Raised when the Selected property changes.
(Inherited from AnnotationUI.)
See Also