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OcrEngine Events

The OcrEngine type exposes the following members.

Public eventDocumentProgress
This event is used to publish progress made in recognition of a set of images.
Public eventImageIntroduction
This event is raised before ImageTransformation in order to allow the document to be pre-processed prior to deskew.
Public eventImageSendOff
This event is raised before the OCR process starts, and after ImageTransformation for OCR pre-processing.
Public eventImageTransformation
This event is raised just after the image is deskewed and before ImageSendOff is raised.
Public eventPageConstructed
This event is used to publish the page that has just been constructed.
Public eventPageConstructing
This event is used to publish the page that is in the process of being populated.
Public eventPageLocation
This event is used to publish OcrRegions that have been identified within an image.
Public eventPageProgress
This event is used to publish progress made in the recognition of a page.
See Also