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WpfCalloutAnnotation Fields

The WpfCalloutAnnotation type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberAlignmentProperty
Identifies the Alignment dependency property.
Public fieldStatic memberAllowEditingProperty
Identifies the AllowEditing dependency property.
Public fieldStatic memberCanEditMirroredProperty
Identifies the CanEditMirrored dependency property.
Public fieldStatic memberCanEditRotatedProperty
Identifies the CanEditRotated dependency property.
Public fieldStatic memberEditModeProperty
Identifies the EditMode dependency property.
Public fieldStatic memberFontBrushProperty
Identifies the FontBrush dependency property.
Public fieldStatic memberFontProperty
Identifies the Font dependency property.
Public fieldStatic memberLeaderFlatLengthProperty
Identifies the LeaderFlatLength dependency property.
Public fieldStatic memberLeaderProperty
Identifies the Leader dependency property.
Public fieldStatic memberLineAlignmentProperty
Identifies the LineAlignment dependency property.
Public fieldStatic memberPaddingProperty
Identifies the Padding dependency property.
Public fieldStatic memberTargetPositionProperty
Identifies the TargetPosition dependency property.
Public fieldStatic memberTextProperty
Identifies the Text dependency property.
See Also