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MimeType Fields

The ContentStreamMimeType type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberBmp
For an image/bmp MIME type use this.
Public fieldStatic memberDoc
For an application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document MIME type use this.
Public fieldStatic memberGif
For an image/gif MIME type use this.
Public fieldStatic memberJpeg
For an image/jpeg MIME type use this.
Public fieldStatic memberPdf
For an application/pdf MIME type use this.
Public fieldStatic memberPng
For an image/png MIME type use this.
Public fieldStatic memberPpt
For an application/ MIME type use this.
Public fieldStatic memberRtf
For an application/rtf MIME type use this.
Public fieldStatic memberText
For an text/plain MIME type use this.
Public fieldStatic memberTiff
For an image/tiff MIME type use this.
See Also