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AtalaImageGetGraphics Method

Returns a System.Drawing.Graphics object allowing GDI+ operations to draw onto this AtalaImage.

Namespace:  Atalasoft.Imaging
Assembly:  Atalasoft.dotImage (in Atalasoft.dotImage.dll) Version: (.NET 4.5.2, x86)
public Graphics GetGraphics()

Return Value

Type: Graphics
A System.Drawing.Graphics object allowing GDI+ operations to draw onto this AtalaImage.
Thrown by the .NET Framework if the Graphics object does not support an image of the source AtalaImage PixelFormat.
Thrown if the PixelFormat of this AtalaImage is not supported by a System.Drawing.Bitmap.
A Graphics object can only be obtained with PixelFormats that support GDI+ drawing such as 24-bit RGB and 32-bit RGBA.
See Also