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TiffDecoderGetTiffTag Method (Int32, String, Int32)

Gets a TIFF Tag from a TIFF file.

Namespace:  Atalasoft.Imaging.Codec
Assembly:  Atalasoft.dotImage (in Atalasoft.dotImage.dll) Version: (.NET 4.5.2, x86)
public static TiffTag GetTiffTag(
	int tagID,
	string fileName,
	int frameIndex


Type: SystemInt32
The tag ID to retrieve data from.
Type: SystemString
The TIFF filename
Type: SystemInt32
The zero based frame index of the page to query.

Return Value

Type: TiffTag
Returns a TiffTag object containing the tag data, or null if the tag does not exist in the image.

Return Value

Type: TiffTag
Returns a TiffTag object containing the tag data, or null if the tag does not exist in the image.

Information stored in a TIFF file can be obtained with this method. A TiffTag is class containing the object data, data type, and tag id. The data is typically a string value.

Not all TIFF Tags are currently supported. See TIFF Tags for a list of supported tags.

This method can be used to obtain WANG Annotations data saved as TagID 32932.

For more comprehensive TIFF Tag handling, see the "/> for a list of supported tags.

This method can be used to obtain WANG Annotations data saved as TagID 32932.

For more comprehensive TIFF Tag handling, see the TiffFile class in the Atalasoft.dotImage assembly.

See Also