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WorkspaceSave Method (String, ImageEncoder, Int32)

Writes the current %AtalaImage% or %ImageCollection% to a file specifying the ImageEncoder to use to encode the image and the image index in the collection to save.

Namespace:  Atalasoft.Imaging
Assembly:  Atalasoft.dotImage (in Atalasoft.dotImage.dll) Version: (.NET 4.5.2, x86)
public void Save(
	string fileName,
	ImageEncoder encoder,
	int frameIndex


Type: SystemString
The filename to save the current image to.
Type: Atalasoft.Imaging.CodecImageEncoder
The ImageEncoder which will be used to encode the image.
Type: SystemInt32
The index in the ImageCollection to save.

This method can be used to save an image to an FTP server. If the fileName is pointing to an FTP server, you may need to include the username and password in the URL to allow the file to be saved.

Saving an image with this method when the Workspace is in synchronous mode will add this operation to the ProcessQueue and save Asynchronously.

Saving an image with this method when the Workspace is in %Asynchronous% mode will add this operation to the %ProcessQueue% and save Asynchronously.
See Also