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PdfAnnotationIdentifier Constructor (Int32, Int32)

Initializes a new instance of the PdfAnnotationIdentifier class as a reference to an annotation.

Namespace:  Atalasoft.PdfDoc.Actions
Assembly:  Atalasoft.PdfDoc (in Atalasoft.PdfDoc.dll) Version: (.NET 4.5.2, x86)
public PdfAnnotationIdentifier(
	int pageIndex,
	int annotationIndex


Type: SystemInt32
Zero-based index of the PdfGeneratedPage that holds the annotation.
Type: SystemInt32
Index of the annotation within the Annotations collection.
The page index should be a zero-based index of a page, although the page does not need to exist in the document collection until the document is saved. The annotation index should be a zero-based index of an annotation in a pages annotation collection, althogh the annotation does not need to exist until the document is saved.
Given a PdfAnnotationIdentifier that refers to an annotation, the annotation could be found with the following code:
// note - the PageIndex and AnnotationIndex values need to be in range
BaseAnnotation annot = ((PdfGeneratedPage)doc.Pages[annotIdentifier.PageIndex]).Annotations[annotIdentidifier.AnnotationIndex];
See Also