Click or drag to resize

PolygonData Methods

The PolygonData type exposes the following members.

Protected methodCalculateAnnotationBounds(AnnotationPen, AnnotationBrush, PointF)
This method will calculate the bounding rectangle without applying the annotation transforms.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodCalculateAnnotationBounds(RectangleF, AnnotationPen, AnnotationBrush, PointF)
This method will calculate the bounding rectangle without applying the annotation transforms.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodCalculateBounds(AnnotationPen, AnnotationBrush, PointF)
This method will calculate the bounding rectangle for the annotation, taking the pen width, shadow and annotation transforms into account.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodCalculateBounds(RectangleF, AnnotationPen, AnnotationBrush, PointF)
This method will add the annotation pen width, shadow and transforms to the provided rectangle bounds.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodCalculateBounds(AnnotationPen, AnnotationBrush, PointF, Boolean, Boolean)
Calculates the bounding rectangle for the annotation.
(Inherited from PointBaseData.)
Public methodClone
Creates a copy of the PolygonData.
(Overrides AnnotationDataClone.)
Protected methodCloneBaseData
Fills the data object with cloned property values.
(Overrides PointBaseDataCloneBaseData(AnnotationData).)
Protected methodCloneBaseDataFrom
Clones the base data from.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public methodDispose
Releases resources used by the annotation.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Called to release resources used by the annotation.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public methodEquals
Determines if another PolygonData object has the same property settings.
(Overrides AnnotationDataEquals(Object).)
Protected methodFinalize
Finalizes an instance of the AnnotationData class.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public methodGetAllExtraProperties
Returns a Dictionary containing the key value pairs for extra properties.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public methodGetExtraProperty
Returns the value stored with SetExtraProperty(String, String).
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Overrides AnnotationDataGetHashCode.)
Protected methodGetLineCapBounds
Called to get the rectangle bounds of the line cap used in an AnnotationLineCap.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public methodGetObjectData
Fills the SerializationInfo object will PolygonData information.
(Overrides PointBaseDataGetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext).)
Public methodGetPointBounds
Gets a bounding rectangle which includes all of the Points
(Inherited from PointBaseData.)
Public methodGetRenderTransform
Returns a System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix containing the matrices applied to the annotation.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMirror
Flips (mirrors) the annotation horizontally or vertically.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodOnAnnotationControllerNotification
Called after a property value has been changed.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodOnCanMirrorChanged
Called when the CanMirror property value has changed.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodOnCanMoveChanged
Called when the CanMove property value has changed.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodOnCanResizeChanged
Called when the CanResize property has changed.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodOnCanRotateChanged
Called when the CanRotate property value has changed.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodOnCanSelectChanged
Called when the CanSelect property value has changed.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodOnCreationTimeChanged
Called when the CreationTime property value has changed.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodOnLocationChanged
Called when the Location property value has changed.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodOnMirrored
Called when the annotation has been mirrored.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodOnModifiedTimeChanged
Called when the ModifiedTime property has changed.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodOnNameChanged
Called when the Name property has changed.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodOnPropertyChanged
Called when a property has been changed and raises the PropertyChanged event.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodOnPropertyChanging (Overrides AnnotationDataOnPropertyChanging(AnnotationPropertyChangingEventArgs).)
Protected methodOnRotationChanged
Called when the Rotation property has changed.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodOnSecurityChanged
Called when the Security property has changed.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodOnSizeChanged
Called when the Size property has changed.
(Inherited from PointBaseData.)
Protected methodOnStateChanged
Called when the State property has changed and raises the StateChanged event.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodOnTooltipChanged
Called when the ToolTip property has changed.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodOnTransformChanged
Called when the Transform property has changed.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodOnUserNameChanged
Called when the UserName property has changed and raises the UserNameChanged event.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodOnVisibleChanged
Called when the Visible property has changed.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodRemoveBrushEvents
This is a helper method to remove the PropertyChanging and AnnotationControllerNotification event handlers for an AnnotationBrush.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodRemoveFontEvents
This is a helper method to remove the PropertyChanging and AnnotationControllerNotification event handlers for an AnnotationFont.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodRemovePenEvents
This is a helper method to remove the PropertyChanging and AnnotationControllerNotification event handlers for an AnnotationPen.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodRemoveSecurityEvents
This is a helper method to remove the PropertyChanging and AnnotationControllerNotification event handlers for an IAnnotationLock.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public methodRotate
Applies rotation to the annotation from its current rotation amount.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodSetBrushEvents
This is a helper method used to set event handlers for the PropertyChanging and AnnotationControllerNotification event handlers in an AnnotationBrush.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public methodSetExtraProperty
Sets a custom value within an annotation that can be retrieved using GetExtraProperty(String).
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodSetFontEvents
This is a helper method used to set event handlers for the PropertyChanging and AnnotationControllerNotification event handlers in an AnnotationFont.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodSetPenEvents
This is a helper method used to set event handlers for the PropertyChanging and AnnotationControllerNotification event handlers in an AnnotationPen.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Protected methodSetSecurityEvents
This is a helper method used to set event handlers for the PropertyChanging and AnnotationControllerNotification event handlers in an IAnnotationLock.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also