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GlobalAllocPixelMemory Methods

The GlobalAllocPixelMemory type exposes the following members.

Public methodAcquirePixelAccessor
Returns an object that inherits from PixelAccessor that is used to get to an image's pixel data.
(Inherited from PixelMemory.)
Protected methodAllocateMemory
Allocates memory for this PixelMemory object and reports it for tracking.
(Inherited from ResidentPixelMemory.)
Public methodClone
Creates a deep copy of this image and its memory.
(Inherited from PixelMemory.)
Public methodDispose
Disposes this PixelMemory and all its managed and unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from PixelMemory.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Disposes this PixelMemory and all its managed and unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from PixelMemory.)
Protected methodDisposeManagedResources
Disposes any unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from ResidentPixelMemory.)
Protected methodDisposeUnmanagedResources
Disposes the memory used by this object.
(Inherited from ResidentPixelMemory.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Finalizes an instance of the PixelMemory class.
(Inherited from PixelMemory.)
Protected methodFreeMemory
Frees memory.
(Inherited from ResidentPixelMemory.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetScanLinePtr
Gets a pointer to the a given scanline.
(Inherited from ResidentPixelMemory.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodLLAllocateMemory(Int32, Boolean) Obsolete.
Allocates memory using GlobalAlloc.
(Overrides ResidentPixelMemoryLLAllocateMemory(Int32, Boolean).)
Protected methodLLAllocateMemory(Int64, Boolean)
Subclasses of ResidentPixelMemory implement this method to allocate memory.
(Overrides ResidentPixelMemoryLLAllocateMemory(Int64, Boolean).)
Protected methodLLClone
Creates a deep copy of this object.
(Overrides PixelMemoryLLClone.)
Protected methodLLFreeMemory
Frees the memory occupied by this object using GlobalFree.
(Overrides ResidentPixelMemoryLLFreeMemory(IntPtr).)
Protected methodLLGetHeight
Returns the height of the image.
(Inherited from ResidentPixelMemory.)
Protected methodLLGetPixelAccessor
Returns a suitable PixelAccesor object for this PixelMemory.
(Inherited from ResidentPixelMemory.)
Protected methodLLGetRowStride
Returns the size of a scanline in bytes, rounded up to the next multiple of 4.
(Inherited from ResidentPixelMemory.)
Protected methodLLLock
Subclasses of PixelMemory implement this method to lock the memory.
(Inherited from PixelMemory.)
Protected methodLLUnlock
Subclasses of PixelMemory implement this method to unlock the memory.
(Inherited from PixelMemory.)
Public methodLock
Locks this instance of PixelMemory. For memory objects that are movable, this will prevent the PixelMemory from moving. Client code rarely needs to use this method.
(Inherited from PixelMemory.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodRerportMemoryAllocated
Rerports that memory was allocated.
(Inherited from ResidentPixelMemory.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCode exampleUnlock (Inherited from PixelMemory.)
See Also