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IOcrLineAccessor Methods

The IOcrLineAccessor type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetConfidenceAt
Get the confidence of recognition at a particular point in a line of text.
Public methodGetFontAt
Get the Font of a glyph at a particular point in a line of text.
Public methodGetFontColorAt
Returns the color of the glyph at the position in a line of text.
Public methodGetFontFamilyAt
Get the FontFamily at a particular point in a line of text.
Public methodGetFontNameAt
Returns the name of the font used for the glyph at the specified position in the line.
Public methodGetFontSizeAt
Get the font size of a glyph at a particular point in a line of text.
Public methodGetFontStyleAt
This property represents the FontStyle of a glyph at a particular point in a line.
Public methodStyleIsUniform
Check to see if the font and style are uniform across this line of text.
See Also