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PdfAnnotationDataExporterExport Method

Exports annotations from a given source stream to a given destination stream.
Exports annotations from a given source stream to a given destination stream.
Overload List
Public methodExport(PdfDocument, Stream, AnnotationUnit, Dpi, AnnotationDataCollection)
Saves the Pdf file into destStream with exported annotations layers.
Public methodExport(Stream, Stream, SizeF, AnnotationUnit, Dpi, AnnotationDataCollection)
Exports a multiple pages of annotations to a given stream.
(Inherited from AnnotationDataExporter.)
Public methodExport(Stream, Stream, SizeF, AnnotationUnit, Dpi, LayerData, Int32)
Exports a single page of annotations to a given stream.
(Inherited from AnnotationDataExporter.)
Public methodExport(PdfDocument, Stream, AnnotationUnit, Dpi, AnnotationDataCollection, SecureString, SecureString)
Saves the Pdf file into destStream with exported annotations layers.
Public methodExport(Stream, Stream, SizeF, AnnotationUnit, Dpi, AnnotationDataCollection, SecureString, SecureString)
Exports a multiple pages of annotations to a given stream.
Public methodExport(Stream, Stream, SizeF, AnnotationUnit, Dpi, LayerData, Int32, SecureString, SecureString)
Exports a single page of annotations to a given stream.
See Also