Click or drag to resize

WpfAnnotationCanvasCreateVisual Method

These methods are used to create a Visual of the annotations.
Overload List
Public methodCode exampleCreateVisual
Returns a Visual object of the annotations. This is useful for printing annotations or saving them to XPS documents.
Public methodCode exampleCreateVisual(BitmapSource)
Returns a Visual object of the annotations and optional source image using the specified parameters. This is useful for printing annotations or saving them to XPS documents.
Public methodCode exampleCreateVisual(BitmapSource, Size, WpfVisualScaleMode, Thickness)
Returns a Visual object of the annotations and optional source image using the specified parameters. This is useful for printing annotations or saving them to XPS documents.
Public methodCode exampleCreateVisual(WpfAnnotationUICollection, BitmapSource, Size, WpfVisualScaleMode, Thickness)
Returns a Visual object of the specified annotations and optional source image using the specified parameters. This is useful for printing annotations or saving them to XPS documents.
See Also