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WpfRectangleAnnotation Constructor

Overload List
Public methodWpfRectangleAnnotation
Creates a new instance of WpfRectangleAnnotation using default values.
Public methodWpfRectangleAnnotation(RectangleData)
Creates a new instance of WpfRectangleAnnotation from an RectangleData object.
Public methodWpfRectangleAnnotation(Rect, AnnotationBrush, AnnotationPen)
Creates a new instance of WpfRectangleAnnotation specifying its bounding rectangle, fill and outline.
Public methodWpfRectangleAnnotation(Rect, AnnotationBrush, AnnotationPen, AnnotationBrush, Point)
Creates a new instance of WpfRectangleAnnotation specifying its properties.
See Also