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AtalaImage Constructor

Creates a new instance of AtalaImage.
Overload List
Public methodAtalaImage
Initializes a new instance of the AtalaImage class.
Public methodAtalaImage(Stream)
Initialize a new instance of a AtalaImage class specifying a Stream.
Public methodAtalaImage(String)
Initialize a new instance of a AtalaImage class specifying the file of the image to open.
Public methodAtalaImage(Stream, ProgressEventHandler)
Initialize a new instance of a %AtalaImage% class specifying a Stream and a progress delegate.
Protected methodAtalaImage(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)
Creates an instance of an AtalaImage, with serialization info.
Public methodAtalaImage(String, ProgressEventHandler)
Initialize a new instance of a AtalaImage class specifying the file of the image to open.
Public methodAtalaImage(Int32, Int32, PixelFormat)
Initialize a new instance of the AtalaImage class specifying the Width, Height, and PixelFormat.
Public methodAtalaImage(Stream, Int32, ProgressEventHandler)
Initialize a new instance of an AtalaImage class specifying an image Stream and a page index to decode.
Public methodAtalaImage(String, Int32, ProgressEventHandler)
Initialize a new instance of an AtalaImage class specifying an image file and a page index to decode.
Public methodAtalaImage(Int32, Int32, PixelFormat, Byte)
Initializes a new instance of the AtalaImage class.
Public methodAtalaImage(Int32, Int32, PixelFormat, Color)
Initialize a new instance of the AtalaImage class specifying the Width, Height, PixelFormat, and Color to initialize the image background to.
Public methodAtalaImage(IntPtr, Int32, Int32, PixelFormat)

Initialize a new instance of the %AtalaImage% class specifying the image pointer, Width, Height, and PixelFormat.

This method is obsolete. Please use the constructor that takes a PixelMemory object instead.

Public methodAtalaImage(Stream, Int32, ImageDecoder, ProgressEventHandler)
Initialize a new instance of an AtalaImage class specifying a Stream, ImageDecoder to use for decoding the image, and a progress delegate.
Public methodAtalaImage(PixelMemory, Int32, Int32, PixelFormat)
Initialize a new instance of the %AtalaImage% class specifying the PixelMemory, Width, Height, and PixelFormat.
See Also