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DicomImageGetAtalaImage Method

Transforms the DicomImage into a possible new AtalaImage.
Overload List
Public methodGetAtalaImage
Transforms the DicomImage into a new AtalaImage object.
Public methodGetAtalaImage(AtalaImage)
Transforms the DicomImage into the supplied AtalaImage object.
Public methodGetAtalaImage(Int32, Int32)
Allocates a new AtalaImage object and transforms the DicomImage data into it using the window and leveling values.
Public methodGetAtalaImage(AtalaImage, Int32, Int32)
Transforms the DicomImage into the given AtalaImage, applying the window and leveling.
The variants of this method that take an AtalaImage as an argument write directly into the AtalaImage. This will be more efficient that repeatedly allocating new AtalaImage objects if the transformations need to be done several times.
See Also